Monday, March 11, 2013


Well, thanks for a fun session - at least, I hope everyone had fun.Please feel free to offer DM critique.The party defeated a Grey Render (CR 8), two waves of Drow soldiers (CR 8and 9), a Megaraptor (CR 6), three Drow assassins (CR 6), and a pair ofMegaraptors (CR 8). I am also awarding 1200 experiance (a CR 4) each forfinding out the Drow are cooperating with the Yuan-Ti and that they haveemptied out Engel. Total is thus 28000 XP, or 4000 each, just enough tolevel. (OK, I admit it, I added the last 1200 when I realized how close wewere to 5th level.)Stuff captured (listing stuff that might be sold or just grabbed aspotentially useful):Magic:Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Elvenkind, Periapt of Wisdom (+2), Pearl ofPower I, Ring of Protection +1, Scroll of Dispel Magic, 8 Type I potions,8 Type II potions, 11 Type III potions, 3 Type IV potions, 3 Type VpotionsMasterwork:Mithral Shirt, 2 Mighty Composite Longbows (STR 14), 3 short swordsNormal:4 Darkwood shields, 2 Mithral shirts, 18 mighty composite longbows (STR14), 18 short swords, 3 light crossbows, 3 daggers, Spell Component Pouch,2 longswords, 3 small steel mirrors, 3 sets of Thieve's tools, 3 climber'skits, 230g in coins, various minor stuff, a little already grabbed (ropeand such).BTW, the total value of the potions will turn out to be about 4,000g.Pseudo-game: as the Duke and Ranos are arming for war, weapons and armorcan probably be sold for almost full value - say 90% base - direct to theDuke. The Duke should also grant monetary or equipment rewards for theinfo thus far gained (after all, "great rewards" were promised).Gridley believes that we should send off our second Quaal's with info onEngel and the river defenses, plus the wandering giant lizards, and headback. After all, we don't KNOW that the Quaal's made it through, and wehave important info. Plus, going back will give us a chance to re equipourselves, and the Duke may have his own ideas about what he wants us todo next. "And a time for every purpose under Heaven." James David Rene Raskob (a.k.a. 452)Gridley, signing off.


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