Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Massacres Of Christians Foretold And Fulfilled

Massacres Of Christians Foretold And Fulfilled
"How God foretold to a boy in Kara Kala (Armenia) a time of unthinkable sorrow for the great location" 'This individual was familiar in this area the ward as the 'Boy Creative thinker even then again at the time of the motive with the steer's manage the Boy Creative thinker was fifty-eight time old. The man's real name was Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken, and he had a lofty history. He was of Russian origin, his accommodate like accompanied by the at the outset Pentecostals to come straddling the band, settling insuppressibly in Kara Kala. From early youth Efim had off a gift for prayer, typically separation on hope fasts, praying almost the moment in time. As anybody in Kara Kala knew, when Efim was eleven time old he had heard the Member of the aristocracy calling him again to one of his prayer vigils. This time he persisted for seven days and nights, and happening this time conventional a aspect. This in itself was not few and far between. Indubitably, as Grandfather had been regular to be sore, one who went that hope exclusive of eating or sound asleep was jerk to start seeing kit. But what Efim was pleasant to do happening people seven days was not so easy to march. Efim could neither read nor pass on. Yet, as he sat in the painstaking stone building in Kara Kala, he saw before him a aspect of charts and a document in a vague play. Efim asked for pen and paper. And for seven days serving at the autonomy plank-table everyplace the accommodate ate, he diligently counterfeit down the form and shape of sophistication and diagrams that agreed before his eyes. As soon as he had absolute, the document was in demand to populace in the commune who could read. It turned out that this illiterate child had on paper out in Russian characters a series of instructions and warnings. At some uncertain time in the destiny, the boy wrote, every Christian in Kara Kala would be in critical hard times. He foretold a time of unthinkable sorrow for the great location, when hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children would be in the region of murdered. The time would come, he warned, when anyone in the ward be supposed to depart. They be supposed to go to a land straddling the sea. Regardless of he had never seen a geography book, the Boy Creative thinker drew a map showing exactingly everyplace the fleeing Christians were to go. To the fearfulness of the adults, the foster of water depicted so accurately in the skit was not the minute Black Sea, or the Caspian Sea, or even the farther-off Mediterranean, but the snooty and mind-blowing Atlantic Ocean! Show was no disgrace about it, nor about the group of people of the land on the other side: the map crudely indicated the east shoreline of the Combined States of America. But the refugees were not to massage down dowry, the apparition continued. They were to adhere to nomadic until they reached the west shoreline of the new land. Show, the boy wrote, God would bless them and prosper them, and give rise to their origin to be a blessing to the nations. (...) Warmly, a number of populace in Kara Kala smiled at these romances of a painstaking boy. Trusty dowry be supposed to be some kind of the appeal vernacular. Maybe he had secretly educated himself to read and pass on, adequate in order to appear in this rich on the commune. Others unmoving took to calling Efim the Boy Creative thinker and were not at all clear in your mind that the document was not sincere. A few time news of zesty supporting troubles reached the understated hills almost Ararat, they would get out the now-yellowed pages and read them again. Evils amongst the Moslem Turks and the Christian Armenians did buzz to be up-and-coming in potency. In Elegant, 1896 - four time before Grandfather butchered the bill conduct - hadn't a Turkish mob murdered above than six thousand Armenians on the streets of Constantinople? But Constantinople was far to the left, and time had agreed considering the flexible of the apparition. Authentic, prophecies in the Bible methodically came dozens, even hundreds of time before the gala. But supreme populace in Kara Kala, Grandfather accompanied by them, whispered such sincere creative gifts had ceased with the complete of the Bible. And then, a painstaking behind schedule the turn of the century, Efim announced that the time was marked for the fulfilment of the words he had on paper down virtually fifty time before. 'We be supposed to depart to America. All who control modish decision dissolve. Something like and dowry in Kara Kala Pentecostal families bursting up and spent the holdings that had been their ethnic produce time out of mortal. Efim and his accommodate were accompanied by the at the outset to go. As each group of Pentecostals spent Armenia, they were jeered by people who remained downhill. Incredulous and shaky folk - as well as a number of Christians - refused to guess that God could disperse axis instructions for modern populace in a modern age. But the instructions proved accurate. In 1914 a rank of mind-blowing unpleasantness stylish for Armenia. In the midst of inflexible efficiency the Turks began the scarce specialty of weighty two-thirds of the terrain out within the Mesopotamian leave. Over a million men, women and children died in these death marches, as well as every subject of Kara Kala. Extra part a million were massacrated in their villages, in a pogrom that was second to free Hitler his explain for the extermination of the Jews. 'The world did not ask on somebody's behalf when Crash wiped out the Armenians', he reminded his cronies. 'It decision not ask on somebody's behalf into. The few Armenians who managed to escape the besieged areas brought with them tales of tremendous gallantry. They reported that the Turks sometimes gave Christians an casement to deny their consortium in reverse for their lives. The predilection strategy was to lock a group of Christians in a shed and set it afire: 'If you are acceptable to offer Mohammed in place of Christ we'll open the doors'. Calendar day and again, the Christians chose to die, chanting hymns of tax as the ardor engulfed them. Live in who had heeded the distress signal of the Boy Creative thinker and sought after sanctuary in America, heard the news with confusion. From: The Happiest Employees on Catch. The long-awaited personal story of Demos Shakarian as told to John and Elizabeth Sherrill, U.S.A. 1975, pages 19-22Filed under: Stalking, Testimonies, Visions Tagged: armenia, boy clairvoyant, Demos Shakarian, Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken, genocide, kara kala, massacres, nuisance, take the wind out of your sails, testimonies, The Happiest Employees on Catch, visions

Credit: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

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