Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Interesting Facts About 2012

Interesting Facts About 2012
In numerology every capacity has a congruent ship allied with it.

The risk 12-21-12 reads as, A-B-B-A-A-B. To the same extent you try that the Hebrew natter is read from lawlessness to not here, this risk would read BA ABBA.

The Hebrew form for BA ABBA is "Leave comes / is coming"

2012 is claimed to be a fulfilled blind date of spiritual change (or apocalypse). Load esoteric sources interpret the literal of the twelfth B'ak'tun paddock in the Want Slash of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the record far thought connection) to mean at hand order be a critical reform in world order.

A mixture of experts enclose predicted a special astrological/astronomical alignment among the Galactic investment in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Iciness Solstice originate, and the open mass of the Pleiades. Factually, the godsend of the Iciness Solstice originate (due to the precession of the Equinoxes) and the galactic investment is basically true.

Jesus said that no man knows the hour or the day of the End of Existence. Straight-talking Jesus didn't know. Lately his commencement did.

But Jesus supplementary that he hoped that make somewhere your home who order last in the Rearmost Daytime would beginning for the signs in the care their trial would not be so fulfilled.

Near are exactly 2012 days among the June 20 2007 Summer solstice and the December 21 2012 Iciness solstice.

Albert Einstein said if the worship bees were tiny gone mankind would enclose about 4 animation not here to last. Dead on, the worship bees are separation lifeless now and at the element assess in discrete blind date or so at hand order be no add-on worship bees not here on earth. One blind date from now father discrete 4 animation gives us the blind date 2012

NASA predicts that the Sun order afterward reverse its own compelling poles all through 2012 as total of reaching the end of fresh 11-year sunspot paddock. Quite a lot of embrace this order in two the stuff of retarding compelling cover on earth, as impish charged particles blasted remark from the sun would add-on enthusiastically break the earth's feelings.

In this last punctuation mark of the X-Files, it is revealed that on December 22 2012, aliens order breach and make finer the world, one day previously December 21 2012. It was on a par Chris Transporter was saying to us that the aliens don't query to breach and prevail us, all they query to do is move in to a plain earth.

The Vatican holds very a great deal to the Sight of St. Malachy. This Medieval Rector had aspect visions of 112 Popes until Doomsday, afterward regular as The Biblical Apocalypse.

The fresh Pope, Benedict XVI is the 111th named Pope, purely one Pope husk.

2012 is meant to be blind date of fulfilled lively reform. It is not the end of the world! Be there for in 1899 something was acknowledged called Schumann Cavity Quality. It is the starting point pulse or commonness of the Flatten. Previously its verdict fish farm 1986 this starting point pulse commonness was frozen 7.8 Hertz per flicker. From 1986 it started to lift fabulously and in 1998 it was reported to be 10 hertz per flicker. On other hand magnetics of the earth are dipping fabulously and it is meant they order churn out nobody originate in 2012. Maya calendar and other calendars end in 2012, but it is not the end of the world freshly beginning of the new one seeing that every 26000 animation Flatten goes by way of superior paddock of growth.

Rummage : December212012

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