Sunday, March 10, 2013

He Clamored For The Old Deities

He Clamored For The Old Deities
Wicca 101, October 22, 1995

Topic- Facts of Medieval Witchcraft (Cut I) Teacher- Weavre

IRC log started Sun Oct 22 19:59

Rate of LOG set to ON

Weavre-- joyful join up, everyone! Subsequent to MS understood, this is less spick and span than I'd dearest, kinda cut-and-paste, but from slender sources I'll go brazen and bound the initial ones keep indoors, so they're in the log... An quality posh
"Witchcraft" by Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1987, from The Encyclopedia of Holiness, is the initial one... Above and beyond important: *The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft,* Aromatic plant Ellen Guiley, 1989 And *The Facts of Magic* a 1948 care... That subsist is remarkable, BTW...a nicely hardy big black
reserve I inherited from my Daddy! How extreme pompous an image may possibly ya get?
OK...Russell's quality discusses 3 kinds of witchcraft, one of which is "us"
and 2 of which are his intro, he says, "The item Witchcraft embraces a significant diversity of phenomena. The word 'Witch' derives from the Old English noun
'wicca', 'sorcerer' and the verb 'wiccian, 'To cast a spell.' The original outline of witchcraft is sorcery, a web of beliefs and practices whose plan is to contain nature for the back of the witch or the witch's payer (He like explains that he uses sorcery to lessen to natural, traditional,
"Crucial" magic...dearest us..."witchcraft" confer on be recycled indoors for everything besides... Convey to Russell...
) "equitably oscillate phenomena persist been called witchcraft. "
The initial is simple sorcery, which is found intercontinental and in just about every as and culture. The add-on is the hypothetical diabolical witchcraft of tardy medieval and early modern Europe (Such as we'll be discussing tonight) The third is the pagan improvement of the twentieth century. (That's us) This quality confer on be grateful for sourly among these three phenomena, at the same time as the communication together with them are thin and few"
(Cut-and-paste, I understood, right? ;) ) The Facts of Supernatural offers a bit of discretion taking part in the fix he mentions, which moreover helps spell out a bit why I'm unwrap this send out at all...
The key it offers is the fan activity in Europe in trendy clothed in the Nucleus Ages, with the Christian Church attempting to manage an empire the message practice, etc. merely didn't allow it to authority as well as it desired. "Gone the Black Harm annihilated whole populations, Satan's manage upon earth appeared open, and his power diluted the payment of the
church. Thrology desired to manage lonely, but had found a fearless rival in its own tradition
" (To the same degree it had bent Satan in the 1st place, and insisted ppl take on in the idea!) Multitude serf superficial this, but not minus ease.
Restore, the Church united the outstanding classes with the show up ones Master and servant together sang their dedicated chants in the chapel of the stronghold...but the peasants were provoked to pessimism by the upward woe and up-and-coming despotism... one sedition at the back of altered had been undeveloped bloodily by the united everyday and temporal enterprise.
Dire, the serf took safe haven in dreams. he clamored for the old deities, who had been provoked taking part in hold but who continued their bizarre life, copious living as gnomes under the earth (We're language folklore indoors, not literalism!)
These had ripened very short and very obvious, but they were full of beneficent endeavors, and they were dotty of the show up man whose fire at was as evil and eroded as their own. Fairies lived in foliage and springs-- minute ladies of the moving, far self-important powerful and fairer than the snobbish chatelaines, who exploded with joviality in the same way as the lord of the stronghold parallel the cruelties and vexations the population women had to conduct from his own men (Note: That path was on paper by a Christian, previously 1948
and *before* the stick of
the big be-politically-correct-to-pagans suggestion we've seen in the subsist few years!)
"The early revolts had comatose that fantastic a lot were so genuinely moaning with the Church that they were suitable to fee their lives in the argue for transmutation State and Church united in the defense of synchronize foundation, and revolts were undeveloped. But the crusade for a complete switch continued to den the show up. In fairy tales, transmutation is the initial element of the add to...a pumpkin transmutes itself taking part in a balance cheerless clothes become shining costume, bizarre food an key meal... In the
fairy tale, the ancient thanks survived. The secure ppl clung to these images apart from declaration of guilt by the priest that they were delusions sent by the devil.
The old gods as it should be the show up ppl pompous than the new one, whose meeting were his body-hugging masters and whose symbol was that of carnage and harass....even in the confessions of the witches (I've got examples if you privation them like, condensing this) the priests themselves saw resemblances to familiar pagan deities such as Janus and Pan with the devil's foreword of his power (meaning the additional of Christian mythology).
The ancient survivals, the amusements of serfs, the top figure unquestioning stories, and the women who knew about the old myths and magic traditions were converted taking part in witches, or evil fairies, as the old stories phrase them. The traditional gatherings, the Druids' Celebration on the eve of May day, the Bacchanals, the Diana feasts, became the "witches' Sabbath", and the broom, symbol of the sacred fashion, even though retaining its sexual implication, became an evil tool. The sexual resources of old, appointed to end product the strength of nature, were now the manifestations of a prohibited carnal desire...
At the sabbath [the peasant] was free to do as he ecstatic. he was feared, also; and in his long-term despotism, this gave him some stately, some line of reasoning of provision. Stylish he may possibly bound himself to tumult minus the interruption of the Church, that desired to directive even mortal emotions. If this was Satanic, the peasant held, I shall get stuck to Satan. So, the rationale indoors is that the Christian church bent diabolical Satanism, tell its dualistic experience and its despotism of the peasant (indispensable to consent the feudal practice) I as usual organized with the rationale, and I face-to-face am a bit gleefully inquiring to see such a sharp think logically prearranged in the book I described!
Distinctly, that's the location, the fix together with "the Old Holiness" and Medieval (sometimes diabolical) witchcraft, which leads to the fix to us. I vision everyone's indoors by now, and I'll move on to the real middle of this summit...
This from Russell's images of Medieval witchcraft, with a few extras further... Initial, someplace did the suspicion of demons, the Christian's Satan, etc. come from? The sorcery (district magical practices) of top figure cultures development incantations believed to summon spirits to aid the sorcerer. In copious societies the fix together with sorcery and the spirits was not explicitly formulated.
But in whichever Greco-Roman and Hebrew held, the fix was fastidious or elaborated. The Greeks alleged that all sorcerers drew upon the aid of spirits called "daimones" or "daimonia". A Greek "demon" may possibly be either cruel or considerate. It may possibly be just about a god (theos) or it may possibly be a youngster spirit. In the held of Plotinus (205-270 CE) and other Neoplatonists, the demons occupied an ontological paradigm together with the gods and league.
The Hebrews with time responsible the suspicion of the mal'akh, originally a manifestation of God's power, like an independent spirit sent down as a give out by God. In Greek translations of Hebrew, mal'akh became "angelos",
"give out". Christians eventually celebrated "angels" with the Greek "demons"
and fastidious them as beings ontologically together with God and league.
But a oscillate element gained stick tell the apocalyptic writings of the Hellenistic as (200BCE-150 CE): the belief in evil spirits led by Satan, lord of all evil. The suspicion had individual precedents in wager on Jewish held, but gained mound in the Hellenistic as under the stick of
Iranian Mazdaism, or Zoroastrianism. Lower such stick the Christians came to contribute to the Greek "daimones" taking part in two groups, the good angels and the evil demons. The demons were believed to be angels who, under Satan's command, had turned unwilling God and thereby become evil spirits. Sorcerers required to fix spirits to maintain out their confer on, but angels under God's shortest may possibly not be compelled; therefore it was believed that one practicing sorcery nation well be painting upon the aid of evil demons. This was the weighty suspicion of the diversity of witchcraft we're about to words, the hypothetical diabolism of the tardy medieval and Renewal periods in Europe. (I know that's a whole lot of location, but I felt I ought to mess up at least by hand location to spell out the initial topic!)
Regardless of simple sorcery had without fail existed, a new indulgent of diabolical witchcraft evolved in medieval and early modern Europe. The Christian outline of the devil converted the suspicion of the sorcerer taking part in that of the witch, (not modern Wiccan!), consorted with demons and ask of Satan. (Anew, that's the charge, not by design the we'll see in a petite, copious in name only witches of the time were christians!)
To the same degree 1880 this indulgent of diabolical witchcraft has been ask to 4 deep schools of interpretation. The initial, fixed in prototype 19th century liberalism, superficial witchcraft as an item for consumption of superstitious and grasping ecclesiastics eager to squash witches in order to elicit their power and wealth. (This school of held, in modern duplicate, points out the toil bent by the witch-hunts... The whole thing became big craze, employing copious copious ppl...ex: the hangman was at one sell *not allowed* to persist altered job, so he had to erode by making decisive offer were oodles of executions, etc.
Priests, board of judges, and copious others depended on the trials as a vocation)
The add-on school, that of Margaret Murray, argued that witchcraft represented the patience of the old pagan religion of pre-Christian Europe. This religions (which never existed *in the lucid form she beleived*) (NOTE: Not that it didn't survive! Murray not compulsory an spick and span religion that covered all of Europe, not just a translation of paganism superiority of Europe)

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