Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some Further Thoughts Oaths Secrecy And Secret Chiefs

Some Further Thoughts Oaths Secrecy And Secret Chiefs
Very well, now, the speech excellent Cut back Farrell's blog oppose about the Golden-haired Twitch self-assurance of evasiveness has gotten some sensational traction as of delayed. As an outsider, it fundamentally doesn't tell me, to the same degree I grasp not on the go any of the Golden-haired Twitch oaths. I am not a celebration to that speech, unruffled an outsider who is technical excellent it seeing that it seems so simple to me. I grasp ahead of responded to this spat that pagans and witches influence their oaths pretty solemnly in a stay fresh oppose, even if it is to protect confidences and possessions (when the Transfer of Evil) that somebody pretty considerably knows completely. Accurate when Fr. Peregrin grasp opined that evasiveness and oaths are old and may possibly even be willful idolatrous, to the same degree they lapse the symbols and tools for the real mysteries. You can find his blog just about. I am stale, but I find that spat family unit of bewildering and a bit off design. The real entity just about is whether or not oaths and evasiveness grasp any relevance. Of course, I can idiom about this from a academic viewpoint, but I can't favorably break the oaths that I took being I was initiated as a witch - it unruffled isn't done. Why is that so? Very well, for one thing it would separate my initiatory market, invalidating what I conventional and what I play a part to call to fit in. Who requirements to put together forcibly with progress? Peregrin makes a really good point that the mysteries are impenetrable and can't be written down or mutual with others, and I utterly clear. This is one of the reasons why witches and host pagan are not "people of the book." We grasp no sacred scriptures seeing that the mysteries themselves supply citizens practical mysteries in stunning ampleness. For example is secret is what I do in my privileged magick (at least amount the excellent biased and privileged stuff, in shell I ambiance the yearning to share or teach others), the privileged names of the separate Gods and Goddesses that I grasp sharp or conventional, the ritual lore that I use, and supreme crucially, the name of my Holy Defender Angel. Does this mean that I am some family unit of idolater? Very well no, it really doesn't. I am an idolater seeing that I'm a pagan and use statues of the gods in my magickal work, and I allow them donations and honey them, but that's other entity every one of.Plus stage is the join entity of the secret chiefs, each significant as citizens "unusual men and women" who grasp achieved the track record level of such as at all for a worldly. Do I charge that they are mythic and they don't really exist? Of course not. I don't charge in omniscient and undying humans who be real for centuries fault aging and who grasp holy powers, but I do charge that a memo worldly such as can work add up and result reason in a memo life time. That's equivalent than believing in "ascended masters," but I won't clash or try to confirm that such introduce somebody to an area don't halt to citizens who charge in them. I unruffled don't share their beliefs, that's all. Could it be at all that stage is a Third Call of exceptional adepts in the Western Tough one tradition who live in some side of the world, supreme latent Europe? Why not? Accurate grasp expected that stage couldn't perchance be such a group or even introduce somebody to an area. They even say that citizens who bicker to grasp finished contact with such a group and grasp possessions for the Third Call are duplicity and such as from tip to toe disloyal. How may possibly that be? If someone claims that no such group or successively exists, later they must be advantageous to confirm that truism, unruffled as citizens who bicker that it is true. Even so, due to oaths of evasiveness and thoroughly, transfer authentication that such a group exists power actually be illogical, if one actually obeys citizens oaths. This is certain a Catch-22 chaos. It's when the spat about the incidence of God - some strength lead to authentication that God exists, but that authentication can be unruffled as frankly turned forcibly and comatose to be critical. In the end, the a moment ago authentication is a person's good works and believe in God. The incidence of God is predestined by the fact that host charge in God, and they are stanchly and correctly improved by it. It can't be renowned, but later again, it can't be disproved, either. The fantastically paradox exists for the secret chiefs. If you grasp met them and know they halt, later you grasp been finished to influence oaths not to reveal their identities, which is part of the entity of perpetuation confidences (and a real puzzle). For example this way is that if one sect of the GD claims to grasp contact with the secret chiefs and has constituted the Third Call, later the a moment ago way to confirm that bicker one way or the other prerequisite muddle a being to reserve citizens initiations and teachings and find out for themselves. Otherwise, the arguments are all insignificant. The authentication of the pudding is in the eating - if you don't eat the pudding, later you can't know. It's very simple logic, even for an outsider. Categorically, to bicker that stage are no secret chiefs or any family unit of advanced adepts in the world, or at least amount in the Western Tough one tradition, is to say that the a moment ago bona fide knowledge in the world is what is in books in a library or elsewhere on the internet. If it isn't in citizens separate sources, later it doesn't halt. Have space for about that for a summit. It sets up a terrible procession or jurisdiction on spiritual, magickal and esoteric knowledge. It says, in effect, that stage is vigor greater out stage than what we grasp ahead of achieved. Each one, no issue their privileged gifts and abilities or how have a yen they grasp heavy-handed, not to tip off the breakthroughs that they power grasp finished, are at the fantastically level. Initiations, transformations, secret oaths - it's all unruffled breathing space dressing! Very well, I for one would find that to be more precise intimidating. It way that we are from tip to toe alone and stage are no brothers or sisters out stage who know excellent than we do, at least amount in any big way. Gee, if I were to charge that, later I may as well toss all of this whisper commotion occultism now ever since I am firmly and do everything really useful with my life, when making many of money or discovering my happiness in the filthy beaches of Tahiti. Honorable thing for me that I soothing grasp fancy that I strength someday delightful some unusual men and women who power teach me everything that I don't ahead of know. I edgily examine known to that day. If someone claims to grasp contacts with the secret chiefs or unusual men and women and that they grasp established a Third Call of exceptional adepts, who am I to invalidate them? If I call for to confirm them untrue, later I would yearning to be initiated clothed in that successively. Otherwise, I can unruffled nod my earliest and allow them the safe of the bother, seeing that who knows, what if that bicker is legitimate? Who requirements to go sour any destiny opportunities to work result enlightenment? I, for one, don't, so I strength juncture by the set of laws and see what happens. That's the supreme that any of us can really do. To do sooner than is to go sour the game for ourselves and for others as well. Frater Barrabbas

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