Thursday, February 14, 2013

Event Unveiling Of Blue Plaque For Gerald Gardner

Event Unveiling Of Blue Plaque For Gerald Gardner
Friday 13 might be willful crucial for some, but Friday 13 June 2014 promises more accurately to be an on the whole auspicious day for Wiccans, given that it is formerly the down title for Gerald Gardner, the Pioneer of Put Wicca, is so unveiled at his above home in Highcliffe, Dorset. The day was picked given that it is the celebration of his wedding anniversary - Gerald Brosseau Gardner was instinctive on June 13, 1884.The Doreen the Valiente Focus and the Centre for Pagan Studies, in care with New of Artemis, have possession of organised the attraction outcome formerly a commemorative down title for Gerald Gardner order be unveiled at the room in which he lived. Here is the list for the event:2pm: Bring about at the Clifftop Car Deposit (the Crow's Hut), off Wharncliffe Road, by the Rock face Nail Cafe. 4pm: Summary via Sharpen Station (pictured leader) anywhere Gerald Gardner was initiated, to the room anywhere the Pioneer of Put Wicca lived. This order solid in the unveiling of the down title.4:30pm: A funny turn to socialise because of food and drink, with Gerald Gardner cupcakes - prepared in particular for the day. State order be stalls production rations and tang.6pm - 8pm: Music and lecture at Highcliffe Castle. State order be rest from Damh the Writer and a lecture by Philip Heselton, maker of Witchfather: A Verve of Gerald Gardner.The funnel and title unveiling is free to attend and has been funded by gifts to the Doreen Valiente Focus. Tickets for the day's end accuse lb5. To book an day's end regard many the website: www.geraldgardnerblueplaque.eventbrite.comHere is a map of the Highcliffe area:

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