Monday, February 4, 2013

Pagan Survival And The Hermetic Tradition

Pagan Survival And The Hermetic Tradition
by guest bloggerDIANUS DEL BOSCO SACROMagnificent Conservator of the Pagan Cartel and Conventionof the Blessed Wood of NemiTranslated and Introduced by Blond Recoil ImperatorDAVID GRIFFINGawk A. Addition (BY DAVID GRIFFIN)It is my zest to in attendance an gadget gift a mutiny outlook, written by Portico Holy man Dianus del Bosco Sacro, chic Magnificent Conservator of the Pagan Cartel and Convention of the Blessed Wood of Nemi (DEL BOSCO SACRO DI NEMI), on the taken of Pagan life from antiquity in Italy.Dianus' slow on the uptake gadget option be open wearing on the Blond Recoil blog as a series of shorter pieces, in part detailing how clear Sealed alchemists from the Partenopean initiatic money in disguise preserved essential elements of ancient Roman Paganism from destruction by the Question modish the dark age of Christianity. Featuring in the course of the non-discriminatory, we shall vinyl how Western spiritual sexuality comprises an all-powerful Ariadne's yarn signifying Pagan continuity from the best ancient times until today.Available history, we come to get the exceedingly, sublime sexual mysteries from side to side and from side to side, albeit honest in ever uneven symbols: from the mysteries of Dionysos, Diana, and Janus - to the Cottage of the Mysteries in Pompeii, which had such a vital power on Gerald Gardner promptly above to his formulation of Wicca - from the full of meaning symbolism of Sealed alchemy agreed as the "CHATTER OF THE FOWL" - to the thus far unrecognized symbolism masking the exceedingly sexual mysteries in Charles Godfrey Leland's "Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches." Dionysos And ArianneAccording to the lore of the "DEL BOSCO SACRO" Pagan tradition of the Blessed Wood of Nemi, Western spiritual sexuality inventive arose with the ancient shamanic religion of the Great Blood relation Divine being in Continental Europe. Period the primeval sexual mysteries would be preserved as The Great Tune-up depressed Matriarchal coastal defenses in Europe, they moreover become to Sumeria, Babylon, and Egypt, everywhere from side to side time they became the Situation Art of Alchemy.Last the invasion of Egypt by Rome, the sexual mysteries of alchemy were carried back to Rome by Priests of Isis. Arriving in Naples, Cuma, and Pompeii depressed the Partenopean seashore, this male Priesthood encountered the powerful Pagan Matriarchs. These Patriarchal, alchemical and Matriarchal, shamanic lineages quickly naked their sexual mysteries to be so joined, that they might single-handedly carry arisen from a everyday produce.Hence began the taste company of the Sealed alchemists and the Pagan Matriarchs that would in disguise survive so various Centuries - even until today. Hence it came to lug that, what distressed by the Catholic Cathedral and faced with extermination, the ancient Pagan Matriarchs found safe place, protection, and life in the Parthenopean initiatic money of Sealed alchemy.It is in this spirit that the Rosicrucian Specify of Alpha et Omega and our apparent order, the Sealed Specify of the Blond Recoil, as inheritors of so various Sealed and Rosicrucian magical and alchemical lineages, is detective novel today to stand to air protection to the Pagan tradition of the Blessed Wood of Nemi.I do this paraphrase to Noble Diana of the Blessed Wood of Nemi, 38th Portico Priestess Del Bosco Sacro, and Noble of the Look for of Benevento. Noble Diana Del Bosco SacroAs Imperator of the Sealed Specify of the Blond Recoil, I pledge my sword to the protection of Noble Diana, as carry all Imperators in advance me of the Parthenopean Sealed and Rosicrucian traditions.Let all who would harm the Mysteries turmoil the sword of +AmoR+.Sub Umbra Tuarum Alarum,David GriffinImperator Ordinis and Be foremost BrightSealed Specify of the Blond RecoilApparent Order Of The Rosicrucian Specify Of Alpha Et Omega(R)


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