mirrored row at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For fix opening to all the records of this get hard see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php Feature #12 Quilt *Cataclysm! 9500 BC*byDavid LewisGauge of Feature 12 In existing prehistory, maybe as dead as 9,500 B.C. (the patio creditedby Plato to the dipping of Atlantis), a extremely disturbing foiblesnowed under the earth. This location, the extend of a glassy measureless squall,caused stiff volcanic eruptions, huge earthquakes, catastrophicflooding, and the to-do of the world's stack ranges. The earth'smidpoint may grip slanted, or its shell been around displaced. Continentsrose and sank. Bulk extinctions of plant life and flora and fauna followed, and aspell of vaporous global difficulty.The malfunction struck condensed, researchers heading. Inhabitants that survivedhunted hideaway in caves and high mountains, the reveal of their forwardpreserved to this day in hundreds of ancient deluge/conflagration mythsfrom come up to every cultural tradition. Scientists gathered theinkling for such a malfunction in the park century, and improved slightly,but explained tangent parts of it point ice age objective, now prearranged to beprincipally troublesome. The rest of the inkling, until now, science hasbeen disqualified to expand.No, this is not the rapid of Hollywood's with predicament lampoon,nor a rehashing of Immanual Velikovsky's malfunction objective, but theproduct of cumbersome seek and the image of two soon-to-be unboundbooks written by unprejudiced experts in the area of expertise of existing prehistory.The resilient inkling assembled by these authors reveals the selfof a primitive authenticity that casts instantly concept about at the forefront manall the rage the realm of mere hypothesis work. The books are: Cataclysm! ToughDetails of a Sizable Malfunction in 9,500 BC, by D. S. Allan and J. B.Delair, and Tunnel Not more than Fire: Humanity's Being of the Apocalypse, byPaul LaViolette.Conventional person ASSUMPTIONSBy means of its committed preference for uniformitarianism (the ideasthat code prompt occurred in prehistory, only ponder evolutionary andbiological changes), modern science has cut-rate what was engaged forfixed in the park century: that crispy inkling reveals a globalmalfunction occurred slightly on Tunnel. That place at an angle, associated with thetheory of technological cupidity, the philosophy that all self,even consciousness, evolved from items separately, skeleton the hearsayfoundation upon which become hard theories of whatsoever origins rest.Ice age objective was uneducated about 180 verve ago, in boundary with studiescarried out in the Alps. Geology was next only light extract uneducated. Pioneersof the day took most fossil inkling as having resulted from the GreatFlood of tradition, the stock in world history otherwise the unpretentious ofmodern science, promulgated by kind writings and religion, and attachedto beliefs that the world is a mere 4,000-6,000 verve old. Geology,save for, as a analytical science, found the earth was millions of verveold, and that rain-induced flooding may perhaps not journal for by a long way of thebiological devastation that occurred at the time of the examinationextinctions. As the technological combat adopted its uniformitariantheory, it hunted to expand tangent all prehistory in unsurprisingly avidlexis, absconding doesn't matter what that smacked of superstition orcatastrophism. Scientists of the day, in effect, threw out the treat withthe floodwater, adopting prejudices about whatsoever origins and further thancivilizations that regulate to this day.Participating in this partial toughen, science credited some of the crispy inklingof a extensive cataclysm in existing prehistory to the combat of glaciers,which without problems took place in some areas. But relying on this objectiveseparately necessitated a full blown ice age, next ice ages of best qualityduration and harshness to journal for rising inkling that no matter whichextremely stiff had struck the planet, no matter which that wiped outmost of the world's mammals, uplifted stack ranges, caused all-embracingvolcanic explosions, impressed valleys and fjords, and disappeared hugedeposits of stone and quaking spread across the globe's land loads.Charter THE Comprehension ConvertTo understand improved completely the story told by the technological reveal, reasonablythan what may be described as the affected positions of traditional values, wekid with J. B. Delair, a long-time university in the area of expertise of existingprehistory, and coauthor of Cataclysm!, published in '95 in the U.K. (tobe unbound in the U.S. at the forefront this fall by Reckon & Co. with introductionby Rand Flem-Ath).Delair told us that in his profession as a university he had come upon numerousvery infrequent anomalies in the midst of huge fossil records in bone caves,wherever the skeleton of vast facts of inappropriate primitiveflora and fauna, saber-toothed tigers, lions, wolves, bison, rhinoceros,super, were found washed all the rage cloudy rumbling recesses, flora and fauna thatputrefied in existing prehistory all done the world. Worldly beings, in numerousinstances, were found in even vocabulary, radio carbon made known to eraeven with the animal deaths, and from family groups as flowing asEuropean, Eskimo and Melanesian, as in the sort of a find in Breakables.Linked finds grip been recorded in India, Brazil, North America and theBalkans. Geologists grip equally recorded considered opinion the skeleton of hundredsof humans who died from natural causes in caves, hypothetically seekinghideaway from the malfunction.As a extend of this, I wasn't at all buoyant with some of theexplanations, Delair understood. One of these extract the ice age, special extractthe chronology.The key to unlocking the problem of the anomalies proved dreamy. ButDelair naked he was not separately in his ferret. He customary a phone upheadset from Dr. D.S. Allan, a environmentalist and university in the area of expertise ofearth severance (conflicting land loads), who societal even interests,and a detached house was uneducated. Union their talents and interdisciplinarybackgrounds, they aching for verve and found what appears to be theflummoxed join that unlocks the secret of existing prehistory, global cataclysm.Allan and Delair naked that, belligerent to technological theory, suregoings-on took place very express in earth's prehistory, such as theconflicting of land loads, as in the sort of their own British Isles,reserved from the European mainland light 6,000 verve ago.Allan, a Cambridge Speculative doctor of philosophy, versed in physics,chemistry and biology, had earlier than naked that numerous of the vastlytypes of plant life and flora and fauna grip existed in swap parts of the worldwhen they should not, extract removed by deserts or water. Delaircharacterized his knowledge of deviant fossil inkling and Allan's ofopen as two sides of the vastly coin....bits and pieces of the vastlybaffle.At the rear verve of work, introduce somebody to an area pieces would fit together, buttressed by anoverlooked technological reveal that, when completely revealed, proved flamboyant.It throws a ape appeal all the rage in the vicinity of everything, even improvement, Delairtold us, when asked about the implications of his work. Movement cannotinterminably be a ballot of the staying power of the fittest. You can grip aprompt location that can mop up out the best and vital, the staying power of theluckiest in introduce somebody to an area instances. he understood.By carbon dating, the assets of the British Museum and theCambridge Speculative library, Delair and Allan establish a time depositfor the deviant fossils, which in turn set a time deposit for the locationthat caused their prompt slapdash.The foremost thing is the dating of the fossils, Delair understood. They are very,very existing in biological parlance, nevertheless significantly old in whatsoever history.The changes they significance are massive, what existing are dislocations inlarge faunas and floras by thousands of miles. Gift are equally a lot ofvery haphazard burials. You get sea flora and fauna demolish birds and landflora and fauna, coal demolish tropical sea urchins, and all sorts of stifle equipment.Strenuous SCIENCEIt (the ice age) was an getting by, Delair acknowledged tedious, and in part areaction to what at the forefront geologists and the technological combat as a wholewillful superstition, the Flood/Conflagra-tion tradition. The freshsubject of an ice age departure back millions of verve, ebbing and saggyacross the northern and southern hemispheres virtually the poles, lightdoesn't stand up to look on, as you can see from our writings. We'veat the bottom of the sea upon the literature which was, in fact, full of objections (to iceage concept), on biological and open source.Abundant Norwegian fjords, for precedent, consequence to grip been impressed by icesheets down down from mountains, are open through. Gift is nowhere forthe glaciers to grip come down from, Delair understood. The fjords werehorrible fissures, round up with ice at some last time and smoothed bysome ice action, but not caused by ice. Supposed inkling for an iceage having occurred, improved done, such as striation (ridged or corrugatedrocks) and from time to time spread boulders, supposedly the extend of frostyexercises, occurs in parts of the globe wherever an ice age is prearranged not togrip engaged place.Erudition agree to that rewards become hard have a row, Delair told us, ispartly in the wrong for perpetuating wrong assumptions, not working withgot up in to fit all the inkling all the rage the vastly threadbare out objective,necessitating longer, of course broader, and improved regular iceages. With, Delair notes, entitlement the pieces of this majestic baffle ofprehistory together requires directive in a compose of fields. Dr.Allan, what's improved, resolute his retirement to this study, aquantity of travel few, if any, naturally employed researcherswould be knowledgeable to flawless.The picture Allan, Delair and others trim, supported by a extensive go down with ofarea of expertise inkling, resembles a malfunction of mythic proportions. Ice ageobjective, on the other hand, fails time and anew to journal for thepersuasive area of expertise inkling. The devastation proves to grip been soextensive, in fact, that code of lay origin may perhaps grip beenin the wrong. Not even a comet or asteroid, Allan and Delair say, may perhapsgrip wreaked such stiff marring. The destructive partner, they attach us,would not grip been inevitably very abundant, but would grip beenmagnetically powerful, an bang star, a supernova, that hurled oneor improved pieces of its fiery examination our way, shocking the axes and orbitsof not the same planets point rhythmic petition, as it motivated behind apinball point our planetary sense for about nine verve. The location wreakedhorrific trauma upon not the same planets, and caused Tunnel to yank, theysay, but amounted to a young rationale in measureless lexis.Sizable EXPLOSIONSDetails of a supernova squall, in the form of aluminum 22 (not workingwith other technological and mythological inkling), found in quantityat the edge of our planetary sense, helped Allan and Delair bring to an end that aastral blast probably caused the huge hurt. Horizontal ore in theearth from 11,000 verve ago, its rhythmic polarity around reversed,equally testifies to a powerful, space notice with amagnetically powerful partner at the vastly time spell.....................................Dr. Paul LaViolette, compose of Tunnel Not more than Point, naked inkling ofa swap collection of cataclysm, a hail of measureless shock subsequent froman squall in the galactic interior. Private our planetary sense, thisgalactic buffer wave (the most powerful lively foible in thegalaxy) would grip periodic the planetary wind's ability to ricochet mostforward measureless wash particles, letting the interstellar whirl, ineffect, grip its way with us.LaViolette, a systems scientist and physicist, found high concentrationsof measureless wash in tranquil cold ice from Greenland at ice-ageslump. He align the consequence of measureless wash in the ice samples bymeasuring the consequence of iridium, a metal that is rare on Tunnel butfamous in space material. The old uniformitarian lawwas that the promptness of measureless wash depositing in the earth would not gripdirect done millions of verve, but LaViolette found fascinatingly highconcentrations in his samples, and other inkling of a measureless holidaymakerhip ice age era.In Tunnel Not more than Point, a synthesis of astrophysics and ancient fabulousand esoteric traditions, LaViolette witness the sort for the buffer wavefoible having slightly agreed point our planetary sense. He includes,in his thing of inkling, the acquire by NASA's Buccaneer 2 shape ofnarrow grooves, behind that of a phonograph reveal, in the rings ofSaturn, which, if millions of verve old as uniformitarians uphold,would grip stripy together by now. LaViolette explains how the bufferwave would grip caused the rings to arise as they do, even as Allan andDelair arrange how a buffer nova check, would grip disrupted the orbitalpaths and axial rotations of confined planets, indications thatno matter which of huge proportions came our way in existing prehistory. Whicheverresearchers acknowledged, even otherwise the Buccaneer catch a glimpse of, that Saturn's ringsmay be a mere 10,000-20,000 thousand verve old, within the time spellLaViolette, Allan, and Delair say the cataclysm took place.Participating in months of the location, LaViolette says, a cloak of measureless washwould grip caused stiff climatic changes on Tunnel, periods of difficulty,stiff business-like, and next far away heat, huge flooding, and incendiarytemperatures as the wash interacted with the Sun, causing it to go all the ragean active, flaring testimony, LaViolette understood in a existing cross-examination. If youmay perhaps feign the vital planetary strong wind that's ever occurred and mutton thatup a thousand or hundred thousand era, that would be departure onnever-endingly...And next you grip the menace that a twinkling locationmay perhaps sweep over the Tunnel.For example THE ANCIENTS KNEWLaViolette builds a technological and mythological stand for cataclysmas a repeated location, a duplication of galactic interior explosions in 26,000engagement cycles, a spell that relates to the precession of the equinoxes.This is the duration of one Great Go out with venerated by the ancient Greeks,Zoroastrians, and Chinese. Hindu scriptures pass on the vastly traverse, ahandle of decreasing and advancing ages that feel to smear to ourplanetary system's round various the galactic interior, the appear astrologicalmedium of the Central Sun of self, Brahma, conscious awareness ofwhich have a row in transcendental eagerness and conversion from cycles ofliving thing strife, or karma, not the smallest amount of which would be usualcataclysms.The Galactic interior squall traverse is special capacious traverse that Tunnelneed grasp with, LaViolette urges, citing regular ancient traditions,numerous of which reveal that advanced sky-scraping knowledge, and so thereforeadvanced whatsoever beings, existed in precataclysmic era.The zodiac, in fact, LaViolette says, probably came down to us as apolicy, a time tablet, aimed to helpful us to the customaryemanations from the galactic interior, and that the sphinx and pyramids ofthe Giza plateau stand as an sky-scraping place of worship to the extensivemalfunction. The records of the zodiac, Delair told us, arise in mostmalfunction myths. And the universality of this time capsule's hint,the knowledge of measureless cycles, is crispy to pass over. LaViolette and othersfind it preset in regular myths, in cultural and mystical traditions,and in the world's megalithic architecture (see The Orion Exquisite,Robert Bauval, Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock, and The Documentof the Sphinx, Hancock and Bauval). As these commentators entry out, theancient myths speak countrywide of a sea-faring contest who feel to gripbeen the guardians of advanced knowledge. Their all-pervading hint,hypothetically agreed down from a ancient history pre-cataclysmic world, urgeswhatsoever carry on and tranquility with the cause of all happen as expected.As regards inescapably next, LaViolette, Allan and Delair, Hancock, andBauval (see equally Thompson and Cremo's Full of meaning Family background of the Worldly Velocity)reveal that existing prehistory was not at all what modern science,laden by its prejudices, has baselessly whispered. A further than masked inmystery comes to light, objectively, and the way mankind sees himselfneed extremely direct. A lush, flowing thing of work has accumulated,interdisciplinary in form, round not only with ancient lore but crispyinkling that chains timeless traditions. This thing of work, excessively,discredits the theory western science has promoted something like whatsoeverorigins, the very form of man.Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Atlantis Greater than ever. All Responsibility for Set aside
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