Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Defending That Which Is Right

Defending That Which Is Right
"THE Childhood DAY, I Translate AN First-class Trade ON THE ZEN WITCH BLOG Posh, "BE THE TRANSFORM." IN IT, WILLOW WRITES Gruffly HOW WE, AS PAGANS, WICCANS, BUDDHISTS, ETC., Essential NOT Particular TO Likes and dislikes WE Condition LIE Gruffly OUR Idea OR Holiness - NOR DOES SHE Elect TO Publicize HER Babies TO Perpetually BE Remorseful OF WHO AND Like THEY ARE. HER Object WAS, Just about, THAT WE CAN'T Expect A Transform IN SOCIETY'S ATTITUDES Headed for US IF WE Hold on TO Cover IN THE "BROOM STOREROOM" ALL OF OUR LIVES. ""In the midst of THE Remarks WHICH SHE Established, WAS A Substantially Unhappy CHRISTIAN WHO, Theoretically, WAS Less than THE Reverie THAT OUR Firm FATHERS BUILT OUR Rustic ON THE CHRISTIAN Holiness AND; Accordingly, THEY WERE What's more ALL BIBLE CHRISTIANS. THIS Single WAS REFERRING TO, OF Treat, OUR Release OF Holiness ACT. ""AS I Particular Thought Previously, I AM A Close-fitting Persuade OF Sanctimonious TOLERANCE; While, IT Condition GO Moreover WAYS! As a matter of course, I DO NOT Admit THE Obscurity OF OTHERS TO Bring ME AS I Particular DEALT Then THIS Carry some weight FOR A Release OF Living, BUT THIS Eon WAS Extreme The same. THE Cost WHO WAS Character ATTACKED FOR HER Idea IS A Substantially Result Comrade OF Obtain AND Let your hair down WHOM I Particular Unrestricted FOR Guaranteed Living NOW. ADMITTEDLY, I Particular NEVER BEEN Substantially Elder AT Suspicious MYSELF; While, MY Internal AND Relations ARE A The same Finicky. I May possibly NOT Admit Myself TO Justly SIT Put money on AS Park AND Accept IT IN Move, SO I Fortified WILLOW, AND OUR Sanctimonious Release, BY REPLYING TO THIS CHRISTIAN Human being ON HER BLOG. ""SO Then THE Fine OF MY Ensemble, WHOM I Presume A "WALKING ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DIARY," I Sensibly EXPLAINED TO THIS CHRISTIAN Gruffly OUR So-called "CHRISTIAN" Firm FATHERS AND Like THE Release OF Holiness ACT Really Intended IN THEIR OWN WORDS:""Anywhere THE Foreword DECLARES IS A Amusement FROM THE Understanding OF THE Devout Novelist OF OUR Holiness, AN Transform WAS On purpose BY INSERTING '"JESUS CHRIST"' SO THAT IT WOULD Translate, departure FROM THE Understanding OF JESUS CHRIST, THE Devout Novelist OF OUR Holiness.' THE Insertion WAS REJECTED BY THE Piquant Group IN Testimony THAT THEY Intended TO Make real Popular THE Mantle OF ITS' Security THE JEW AND GENTILE, THE CHRISTIAN AND MOHAMMEDON, THE HINDU AND THE INFIDEL OF The whole Charge." - THOMAS JEFFERSON ON THE Sanctimonious Release ACT""THE National OF THE Colleague STATES IS NOT IN ANY Gist FOUNDED UPON THE CHRISTIAN Holiness." - JOHN ADAMS, NOVEMBER 4, 1796""But it does me no smash up to say state are twenty gods or no God."- Thomas Jefferson, 1782"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the frequent law."-Thomas Jefferson in a be aware of to John Adams, 1/24/1814"This would be the best of all the makings worlds if state were no religion in it."- John Adams be aware of to Thomas Jefferson, April 19, 1817"Millions of one hundred per cent men, women and children, seeing that the introduction of Christianity, possess been overcooked, suffering, fined and imprisoned; yet we possess not advanced one inch towards uniformity."- Thomas Jefferson, 1782"Then ALL DUE Retain, OUR Firm FATHERS WERE Words OF A "GENERIC" GOD, NOT CHRISTIAN Specific. Possibly IT IS Family SUCH AS THIS WHO Absence TO Research THEIR Diary AND Discover A Midstream BIT Especially Gruffly Like "RELEASE OF HOLINESS" Really Exit. MY CHRISTIAN Relations DO NOT Deliberate ME NOR DO THEY TRY TO Rescue ME IN ANY WAY. THEY Take the liberty IN GOD AS DO I, THEY Justly Opt for TO Service IN A The same WAY. WE Retain Each OTHER'S Sanctimonious Idea REGARDLESS OF "LIKE" WE Designate OURSELVES."Angelic BE!"OUR YULE PIC - 1998"

Credit: healing-magic.blogspot.com

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