Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shani Stotras

Shani Stotras
Dasaratha Shani Stotra

Saturn enters the star constellation of Rohini once in every 30 years. This is one of the most dreaded transits of the kings and his kingdom. The scriptures say "Kings will die and kingdomes will fall when Shani enters Rohini". Last time it entered Rohini on 22nd May 2001. On the night of 1st June 2001 the entire Royal family of Nepal was wiped out. It was followed by the death of the Indian Congress minister and Raja of Gwalior Sri Madhav Rao Scindia on 30th September 2001 in a plane crash. Then came the 9-11-2001 strike by Osama Bin Laden.

It is said that during the reign of king Dasaratha when Shani was about to enter Rohini Nakshatra, king Dasaratha worshipped Shani and pleased with his prayers Saturn did not enter Rohini during the reign of king Dasharatha. Hence the Dasaratha Shani stotras are considered an excellent remedy for Saturn related troubles.


Kona shanaischaro mandah chhayaa hridayanandanah

Maargandaja sudhaasouri neelavastraan janadyutih

Abrahmanah kroorakroora karmaatangi grahanaayakah

Krishnodharmaanujah shantah shushkodara varapradah

Apart from this reciting the following dashanama stotra of Shani by Dasharatha near a Pepal tree is also a highly recommended one.


Konastha pingalobabhruh


Souri, shanaischaro mandah

Pippaladishu sansthitah


Om. asya shree shanaishchara stotrasya

dashratha rishi


trishtup chandahah

shanaish-chara preety-arthe jape viniyogah

dasharatha uvacha


Dasharatha is the Rishi (seer of the mantra). Shanaishchara is god (related to this hymn). Trishtup is metre. Enjoined is repetition (of this hymn) for the appeasement of Shanaishchara (Saturn).

kono-antaka roudra-yama-tha babhruh

krishnah shanih pingala manda sourih

nityam smrito yo harate cha peedam

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana (Saturn), who when regularly remembered as (the ten names listed in the first and second line of this verse) steals away the suffering (misfortune of the devotee).

sura asurah kim purusha ragendra

gandharva vidyadhara panna-gash cha

peedyanti sarve vishama-stitena

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, by whose unfavourable position, gods, demons, celestial beings, celestial musicians, celestial masters of various wisdom-teachings and even celestial snakes succumb to sufferings.

nara narendra pashavo mrigendra

vanyas-cha ye keeta-patanga-bringah

peedyanti sarve vishama-stitena

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings agony to laymen, emperors, common animals, huge animals, forest creatures, insects, flies and humming bees (irrespective of their status).

desah-cha durgani vanani Yatra

sena-nivesah pura-pattnani

peedyanti sarve visham-stitena

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings about suffering to countries, citadels, forests, war-camps, houses and cities.

tilairya-vair-masha gudanna danaih

iohena neelambara danato va

preenati mantrair-nijavasare cha

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is appeased by giving in charity things like sesame, paddy, black-gram, molasses, rice pudding, iron, blue cloth etc., and by chanting mantras on his own day (Saturday).

prayaga-koole Yamuna tate cha

sarasvati punya-jale guhayam

yo yoginam dhyana-gatopi sookshmas

tasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who manifests in subtle form before the yogis who meditate on him at any holy bank of prayag (confluence) of two rivers; Yamuna and Saraswati, or in a cave.

anya-pradeshat swagriham pravishtas

tadeeya-vare sa narah sukhe syat

grihad gato yo na punah prayati

tasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who bestows happiness to a person when He enters His own house (constellation); (though) when He leaves the house, does not return for a long time.

srashta swayam-bhoor bhuvana trayasya

trata hareesho harate pinakee

ekas tridhah rig yajuh sama murtis

tasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya

Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is the creator of three worlds, who is the self-manifested being, who is Hari the protector and Pinakin (Siva, bearer of the three pointed spear or pinaka), the destroyer, all in one, as well as the embodiment of the three-fold Vedas; Rig, Yajus and Saman.

konasthah pingala babruh

krishno roudroantako yamah

sourih shanaish-charo manday

pippalandena sam stutah

Thus, Pippalada praises Thee (by chanting your ten names as contained in lines 1-3).

etani dasha-namani

pratar-uthaya yah pathet

shanaishchara-krita peeda

na kadachid bhavishyati

Harih Om

He who chants these ten names, getting-up early in the morning, will never suffer from the pain caused by Saturn. Harih Om.


Courtesy: Vijay RaoOm Shanai-shcharayai namah

Om Shantaya namah

Om Sarvaa-beeshta-pradaeine namah

Om Sharanyaya namah

Om Varenyaya namah

Om Sarve-shaya namah

Om Soumyaya namah

Om Suravandyaya namah

Om Suraloka-viharine namah

Om Sukha-sanapa-vishtaya namah

Om Sundaraya namah

Om Ghanaya namah

Om Ghana-rupaya namah

Om Ghana-bharana-dharine namah

Om Ghana-sara-vilepaya namah

Om Khadyo-taya namah

Om Mandaya namah

Om Manda-cheshtaya namah

Om Maha-neeya-gunatmane namah

Om Martya-pavana-padaya namah

Om Maheshaya namah

Om Chhaya-putraya namah

Om Sharvaya namah

Om Sara-tuneera-dharine namah

Om Chara-sdhira-svabhavaya namah

Om Chancha-laya namah

Om Neela-varnaya namah

Om Nityaya namah

Om Neelaa-mjana-nibhaya namah

Om Neelaa-mbara-vibhushaya namah

Om Nishcha-laya namah

Om Vedyaya namah

Om Vidhi-rupaya namah

Om Virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah

Om Veda-spada-svabha-vaya namah

Om Vajra-dehaya namah

Om Vairagya-daya namah

Om Veeraya namah

Om Veeta-roga-bhayaya namah

Om Vipatparampa-reshaya namah

Om Vishva-vandyaya namah

Om Grudhra-vahaya namah

Om Gudaya namah

Om Kurmamgaya namah

Om Kurupine namah

Om Kutsi-taya namah

Om Gunadyaya namah

Om Gocha-raya namah

Om Avidya-mula-nashaya namah

Om Vidya-vidya-svarupine namah

Om Aayushya-karanaya namah

Om Aapadu-dhartre namah

Om Vishnu-bhaktaya namah

Om Vashine namah

Om Vividha-gama-vedine namah

Om Vidhi-stutyaya namah

Om Vandyaya namah

Om Virupakshaya namah

Om Varishtaya namah

Om Garishtaya namah

Om Vajramku-shadharaya namah

Om Varada-bhaya-hastaya namah

Om Vaamanaya namah

Om Jyeshta-patnee-sametaya namah

Om Shreshtaya namah

Om Amita-bhashine namah

Om Kashtou-ghana-shakaya namah

Om Aarya-pushti-daya namah

Om Stutyaya namah

Om Stotra-gamyaya namah

Om Bhakti-vashyaya namah

Om Bhanave namah

Om Bhanu-putraya namah

Om Bhavyaya namah

Om Paavanaya namah

Om Dhanurmamdala-samsthaya namah

Om Dhanadaya namah

Om Dhanushmate namah

Om Tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah

Om Tamasaya namah

Om Ashesha-jana-vandyaya namah

Om Vishesha-phaladaeine namah

Om Vashi-kruta-janeshaya namah

Om Pashunampataye namah

Om Khecharaya namah

Om Khageshaya namah

Om Ghana-neelaambaraya namah

Om Katinya-manasaya namah

Om Aarya-gana-stutyaya namah

Om Neelachatraya namah

Om Nityaya namah

Om Nirgunaya namah

Om Gunatmane namah

Om Niramayaya namah

Om Vindyaya namah

Om Vanda-neeyaya namah

Om Deeraya namah

Om Devya-dehaya namah

Om Deenarti-haranaya namah

Om Dainya-nashakaraya namah

Om Aarya-jana-ganyaya namah

Om Kruraya namah

Om Krura-cheshtaya namah

Om Kama-krodha-karaya namah

Om Kalatra-putra-shatrutva-karanaya namah

Om Pari-poshita-bhaktaya namah

Om Pari-bheeti-haraya namah

Om Bhakta-sangha-mano-bheeshta-phaladaya namah

Eti Sree Shanaishchara Astottara Shatanamavali Samaptam GLOSSARY (Pronunciation)A Like in 'but'

Aa Like in 'Far'

Ai Like in 'hair'

Ey Like in Whey

I Like in 'Pin'

Oo Like in 'Shoot'

Oon 'n' has got a nasal sound.

U Like in 'Put'SANSKRIT"Sanskrit believes that the sound of the word never gets ruined and that it has an everlasting value."Words in Sanskrit open out from their seed (beej) form."A root is always a single syllable that contains one of the basic sounds a, I, u, ri"The root or seed may create a word, yet the word will vibrate to its best, and gives it tremendous power."The Vedic or the Sanskrit view gives more importance to the special sound it should produce, than to the meaning of the spoken word."

Reference: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com

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