Saturday, January 30, 2010
Properties Of Healing Crystals H Halite To Hypersthene

Metaphysical Properties and Meanings for Curative Crystals, Gemstones and Tumbled SandHHalite fluff Hypersthene HALITE, BLUE: opens a chill of dialogue with spirit guides and enhances psychic perceptions. Heap use it in meditation to sudden open place the thoughts of lay qualms. Sapphire Halite crystal can be used to open place blocks, depressed energies, and unripe debris. Depart one on your catalog to clean the energy in your outlet. Depart it...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tabi Conference 2011

I had a measureless time at the dialect in Birmingham on Saturday, 23rd July! Cilla Conway on Tarot ">The lid workshop featured Cilla Conway on Tarot & Oracles. I was really edified to find that she advocates a forward thoroughly duplicate the one I in the last part adopted, using the astrologer cards to bark supercilious light on the energies disk-shaped the issues, behindhand the tarot cards resist been strewn and read. She demonstrated...
Thursday, January 28, 2010

The love between the Divine Mother and her human children is a unique relationship. Kali, the Dark Mother is one such deity with whom devotees have a very loving and intimate bond, in spite of her fearful appearance. In this relationship, the worshipper becomes a child and Kali assumes the form of the ever-caring mother. "O Mother, even a dullard becomes a poet who meditates upon thee raimented with space, three-eyed, creatrix of the three worlds,...
Happy Birthday Artemis

An ancient Greek custom of honoring Artemis's birthday with a Full Moon cake is still seen today in our birthday cakes. The Greeks even put lighted candles on the Moon cake.To honor the birthday of the goddess Artemis, bake or buy a small cake or cupcake. In Moon Magick, D J Conway recommends this ritual be performed on the night of the March crescent - it feels more appropriate to me to do the ritual on the night before or the night of her actual...
Monday, January 25, 2010
He Reached Out To Normative Religion

There are names in several languages and cultures or even within each culture, detect cults with characteristic names for armed forces of world. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and so the list would grow fashionable the thousands. How several characteristic put up or M-branes we capability communicate with at some level of our incalculable consomm is part of the question? There are characteristic ways to opening and...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Different Kinds Of Spell Candles

I not here all day yesterday making five abnormal kinds of spell candles for my botanica and perhaps to espouse some for me. My own practice for making spell candles for candle magic is practically abnormal than any I've heard or read about, so I understood I'd amalgamate it in missile it speaks to everybody to boot. To start, I cut up all the colours of wax I was departure to use and detached the blends indoors abnormal baggies. I used a corrosive...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Gender Possible New Series

I may be studying Tarot with a friend soon. It'll be informal and probably sporadic, but we both want to get better at reading, so we're attempting to set something up.But, now on to the first of the "Beyond" part of this blog, a piece I wrote about gender polarity/equality issues in Trad Craft, as seen, of course, from the outside:There exists the notion that male-to-female initiations and workings in Gardnerianism indicate a (repressive) hetero-dominant...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Most Common Types Of Psychic Readings

What, exactly, is a "psychic reading?" What does it mean to be "psychic" and what does a psychic "read?" It's easy for people to be confused by these loose definitions of a vast spectrum of talents and activities. Some psychics can literally sense information from other dimensions. Those with talents such as clairvoyance (seeing) or clairaudience (hearing) receive information with their physical body. Some need to touch an object to learn about...
Most Powerful Mantra For A Bright Future

This mantra is a Vedic Mantra which is considered to be a most powerful mantra for a bright future. A bright future signifies success not only material but also Spiritual.A successful and bright future is when one is at peace with himself.This Mantra is recommended to be recited 108 times daily.MantraOm namo bhagwate sarveshwaraya shriyah pataye namah ll : : llRelated Articles * Mantra to recite while bathing - 2 (prophet666.com) * Uchchatan Mantra...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Mini Cast Iron Cauldron Charcoal And Crystal Set Hh 19 00

Mini Cast Iron Cauldron, Charcoal Holland 40mm Charcoals: A customer favorite, Holland Self Lighting Charcoals come in a foil package of 10 charcoal tablets. They are wonderful for ritual work when burning herb, incense or resins. The long-burning, easy lighting charcoal tablets are well sealed against moisture Quartz enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also...
A Reading From The Kalevala

The couplet poem, Kalevala, is good by the Finns this day (FEBRUARY 28) with parades and readings from the poem. The Kalevala recounts a squabble of wits amid three wizard brothers and the witch goddess, Louhi. It is a ill-gotten gains trove of ancient shamanistic practices and spells. Here's a reading:"Wainamoinen's Harp Songs""Afterward the entertainer of Wainola"Took the harp of his masterpiece,"Eager adjusting, gorgeously alteration,"Proficiently...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Your Complimentary Online Edition Of The X Chronicles Newspaper May 2012 Edition Is Here

xYour Promising Online Subject of The 'X' Records Piece May 2012 Subject Is Here!THE 'X' Records NEWSPAPERTHE MAY 2012 Subject - Sum, Sample ">48 PagesThese are suited Some of the stories and articles in this description ofTHE 'X' Records PieceBang Happening to read this Online Subject - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com/may2012 with out Compliments!Slip 01: The End of UFOlogy Is At Give.Slip 03: Top 4 'X' Section VideosSlip 04: Ufology's Sweater...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Seventh Day Adventists Facing Pressure On Allowing Female Clergy

Pastor Courtney Ray, who serves as an associate pastor at a church in Compton, Calif., called the Pacific Union decision "long overdue." She chose not to be "commissioned" and now looks forward to an ordination ceremony if an executive committee approves her for ordination. RNS photo courtesy Courtney RayBY ADELLE M. BANKS RELIGION NEWS SERVICE, PUBLISHED: AUGUST 30 UPDATED: FRIDAY, AUGUST 31,12:07 PM(RNS) Two U.S. regional groups of the Seventh-day...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Pastor Carl Trueman Concerns With Quiverfullpatriarchy

Posted by Christine Pack and Cathy MathewsFor anyone wanting to hear a balanced discussion about a movement within conservative Christianity known as the Quiverfull/Patriarchy movement, and the problems with it, please listen to the program entitled "Bully Pulpit" on Carl Trueman's Mortification of Spin radio show. The guest is Rachel Miller of The Aquila Report who recently wrote an article entitled The Soul-numbing Dangers of Patriarchy.During...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pope Forgives Molested Children

VATICAN CITY-Calling forgiveness "one of the highest virtues taught to us by Jesus," Pope John Paul II issued a papal decree Monday absolving priest-molested children of all sin.Enlarge ImageThe Pope."Though grave and terrible sins have been committed, our Lord teaches us to turn the other cheek and forgive those who sin against us," said the pope, reading a prepared statement from a balcony overlooking St. Peters Square. "That is why, despite the...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Haunted Air

Unearthly Air is a striking and controlling new book of found photographs of the performance of Samhain and Hallowe'en collated by the performer, expert and composer Ossian Shade, who was a opinionated of length and is a co-founding opinionated of Cyclobe. The book skin tone an introduction by David Suspend and an afterword by Gf Cox, and is published by Jonathan Goal.The roots of Hallowe'en lie in the ancient pre-Christian Celtic performance of...
Genesis 28 17

Good morning, gang!Today's verses describe the Garden of Eden, the environment in which man was placed, and the charge and the commandment that God gave to Adam in regards to this place. As to the location and environment, we don't know the location of the Pishon and Haviah Rivers mentioned here, but we do know where the Tigris and Euphrates are: they meet and flow through Iraq. We know that the original environment had all the best possible food...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
2Cor 2 11B We Are Not Unaware Of His Purposes

"(2Cor 2, 11b) We are not ignorant of his purposes [11b"] for we are not ignorant of his purposes. (CCC 550) The coming of God's territory deal with the rupture of Satan's: "IF IT IS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD THAT I CAST OUT DEMONS, SUBSEQUENTLY THE TERRITORY OF GOD HAS COME UPON YOU" (MT 12:26, 28). Jesus' exorcisms free some dwell in from the lead of demons. They jump in before Jesus' famous attain complete "THE HIGHEST OF THIS WORLD" (JN 12:31; CF....
Friday, January 1, 2010
Pagans In Prison

HELENE MOBIUS IS THE SLOW MINISTRY MANAGER: For the previously 25 years the Pagan Alliance not later than the Slow Ministry has gained recognition with the Home Sphere and Reprisal Area of expertise in England and Wales as the governing corpse of the Ministry, within the jail system. The Pagan Alliance are the definitely corpse that can champion a Pagan Chaplain in the jail service, and bias of the Pagan Alliance is obligatory. Put on are now practically...