Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pope Forgives Molested Children

Pope Forgives Molested Children
VATICAN CITY-Calling forgiveness "one of the highest virtues taught to us by Jesus," Pope John Paul II issued a papal decree Monday absolving priest-molested children of all sin.Enlarge ImageThe Pope."Though grave and terrible sins have been committed, our Lord teaches us to turn the other cheek and forgive those who sin against us," said the pope, reading a prepared statement from a balcony overlooking St. Peters Square. "That is why, despite the terrible wrongs they have committed, the church must move on and forgive these children for their misdeeds."As Jesus said, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," the pope continued. "We must send a clear message to these hundreds-perhaps thousands-of children whose sinful ways have tempted so many of the churchs servants into lustful violation of their holy vows of celibacy. The church forgives them for their transgressions and looks upon them not with intolerance, but compassion."The papal announcement arrives in response to public outcry over the sex scandal sweeping the Catholic church in the U.S. Though official church doctrine condemns such transgressions, the popes decision, observers say, is intended to demonstrate the churchs willingness to put the scandal behind it and restore the public trust.



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