Monday, January 25, 2010

He Reached Out To Normative Religion

He Reached Out To Normative Religion
There are names in several languages and cultures or even within each culture, detect cults with characteristic names for armed forces of world. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and so the list would grow fashionable the thousands. How several characteristic put up or M-branes we capability communicate with at some level of our incalculable consomm is part of the question? There are characteristic ways to opening and diverse levels or degrees of opening. Not all are without fail replicable by the enormously techniques. Quite a lot of element of consciousness exists in these indistinguishable armed forces which chooses not to explicit according to factors gone the exhibit of the sample or secular who wishes such interaction.

Assured grow old are in excess of blessed for such interaction according to ceiling beliefs that viewpoint to unveil with these armed forces. The difficult take offense wavelengths of people make detect variations of ritualistic methods unavoidable. A medium, dramatic, or psychic ghost include their own biorhythm to exhibit and multifaceted or unyielding if they indicate to completion with any of these never-ending variations of force. At one level or largest part a force capability trouble a sure way but it too may be impacted by armed forces from substitute largest part. The shamanic 'Tree of Yggdrasil' has unite ethnic people such as the Hebraic 'Tree of Manufacture and though this macro 'tree' is in excess of than the simple innovative armed forces that cook followers it is unavoidable by chance to know a lot in excess of in order to see the world of armed forces in for all. We include the words of a ingenious ditch that uses few ritualistic or cultish prerogatives to guide us a thorough in this expedition gone the world we see that seems so positive.

"According to some shamanic traditions of the northern peoples, the Cap, Spirit and Mark down 'worlds' comprised nine realms of living and these might be indicated on the Tree of Yggdrasil.

At the top of the sound post was a peaceful realm, sometimes called Asgard, where outer space beings existed. Beneath it was the get up of Elucidation - the realm of the Be cautious about, the Motherland of Thought, and the affluent family unit of Lessons. In the middle was the realm of actual appearance which was conditioned by Time, the Take in of the individual self and of ego-consciousness in great amounts and thorough ease of escape to find the nucleus of other in excess of extensive 'realities'.}. Beneath was a intense realm, fluky to unfathomable distraction, where shapes were formed from care patterns...

trance are rigorously basic. Liberty Thought or integrating the indication of the builder with the twisted is part of the lively.} In the stuff of using the innovative armed forces with their North, South, East and West locations and Wind, Flare, Marine, Lair terminology we necessity grasp our perceptual starting shortest may guard these armed forces know-how to allow their conscious candor to tie with our INTENT! Code is in excess of positive than suspicion to a practitioner of what has been forward as 'black arts' to live in who priests required to continue ignorant of their own use ther.}.

At the platform of the post was a realm of languor - the Setting of Authorization. It was sometimes referred to as 'Hel' - a Germanic word meaning shield, equally it coated the deepest areas of the shown. It had none of the interaction official to the fiery 'Hell' of the myths of later than religions. personification hurlers.}

On the intensity plane were other aspects of individual and of background, which too formed part of the underlying knowledge of the shamans.

The Runic shamans of the ancient northern peoples acquired underlying Trans. 'occult' knowledge by the use of angular symbols (Runes) which might with no trouble be imprinted on firewood or chiselled fashionable stone. Difficulty to modern belief (based on the infer of some anthropologists), Runes were not entirely a secret train whose symbols were used as substitutes for letters of the customary alphabet. It is promise that the dimension of Runic shamans might not read or put out their own jargon, or Latin, which became the jargon of the scholar in arrears the Roman group. Runes actually represented patterns of appearance and the laws mature for decisive forms N.B.AGAIN! fashionable which energies might find label. They were - and are - symbols of a Limitless jargon, and are powerful on all levels of living.

In the Runic 'alphabet', forward as the Better Futhark equally it is premeditated the oldest of forward Runic systems {Divinatory systems include been about being man innovative care. The brushwood of the I Ching and the black and white highlighted sides of coconut ammo used by 'Orisha' people attending worship such as voudou and Santeria, are it would seem far older than any European hominid, and without doubt any white man.} and equally the word 'f- u-th-a-r-k' is finished up of its innovative six symbols, acquaint with are twenty-four Runes. There are with calm twenty-four impending paths amid the nine realms indicated on the Tree of Yggdrasil. So the Runes can purpose with as badger permits', enabling the Runic shaman to research Private Space, and as 'passports' to these other realms of living within the Limitless Web.

Shamans of Britain and Northern Europe were accordingly aware that the Foundation functions at characteristic levels of living, and that these really attain to diverse aspects of the keep an eye on. Such a form was practically usual among resident peoples, and can be seen represented on sure tribal artefacts, such as the totem poles of the red-skinned Indians of western North America {Actually not red-skinned but'-the use of ochre as a spiritual protection among the Beothuk of Labrador led Europeans to trick all Indians in this fit. The enormously can be believed for how the Kelts were portrayed as tattooed 'savages' by Caesar.} and the brown-skinned Maoris of New Zealand, chain Kelts on the Chatham Islands.} or the very imprinted crystal wands used by some American Indian shamans. sovereigns and popery.} These artefacts systematically depicted three nucleus self-esteem on top of one substitute, supported by an animal-like figure at the bottom. On a totem attach the top figure as a matter of course had wings to recommend an know-how to travel far and unrestrained. These data might be used to stand for aspects of the secular individual, of nucleus levels of understanding, and of conscious, unfathomable, superconscious and even shown aspects of the keep an eye on.

Nevertheless these diverse states of the keep an eye on were not recognized by modern psychology until the end of the nineteenth century, shamans had in person them as self-esteem Or aspects. for hundreds of kick. Kahuna shamans of Hawaii (later part of a strong primitive continent called Mu, which not here under the Soothing Deep-sea voguish an unripe tight spot taking into account the Lair was pulled fashionable a new and honorable longer rotate of the Sun) likened the unfathomable to a underlying spirit within the secular obsession which bar it was not eloquent to talk, refined impression and covertly and calmly served the consciousness of the self to whom it was coupled." (4)

There are several flaws in the quarrel or assertions about the lost continent or continental frosty relocate and ecologic or earth-shattering activities. We shall deal with them later than but at this playhouse it is get through noting that the Mungo Man and other evidences of good antiquity to stock Churchward's theories of Mu include been established archaeologically. He does an consummate job of deciphering the totem poles of the Haida nation in his book 'The Gone astray Continent of Mu and I include found a stele at Chichen Itza that ropes his Greek to Cara-Maya story of the cut up of Mu. There are several statues and intellectual works in the field to stock it as well as other esoteric symbols on the stele. My pains forcibly landed me in a Mexican put in jail with no custody as a Canadian or American lessee. The enclosure of this strange succeed is firm to change on Hawaii and he capability be bowled over to know that the tape 'northern' (Hyperborean according to ancient Greek scholars) shamans, or the Druids include their ceiling shrewd members in Hawaii. This was from a believable grounding, I charge. So calm equally he tried to make heart of the facts and finished several mistakes does not engrave my love for the bite and grasp of Col. James Churchward. He tried to give mankind a truer picture of his heredity and cultural have space for. We necessity try to induct what attention our with reprehensible traditions has for people of the well ahead.

"The inspiring and creative level of the keep an eye on which operated at a disdainful observe of consciousness was recognized as the province of a disdainful charisma - a kick Basis - which was honest and which stimulated the self towards spiritual aspirations and noble comings and goings. It was premeditated to guide and fire up the secular self, for it had divine-like self...

Together with shamans of northern traditions, save for, was an accepted teaching Liking of the Bairds by which my genes do demand.} that recognized a fourth education - an intrinsic and automative one which moderate and maintained the physical unit, and which was mature for its protection and leftover. This education operated at rough levels of shown distraction {Partially, by chance, the earlier period index of our genes according to Dr. Collins the understanding of the Possible Genome Display.} and was likened to an animal spirit equally its action seemed for the most part intrinsic. Such as it routinely not here taking into account the secular individual suffered death it was not regarded in the enormously way as the other self-esteem...

Each person dexterity has been effective within its own culture, but has less important from an until that time macro cipher of prehistory. By recognizing the parallels and integrating the philosophy fashionable a isolated vocal cipher in the spirit of the travelling shamans. I chance not track to get nearer to the underlying cipher, but with to bring in modern people with a quick path to the Foundation of the shaman, accordingly securing a take in espousal from which Private Space may be explored and the give support to normal.

Travelling shamans who went gone the boundaries of their own tribal society recognized that no isolated group hyperactive all Truism {Thus the Kelts were fashionable 'Brotherhood' closer than racial perfection or ethnic authority.}, and so journeyed from race to race and place to place seeking knowledge, prompt new insights, weaving what they sage fashionable what they by knew, and imparting wisdom." (5)

It is good to see that acquaint with are several people in every age who see that Private Space and travel give drastically kindness. In spite of the pungent attitudes of the platform 5,000 kick that include required to even out, enslave or be the source of class hierarchies, and arrange us for their increase, the shaman's course has borne wondrous fruit. In in progress grow old the quantum (later derided as 'atom-mysticists') physicists and people considering Lovelock, Campbell, Chopra etc., are our shrewd cells. The with had the De Danaan or their 'brothers' of the clan of hominids we include calm found in close proximity Combine Mungo.

"The Pre Ragnarok Viking Gods.

This warmth was romantic by Erik Linklater and the legends of the Orkney Islands, guided by Thor, and veteran in meditation. It contains no actual of German origin. In black and white 1989.

The Sagas were in print by shamans and other leaders to define the companionable, spiritual and psychic objectives of the clan. Where an image twisted inspires Man and is ample to spirit guides, subsequently live in spirit guides ghost use the image as an limit and bring it to life, accordingly creating an sculpt God. The fossilised Gods of monotheism on the other hand are calm enthusiast, mental or psychic exhibit mechanisms stranded in time until dismantled. Interior guides do not include a take offense and be after you to do their standing and meditation for them. If one serves the Gods, subsequently they ghost purpose you. There are no free lunches. (Entrance in print February 2000.)

Afterward man can whiff ample energy and trade for his clowning around, he ghost no longer be after God or Gods. Until such time he wishes a innovative break the speed limit energy grounding. The Viking Gods bring in a innovative class grounding of energy, suitable for propelling man straight clarification (as in Zen). They ghost help throw the Zodiac and the Akashic Elements (Flare, Air, Marine and Lair), and other Frozen Giants of impression." (6)

These mystic people were systematically called 'messengers' among the populate of North America and 'gods' among small ethnic groups who required to be the source of Olympians or other gods they might interpret for. Afterward the platform Mungo Man went to whatever gravel or end they required, we do not know. Was it taking into account the genetic viruses took all the large animals considering Mammoths and saber cats? No, equally acquaint with were passive mammoths on Fight Desert island 4,000 kick ago. I don't give your opinion the in excess of advanced humans of the Mungo assortment would include officially recognized US to do what we've done to our unaffected 'brothers' and our own mothers and sisters. Possibly I'm a theorist or an visionary, perhaps I'm considering Heraclitus of Ephesus who shunned his position and power for the seek of some absurd and shadowy purpose. Conceivably I'm an extreme self and upset or calm a ingenuous cultist of some style. I've been called several characteristic names or labeled a witch, agnostic, nonbeliever, alchemist, and other bits and pieces I it would seem am, as well. It would be defective to put me height several others in a seek equally I detail and love so several characteristic people and approaches. Krishnamurti (not good enough Theosophists), Yogananda prematurely he reached out to normative religion and even as the ecumenicist, Jung and the philosophers of dump infiltration considering Campbell. I chance you put me height these people or entirely with live in who wore my name so successfully in pre-Christian grow old - BAIRDS! These are my household followers or 'guides'.

Playwright of Various Druids

Columnist for The ES Probe Newspaper

Guest scriptwriter for

Mark Source: Baird

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