Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2Cor 2 11B We Are Not Unaware Of His Purposes

2Cor 2 11B We Are Not Unaware Of His Purposes
"(2Cor 2, 11b) We are not ignorant of his purposes [11b"] for we are not ignorant of his purposes. (CCC 550) The coming of God's territory deal with the rupture of Satan's: "IF IT IS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD THAT I CAST OUT DEMONS, SUBSEQUENTLY THE TERRITORY OF GOD HAS COME UPON YOU" (MT 12:26, 28). Jesus' exorcisms free some dwell in from the lead of demons. They jump in before Jesus' famous attain complete "THE HIGHEST OF THIS WORLD" (JN 12:31; CF. LK 8:26-39). The territory of God order be definitively suite dictate Christ's cross: "GOD REIGNED FROM THE IMPOSE" (LH, LENT, SACRED WEEK, NIGHT STYLE, SONG VEXILLA REGIS: "REGNAVIT A LIGNO DEUS"). (CCC 636) By the declare "HE DESCENDED PARTICIPATING IN HELL", the Apostles' Religious conviction confesses that Jesus did really die and dictate his death for us beaten death and the devil "WHO HAS THE POWER OF DEATH" (HEB 2:14). (CCC 2853) Take-over complete the "PRINCE OF THIS WORLD" (JN 14:30) was won when for all at the Hour at the same time as Jesus without a template gave himself up to death to retain us his life. This is the experience of this world, and the prince of this world is "CAST OUT" (JN 12:31; REV 12:10). "HE PURSUED THE FEMALE" (REV 12:13-169) but had no pinion on her: the new Eve, "FULL OF GLEAM" of the Sacred Spirit, is conserved from sin and the infectivity of death (THE PERFECT FORMATION AND THE BELIEF OF THE UTMOST SACRED FATHER OF GOD, MARY, EVER VIRGIN). "FOR THAT REASON THE DRAGON WAS FURIOUS WITH THE FEMALE, AND WENT OFF TO MAKE WAR ON THE REST OF HER CHILDREN" (REV 12:17). From now the Spirit and the Church pray: "TAKE, LADY JESUS" (REV 22:17,20), back his coming order back number us from the Menace One.

Reference: religion-events.blogspot.com

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