Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Vistour Blog

Vistour Blog
Welcome and blessed be to my blog pls bare with me as this is my first blog and i have no idea what i,m doing. Ok if i,m right i think i should just put info on the stuff i know about wicca so here i go:). Well first off i study nocturnal wicca its like normal wicca just with slight changes. Well i guess the one thing that is misunderstood about this type of wicca is some ppl think you worship evil gods and goddesses. That couldnt be more wrong and sorry if i,m just telling you guys stuff you already knowOne thing i find useful to do is purify my aura there is one exercise i like to do that helps me feel strong and healthy. Get comfortable the visualize a ball of white light above your head. Feel the energy of the ball know that its filled with love and strength and peace. Try hard to feel these qualities in the energy of the ball. Now let the energy from the ball begin to flow down into you. The energy is a beautiful clear white light no matter how much light comes into you the ball will remain equally strong. For its true origin is the goddess and it is a source of boundless spiritual energy let the energy from the ball pour into you and flow throughout your body. Let it move out into your arms and legs down into your fingers and toes. Let the light expand beyond your body just an inch outward from your body then two inches then a few more. Till the light forms and oval let it grow until its 6 ft across now say to your self. "there is one power in the universe and i am a perfect manifestation of that power as such i will that the boundaries of my aura shall be strong and healthy repelling all unwanted energy while remaining open to positive and healing energy safe within these boundaries nothing can harm me for i am filled with the strength of the goddess by my will so mote it be and it is so" well thats it for today i hope it will help someone out there well till tomorrow have a great day blessed be ok one thing i find most true in my books is the goals of a witch they have the same idea in most books just with diff wording so here they are the 13 goals of a witch1 know your self2 know your craft3 learn4 apply knowledge with wisdom5 achieve balance6 keep your words in good order7 keep your thoughts in good order8 celebrate life9 attune with the cycles of the earth10 breathe and eat correctly11 exercise the body12 mediate13 honer the goddess and god

good morning everyone its friday january 16 10:36am sorry to all if any that have read this and wondered why there was nothing new i have been very busy with my study,s so i didnt think much of my blog

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