Saturday, November 8, 2014

Faerie Tyagi

Faerie Tyagi
[KTo: tyagiFrom: TyagiSubject: The FaerieDate: Fri, 18 Mar 94 13:07:49 PSTLines: 121940318 [Letter from me to Elijah, slightly edited.] From: TCA001@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU Date: Fri, 18 Mar 1994 09:49:10 -0500 (CDT) To my knowledge, the entrance to Faerie is through a sort of faerie mound but that is an example in the Ire and in some parts of Germany and Scandinavia. I have reached them in trance through this method, yes. That is, I wentin visualization ('astrally'?) to a mound and let myself in. Usually Ijust go see them, but I was in a class of Gardnerians and they asked usto enter within certain parameters. Perhaps you should know these...I was told that the Faerie are dangerous. Now for me this is patentlyuntrue, but I consider them kin, and I can see why they might not likecertain folks. In order to protect myself I was told to hold tight toa piece of iron. Apparently this keeps the individual grounded andprotected from their magick. I did as requested at that time, but did not then nor since felt I needed it. I was also requested not to partake of food or drink while visiting.This again I did out of respect for the Gardnerian people. In my ownpractice I can visit them when and if I wish without danger. Theirhome is not only reachable within the woods, but the forest is aplace where the nexus is strong. Their world is co-extant with ourown, though slightly shifted in plane.For more on this read the Book of Shadows excerpts I posted recentlyand/or *JOHN* Crowley's", " Is the same true on this continent? Preferred methods may vary, but it is more a matter of taste andpsychology than anything else. In this (American) continent Idon't notice that for me it is much different than Europe, but myheritage (genetic) is English and Irish, among others, so I may bequite biased. I find that my strongest bridge lies in the wildernessgenerally and within a secret glade specifically. And if so are the entrences wide spread? I think that this is a common (mis?)conception. As far as I know thereare no formal 'entrances'. People find it easier to make the shiftbetween the worlds at certain spots, and for this reason some have takento calling certain areas 'entrances'. My experience shows that this isa limited view of it and that the Good People may be reached anywhere,even in the deeps of space (though this is surely the most difficult). How is a faerie mound recognized from any other mound. Great question. I'm not sure. The one I found had one of my kin sittingon it! :> Other than this all I can bring to mind is the stuff aboutfaerie RINGS, but I think I'm jumbling it. Faerie rings are rings ofmushrooms, and I don't think they have anything in their center. It isquite possible that faerie mounds have some peculiar quality, but atpresent I don't know what that might be. I had read once that one could sit in an 'enchanted or haunted forest' on the equinox and begin to talk outloud about how wonderful and intelligent the faye were and they would come to you for a 'game', is this valid?There is no 'false' or 'nonvalid' means of contacting the Blessed Ones.They have certain signals by which they recognize the genuine of heart.Sometimes the most extreme or peculiar will attract their attention andboon, sometimes it will only cause them to steer clear. Most of it isattitude and diligence. All I know about the faye save posts on alt.magick and faerie tales, is from the experiences of others, and unfortunately they had nothing good to say. In today's world there is much prejudice against the Wee Folk. Our modernforms of 'education' are really a kind of indoctrination against consideringThem to be real. It teaches us to be blind to the devas, or nature spirits,by virtue of an over-analyzing mind, filtering out all that doesn't meet upwith what I call the Doctrine of Materialism. This is a direct counter-teaching to that of popular religion, which errs in rather the oppositedirection, but only within its world-hating guises.There are some people who still have connections to the Pleasant Ones,but mostly they aren't heard or their means of communicating (poets orbards that they tend to be) are overly complicated or abstruse to befollowed by the 'educated' public.And yet this is all a very wonderful thing. Just imagine what mighthappen if a serious-minded scientist were allowed to venture into theLand of Joy! Not only would his dour and critical mood sully theenchantment of that world, but, stripped of his social powers and station,the Fae would have their way with him in the most AWFUL of manners!After all, they've many years of revenge to wreak for the spoilage ofthe wilderness and the minds of the young, with whom they most love tofrolic. I must admit a certain wonder at the aspect of finding out for myself.Give yourself time and patience if indeed you set about attemping suchcontact. Some require years of search. Some find it the next morning!Some do it without aid or tool. Others require weird mechanisms orpsychedelics in order to break their programming which is contrary tothe experience.Tolkien is good for learning a little about elven psychology. JCrowleyis good for the relationship between the worlds. I'm sure there areeven writers who speak of it openly in their books (like the Matthews'or Stewart or any of them Brits). ;>Good luck. ElijahTyagiEnter to continue.[A

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