"The pastor's not gonna say 'go down to "Wachovia" and get a loan' but I have heard, 'even if you have a poor credit rating God can still bless you - if you put some faith out there [that is, make a big donation to the church], you'll get that house, or that car or that apartment.'" Adds J. Lee Grady, editor of the magazine Charisma, "It definitely goes on, that a preacher might say, 'if you give this offering, God will give you a house. And if they did get the house, people did think that it was an answer to prayer, when in fact it was really bad banking policy."
"Foreclosures: Did God Want You to Get That Mortgage? - TIME"
The prosperity doctrine is a pastor-enrichment scam. Now these poor marks are losing everything. I wonder if it will shake their faith?
hat tip to Richard. Technorati tags: Christians, Prosperity Doctrine, scams, fraud, mortgage crisis