What a year!
2014 has been our most successful year. We have published no less than seven projects, including the critically acclaimed Cameron-Parsons collaboration SONGS FOR THE WITCH WOMAN and Rik Garrett's evocative EARTH MAGIC. Together with the Arts University Bournemouth we have initiated an ambitious programme of publications exploring esotericism and contemporary art under the banner of BLACK MIRROR. In March we were key participants in the University of Cambridge conference Charming Intentions which sought to explore the relationship between arts and the occult. In October we hosted I:MAGE 2014, a two week programme that included an exhibition, artist's talks, workshops, book launches and a special conference at the Warburg Institute. Amongst all this, we have also found time to publish three new issues of our Abraxas journal. In short, it's been a very busy year and we are grateful to everyone who has been so supportive of our wider aims.
Our Warehouse Sale, and why...
After all this, you might think 2015 will be quieter... but we have some major (and long-awaited) publications due for release over the next few months, including Michael Bertiaux's ONTOLOGICAL GRAFFITTI, and FULGUR: A BIBLIOGRAPHY, to name but two. All this new stock means that even our larger warehouse is looking full, so to make space we will be offering some of our past and present titles at vastly reduced prices. These are copies which we considered 'seconds', ie. they have small blemishes on the covers, etc., but we will be offering some of them with a discount of over 70% off the published price. The sale begins on December 30th at 4PM Greenwich Mean Time and regular buyers will receive an email notification, as usual.
Reference: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com