Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Woden Day Waxing Crescent Moon In Capricorn

Woden Day Waxing Crescent Moon In Capricorn
"I'm one with the Idol

and open to Her Infer."

5th Day of the 12th Lunar Sprint

Ruled by Artemis

Lunar Tree Sprint of Ngetal/Reed

14th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Ngetal/Reed

6th Day of the Sprint of Shamash

- Excitement of the Witch Gods

Moon Phase: waxing Semi-circular

Moon rises: 11:23AM EST

Moon sets: 9:08PM EST

Moon in the Cardinal Hideaway

Guiding light of Capricorn

Blodeuwedd's Sprint of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: Thresholds of

light in your life.

Sun in Scorpio

Sunrise: 6:56A EST

Sunset: 5:08PM EST

Astrophysical Skepticism for the Day: "In

which areas do you greatest extent yearn for

to grow?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Region

of the Engagement

November 10th, 2010

WODEN'S DAY - Mercury Day - the Day of Memorandum and Relation. Portray are Notable magickal energies today for spells/rites not far off from Politics and Negotiation.

Origin: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com

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