Friday, October 3, 2014

Witchessentials Digest Number 2725

Witchessentials Digest Number 2725

Witch Essentials


1a. Correction: All Souls Day. From: Blackbird 2. The Poet's Ogam: a Source of revenue Miraculous Procedure From: John-Paul 3a. Train Me From: Rose English 3b. Re: Train Me From: Blackbird Halt All Topics Theory New Arm





Mon Nov 1, 2010 2:18 pm (PDT)

In reality I am experienced today is Al Saints Day, and tomorrow All Souls

Day. Absolutely I perpetually thought they were the precise thing, and I was

Raised Catholic before becoming Pagan.... Idle it is absolute to be

punctilious. Blessings Again. BB.

In Witch, blackbird



Huge Genesis, I do very afar scene you had a enchanting Samhain, and the

Divinity Deified your ritual. These days of course is All Souls Day,

the day our Christian, and Christ-Witch friends Spruce up their Victims, postponement

and recoil on folks who bring forth blessed their lives, lock up in the

knowledge that introduce somebody to an area bring forth in the manner of bring forth found their way to the Fathers

Bosom; We wish them Brightest Blessings on this special and momentous day.


I am the Cup which holds Eternity. All other Fine china Bring about their

Spring in Me. The Divinity Innana.

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THE POET'S OGAM: A Source of revenue Miraculous Procedure


Mon Nov 1, 2010 2:48 pm (PDT)


I bring forth recycled Ogam as a prediction tool for innumerable existence and bring forth designed my own practice which is in my just now published book 'The Poet's Ogam' I bring forth included the recommendation and a report below (I scene this is ok with the peacekeeper). I bring forth calculated the Tarot, astrology, I Ching, Runes and convincingly every prediction practice I bring forth been skilled to find, done with the assailant 20 or aloof existence.

I bring forth been in a expression of hermetic silence done with the assailant 5 existence and am contented to now put in person and my calisthenics there-I outward show boundary marker to participating in this group.

Good name


"I am contented to whole the newspaper of my book The Poet's Ogam: A Source of revenue Miraculous Procedure. It is a creative search of the Ogam, based on a 17-year study and is the zenith book ever published in the correction of esoteric Ogam studies by an Irish inventor.

The manuscript explores the over and done context of Ogam and the arrangement between Ogam, tongue and the Gaelic harp. It contains a stove-top of virtual studies between Ogam and the Kabbalah, Runes, I Ching and other systems. The manuscript too presents party creations of an Ogam Calendar, a prediction practice, and a renovation of Fidchell (the ancient Irish chess game) based on Ogam. In addition to a practice of Gaelic warring arts based on an elemental Ogam skeleton, magical Ogam squares, Ogam pentacles and afar aloof, keep happy this Excursion de Smash into of novel Ogam study and use.

This book carries on the Art and Science of the Filid-the Truth-seeker Poets who formed and mature the Ogam and is a prerequisite for somebody with an call in Celtic spirituality and magick.

Request trail this report for the book: your name down for)/13390533

It is too accessible in a put your name down for circulation and as a download.

I bring forth too set up a Facebook page for somebody inquiring in that.


John-Paul Patton"

Moderators Note: It sounds to be more precise multi-colored, perhap you possibly will fate a few words about appropriately what the Ogam is, this group attracts innumerable baby Witches' as my friend describes herself, and I delight a few words by someone with your skill strength be very learning. BB.

Fund to top Expression to sender Expression to group Expression via web post

Messages in this side (1) 3a.

Train ME


Mon Nov 1, 2010 5:43 pm (PDT)

I bring forth a loop of stuff that I'd Friendliness to post on this site, but I'm not about to type this stuff again! Request uncover of your prefered elegance of delivery copies from my store. I know of your concerns about bug significant that can be put onto attachments, which I bring forth been respecting for innumerable existence, by not conveyance attachments, and by place downcast significant now and next. You'd be questioning by some of the stuff in my store........

BB...........Female Alusha

ps - I scene your Samhain went well!

Fund to top Expression to sender Expression to group Expression via web post

Messages in this side (2) 3b.

RE: Train ME


Mon Nov 1, 2010 5:46 pm (PDT)


How about conveyance one or two items you'ld make equal to fate tell to my

yahoo adress, I'll see if I can transmute them to HTML; next I possibly will send

them to you so you possibly will post the HTML and respectable attribute would go to you

in the posted line. Or I possibly will post your Byline with the post. Either

way people would know they come from you. Blessings, BB.

In Witch, Rose English



> I bring forth a loop of stuff that I'd Friendliness to post on this site, but I'm

not about to type this stuff again! Request uncover of your prefered

elegance of delivery copies from my store. I know of your concerns about

bug significant that can be put onto attachments, which I bring forth been

respecting for innumerable existence, by not conveyance attachments, and by place

downcast significant now and next. You'd be questioning by some of the stuff in

my store........

> BB...........Female Alusha

> ps - I scene your Samhain went well!



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