The Bible - What it Really Means
You've always wanted to know what The Bible really means. Now here it is in simple terms anyone can understand.Dance of the Bride and the Bridegroom - A Prayer of Supplication and Declaration
Lord, I so desire for my heart and my soul to receive such a gift from You...such a sound from Heaven. I long for Your love to swell in my heart like an open gate and pour out of my being with rivers of living water. I know I have had questions that seem to have no real practical answers sometimes. I know all things cannot be grasped with the mind but must be absorbed by the spirit within me. Some of Your Word today seems too grand and I can't wrap my mind around the simplicity of relationship with You. Teach me to glory in the simple ways...in the simple things.
Can I Have My Tarot Cards Read Every Week?
A good tarot card reading can elicit some interesting responses. For first-time clients I often see a phenomenon I call, "The Chinese Food Syndrome." In this metaphor, the client feels good about the information he received in the reading, and quickly calls to schedule another one.
Numerology and Birth Charts - Where Your Special Gifts Lie
In Numerology, two people can have the same Life Path number and yet have completely different gifts in Life. These areas, known as Birth Intensities represent special gifts in your chart, as well as areas where you may be more sensitive to attack or damage.
How Can a Beginner Choose a Tarot Card Deck When There Are So Many to Choose From?
Choosing a tarot card deck can be frustrating for both the beginner and the practitioner. With so many beautiful decks out there, how does one go about making that choice? Cassy offers a few tips that can help.
Conversational Hypnosis
Have you often thought of making people obey your commands and do whatever you tell them to? Well, there are millions of souls like you, present all across the globe who would like to exercise the same control on others. They would in fact do anything to enchant people with their hypnotizing charms. Then why not give Conversational Hypnosis a try. In fact it stands a better chance than any of the other methods as it is a product of the world-class hypnotist, coach and NLP trainer, Igor Ledochowski.
You Can Fly! - Astral Projection For Kids
Have you ever wanted to fly? Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined soaring over the trees? Do you have dreams at night that you're flying? Did you know that it is possible to close your eyes and have a real-life, magical, flying adventure? It is called astral projection.
Psychics Are Hot in America's Age of Anxiety
Psychics are everywhere these days. Once the victims of a bad image thanks to hokey infomercials for psychic hotlines and a kind of carnival milieu surrounding crystal ball-toting psychic readers, the practitioners of this ancient art are finally getting some respect. You'll find psychics all over the TV, in the movies, in print magazines and newspapers, online, and even in the corporate boardrooms of America. Psychics are being taken very seriously. Aren't they ripe for some wicked satire?
People Engaging in Tarot Reading
Individuals coming from all lifestyles seek guidance or help from tarot card readers for almost anything. They ask different questions and hope for positive answers.
The Power of the Spoken Word
Words are easy to articulate but have you ever given any thought as to what can result from your words? We use a lot of them every day and usually not a great deal of deliberation precedes them.
Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com