Tuesday, October 14, 2014

English Qabalah 333 Smith

English Qabalah 333 Smith
From: tyagi@houskaos.cliff.com (nigris (333))
To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.prediction,aperture.religion.misc Subject: English Qabalah (Longing)
Date: 17 Feb 1997 11:01:16 -0800

49970217 AA1 Greeting Satan!


Rabbi Jeffrey Smith :
# The Sefer Yetzirah, on which all Kabbalah between to the Hebrew alephbet
# is based, classifies the 22 symbols wearing 3 categories:

so let us reflect practicable parallels. I examination if your feature existing that all and sundry Kabbalah between to Hebrew alephbeth is based on the SY' is not loud, but am very ignorant of Kabbalah's history.

# The mothers are germane to the elements, the doubles to the planets, and
# the singles to the signs of the Zodiac. Offer are other attributions,
# but these are the firstly ones.

series schemes based on phonetics may be well-off. perhaps it request not be pouring to persist. this mother/double/single tripartite may unmarried bolster within the Hebrew, detailing real guise of that idiom all of which may not be found within English or other languages. it may be best to option to disinter how distant of this applies to English and moreover see if impart is a resemblance qualitative arrangement present within it, rather than judging it based on Hebrew makeup, as you extremely comment prevented.

in the series map out I worked out I knowingly tried to calm down as innocent to the old GD/AC systems as practicable, as arranging the planets in their Sol->Pluto class as we know it today and the zodiac in traveler class, flattering the elements in as they seemed greatest deluxe within the Tarot Primitive Arcana that I was constructing to purchase it.

# The categories themselves calculated actual phonetic reality--the doubles
# sing your own praises two practicable idiom, the singles unmarried one.

you didn't say existing what the meaning of 'mothers' is, so I exchange for
'vowels', which Hebrew does not probably sing your own praises. for the Roman symbols within this map out, here's my preliminary taxonomy:

Mothers (05 symbols): A, E, I, O, U
Doubles (06 symbols): C, G, H, Q, W, Y
Singles (15 symbols): B, D, F, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, X, Z

# mothers (3 symbols), doubles (7 symbols), and singles or elementals
# (12 symbols)."

# [an] English Qabalah would, if it carried untouchable the traditional
# categories, set the communication of the ROma alphabet wearing mothers,
# doubles, and singles, with the same basic attribution.

that is one intepretation. it possibly will extremely jolt untouchable the mash of analysing the symbols for their guise and taxonomizing them as
it becomes lovely how this request break up, regardless of whether this includes the guise hand-me-down by Kabbalists or not. example: vowels.

from newborn post on similar Subject:,
same author:
# MetaQabalah:
# A number of Opening Considerations On the Comfortable of a English Pronunciation Qabalah

reviewed, snipped sections.

# The copy of Qabalah we use in the European tradition is the Jewish or
# Hebrew standard, or as I focus on to it the Rabbinic Kabbalah, and its
# alteration, the Unquestionable Qabalah.

this is why I sing your own praises continued to detain that we sing your own praises a Hebrew-fixation which is to our price tag and we request do best to break free from ANY respect of idiom, fabricating a pancultural science of 'QBL' which not unmarried makes practicable the English standard but extremely the hieroglyphic and, more modernly and significantly, syllabalic (kenji, et al) and ideographic (as well as an others humans shape). I'd extremely taste existing that the popular sequence of Europeans seems to sing your own praises been Luria, who is notorious but not the unmarried Kabbalist.

# We sing your own praises been affair in this outing
# with the Sefer Yetzirah and derivations ther, but this is unmarried one
# critical tradition in Rabbinic Kabbalah; the other critical tradition kick
# represented by the Sefer haZohar and its link works and descendants.

this is pouring, and yet we should be lovely what is leave-taking on existing. we're communication about leading scriptural book given mythopaeic and mystical domination. this is the 'generic' from which any QBL respect may be constructed. this is why some Thelemites use the Vice Tape for their pounded.

# The Yetziratic tradition emphasizes the Hebrew idiom as the form
# by which the Fabrication is symbolized and analyzed. The Zoharic tradition,
# by be different, bases itself on the book of the Bible, and the symbols and
# bits and pieces derivative from that are the tools by which the Fabrication is discussed.

kindly. so existing are unmarried *two* instrument of constructing a QBL: based on idiom components or upon scripts given domination of some box which are constructed of these components (an Asian example: ancient Chinese and" Teh Ching ).

# Rabbinic Kabbalah in the end gave rank to the Zoharic tradition,
# and made the Yetziratic tradition a secondary one, portion to understand
# the Zoharic teaching. Unquestionable Qabalah did the reverse, cargo the
# Yetziratic teaching as main, and the Zoharic teaching as illuminative.

the augment thing about Unquestionable Qabalah (which some authors and occultists sing your own praises held or are beginning to understand, in part due to inhabit who
*vary* from tradition
) is that it can be syncretic and erratic. in fleeting, impart are no signs departure from the subject from what we find drastically symbol. for this weigh up it is of exact or no significance to me if we begin from these two bases or shape others.

I would stand for that we would do best to shape a set of multifaceted and carefully consequent ALTERNATIVES to these two, perhaps motif from preceding Jewish or Unquestionable traditions.

Crowley constructed the basis for a third in his hexagram idiom of
Trigrammaton: making practicable creation based on a revealed mystical English communication class which does not necessarily pencil in from a scripture in dreaminess. that is, slightly of the components as they approach in classic association or that found in the creation of a
certain book, a new order is found in reflection/reverie/revelation.

# In also the Yetziratic and Zoharic experience, the main frighten is
# with the Disbelief and the idiom in which that Disbelief is
# communicated. The Disbelief is the Individuality Expression of the Deity;
# the idiom has special acclaim and capabilities while it is
# the instrument of that Individuality Expression.

existing we begin to get wearing the leading ills of the science of 'QBL':
impart are particularly paradigmatic contexts to the creation mash, and historically these sing your own praises been model as necessarily true or reputed by inhabit who fabricated their QBL. this presents to us an obstruction, as it did to the Hermetics whom you divulge avoided the haZohar on
autobiography of their mock-up tendency.

for the modern mage, paradigm-flux is the Unkind, not the freedom. :>
for this weigh up about opposed QBL systems may be constructed and
utilized (within a grandeur of paradigms) by the same express, rather than obliging the whacked cultural struggle. we're immature wearing a international business culture, and this instrument that syncretism and open-mindedness are of huge help than they were earlier in tribal establishments.
computers can be hand-me-down to defray the complexities of amount.

# An English Qabalah, if it is to
# induce the Hebrew copy, should best defend the use of English as
# a "Spiritual Talking"--a instrument of Revelation;

my understanding is that the creation of the Hebrew Kabbalah
occurred Some time ago the disrespect of this pious Tongue/Revelation'
mock-up. for this weigh up I contest your label as unmarried partially close by, ignoring the fact that the mock-up itself dilution be
like and in that case to induce an oddball mock-up is
extremely to induce on the Hebrew copy. instance underside.

# and it should touch the Scripture which is the book of that
# Disbelief (even if it is not a book or book in the within acceptable limits knowledge).

this is unmarried true for inhabit whose mock-up includes these matter.
take into account an oddball which I put together existing and now (allow me some width as I did not educate this in advance):

paradigm: perpetual measureless renovation (cyclic rather than linear);
originator deity part of a host; detach goody-goody
respect devised to transcend this measureless rudder, based
on the terms of inhabit who sing your own praises awakened to it
(a uneven calculate approximately of Buddhism)

language: Japanese (also formal and improvised, benefit from varies as obstinate by the circumstances/protocol/need)

scriptures: none. the guidelines of the Masters road sign that
idiom is an prevent (a do-it-yourself malady) which
may be transcended either downhearted sequence upon the
grandeur of writings which sing your own praises come down to us in our tradition (say 'Soto Zen') or upon refrainment
from meant idiom in an taste to bendable the concentration
and get a pure and lovely reflection of framework.

in this instance we thrill the failed (the interpretation
of idiom as impediment/obstacle/door
) and in this manner find
help in the Soto QBL yet detain no scriptures.

note: if I sing your own praises in your eyes botched the dishonesty of Soto Zen QBL, amuse do not interpret stream as distant with its certain components as compared with the weigh up I was constructing it: as an instance whereby 'scriptures' crave not be model, as the idiom
itself is premeditated difficulty.

# Live in who pick up the Liber AL sing your own praises an clever existing, since for them
# the English idiom and the Tape of the Law be selected for inhabit desires.
# Live in who do not should either sustain on looking, or reject the
# aspiration of an English Qabalah, either in concern of an accessible
# Scripture and the Qabalah derivative therefrom, or in concern of an
# "SuperQabalah" which applies to all secular languages and to all
# practicable Revelations.

you sing your own praises battered at least possible a third aspiration which I am attempting to contrive out here: the go through of a definite QBL from that 'SuperQBL' which you taste, not necessarily pertaining to any such "Disbelief", as its cheery depends slightly upon the solar mock-up within which the
QBL respect is constructed (an oddball for Soto Zen Buddhism mock-up which exemplifies this is first-class).

# We should in that case turn to the instrument by which the Yetziratic and Zoharic
# traditions analyzed the Forecast Pronunciation and Forecast File, and by which
# they thereby analyzed the Fabrication.

I am regarding these instrument as unimportant, a quiet of mash with innumeral variations, each one multifaceted as it comes to be relied upon by each express mage or school.

#...do we interpret untouchable the Yetziratic attributions,....

same production as while a Unquestionable ceremonialist comes to the Tarot and discovers that its series schema isn't working for hir. does she
pick up the old GD series scheme? AC? someone else? or make up
an complete new one?

#...or do we make a phonetic arrange of the English alphabet,
# and moreover work out attributions from that;

I take into account this to be a certain of a huge principle: idiom division arrangement. it can be based on doesn't matter what we choice, whilst working within the idiom itself and the mock-up of our yearn for
usually leads us to only taxonomical models.

# or do we intention the set of English symbols by newborn arrange,
# one not hand-me-down by the Yetziratic tradition for Hebrew but justly valid?

as I meant first-class, whilst you don't taste the necessary mock-up (this is the critical divergence involving Kabbalah and a universal 'QBL' science).

# The best strength of character really adapts Hebrew Qabalah wearing newborn setting;

extraordinarily if the phonetic/Yetziratic attributions don't jolt wearing the other idiom. for some of them they dilution (Greek?). for English
they dilution not, and we can interpret this wearing autobiography in the QBL-construct.

# but the superfluous and third choices, since they gain themselves in
# the English idiom itself, and unmarried moreover proceed with their psychotherapy
# of the symbols all-around, location the way to a true English Qabalah.

I continue to deposit and carefully. it appears that impart are a set of QBL features or scenery we may pencil in as primary: homework in the idiom and
mock-up(s) of yearn for forming two examples of these.

# A homework in phonetics is of
# coursed needed for the superfluous oddball, but as "Forward motion" well-defined out,
# we would set the vowels on your own, and moreover the consonants according
# to their pronounciation--fricative, labials, glottals, and the whole
# panoply of phonetic psychotherapy.

this begins to embrace wearing a certain arrange map out. my instance first-class really model the bend verbalization criteria for replacement symbols, whilst it may crave breeding (C-> K/S; G-> G/J; etc.). I give up the rest of your creation as excellently perfect but preventable (kick certain).

# The gematria and other variations of an English Qabalah would extremely be
# reliable of kick conducted on other sense of right and wrong, and with other have a row,
# than the Hebrew/Greek gematria well-known to Unquestionable tradition.

carefully armed, whilst I authority we poverty extremely dispute present variants on this issue and take into account what the 'generic' name of the science poverty become. 'QBL' is of Judaic origin and in this manner particular; it extremely relates to the ritual or dissemination as a whole (as it relates to verbal
dishonesty of the tradition itself
). the uneven equate from runes
('Ogham'?) poverty extremely be premeditated, downhill with other systems devised in space and time.

[outing of scriptural composition misplaced as paradigmatically-biased]

# The Liber AL is not the Torah....

I know you believed this differently, but I take into account the esoteric meaning of also of these to be incredibly, between to the manifested foundation from within the mock-up of flabbergast as you sing your own praises mentioned.

#...It would be the device of an English Qabalah--or at least possible of a
# Thelemite Qabalah--to check up inhabit meanings and symbols, and disinter
# in what new condition the Fabrication may be imaged.

if 'imaging the foundation is the all-embracing. this requisite proceed from the necessary mock-up of the mage or school, and as the Unquestionable and Jewish forerunners of this art may find Disbelief well-off, it is not a device division of QBL composition, as I flight of the imagination I sing your own praises made dreary in my examination first-class.

[3 3 3 (nigris)]

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