The next week was the Druids of Caledon open Beltane ritual in Rouken Glen Park and my parents were well enough to be there. I had the pleasure of being at that one too.
For me though it doesn't quiet feel like Beltane until the hawthorn blossoms nearby so my third Beltane celebration took place a couple of weeks later and was a quiet acknowledgement of the changing of seasons.
Now we move towards the Summer Solstice and the days get longer and warmer although not often drier! Tuatha de Bridget will not be organising a Summer Solstice ritual this year. Instead we will be once again encouraging members to join the lovely members of the Druids of Caledon for their ritual on Sunday 22nd June at Rouken Glen park.
Please contact us if you need further details of where to go and what time.
Source: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com