Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Witches Bottle 3

Witches Bottle 3
Again this is not my spell, but I did do this one. I can not say I had great luck with it but I am going to try it again when I can give it more time and concentration. I must say it was interesting gathering the ingredients for performing it. Wishing you Blessings as you perform this ritual/spell. So Mote it Be.A witches' bottle is an ancient protection spell of great power. This is my version. I would recommend that anyone who is pursuing a magickal path make one to protect against any thought-forms, entities, spirits, demons, or simply negative energies that are bound to be encountered along the way. After charging, the bottle becomes an energetic trap for any force that intends to cause you harm. It is aligned to your energy-field through the use of your own DNA as well as symbolic powers that imprison and then transform harmful energy into something useful. Items Used: a small to medium sized jar or bottle (a large spice bottle works well) sage, or other purifying herb such as rosemary a black candle sea salt parchment paper (or other "nice" stationary) dragon's blood ink rusty nails, broken glass, needles, other sharp objects dead bugs, some of your favorite food nicely molding, other "gross" things some of your hair, finger or toenail clippings some of your semen or menstrual blood some of your urine a handful of earth, or potting soil a black cotton cloth Perform this spell alone at night. On a night before the dark moon (women will need to adjust the timing to coincide with their menstrual cycle) gather your items together to perform this spell. Ground and center. Mark a circle on the ground around you with the sea salt, moving clockwise beginning and ending in the North. Burn your herb as an incense and allow the smoke to waft over you and your area. Hold the bottle over the smoke and make sure that some gets inside it. Light the black candle saying: "From the darkness I conjure light from the light I summon force, from the force I invoke the power to trap that which intends me harm." On the parchment write the following with Dragon's Blood Ink: Your full name (your magickal name will do if you identify with it.) Your birthdate. (Month, day, year, and time if possible) The symbol for your astrological sun, moon, and rising signs. Any other symbol that you feel represents the real "you". Now smear some of your semen or menstrual blood onto the paper. Draw a circle around the whole thing and draw a pentagram over it, feeling that to do so is an act of power; that when the star is completed you have erected a field of protection around you. Roll up the parchment and place inside the bottle. Now begin to fill the bottle with the other items: your hair and clippings, nails, glass, bugs, etc. You will want to fill the bottle about halfway. Say: "Insects from beneath a rock, needles, nails rusting fast,, Keep all harm inside and locked, within this dungeon made of glass." Now fill the jar as far as possible with your urine, which is from your body in the act of release. This will provide a link for the energy to follow into the jar and remain. Add the handful of earth, feeling it's connection to the planet and it's ability to transform waste into fertility. Add three pinches of sea salt to the mixture. Cork the bottle or attach the lid and seal the edges with drippings from the black candle. Hold the bottle in both hands before you and in front of the candlelight so that the light shines through the bottle. Feel the power of the candle permeate your bottle, charging it with power and purpose. Say: "I charge you, bottle, to trap all harm. Keep me safe away from danger. Inside darkness calls to darkness, to be carried below into the grave." Take three deep breaths and exhale all your stress, worry, doubt fear, pain, etc. into the bottle. On the last breath "hear" the power in your breath ring and resonate with the bottle. Wrap the bottle carefully in the black cloth and open your circle in the normal way. Go outside to bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed. Should the bottle ever be disturbed or broken, rest assured that the negativity will not then return to you as it has already been neutralized by the salt and the handful of earth, but the bottle will cease functioning. If you end up burying it in a place that you cannot check up on its well-being, you then may want to perform this spell at different intervals, perhaps once a year on a certain date. This of course is up to you.


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