Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blessing For The Unborn

Blessing For The Unborn
I was so excited to read this article about the U.S. bishops approving a liturgical service for blessing children in the womb. What a wonderful way for parents and members of a parish to recognize the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception. I also love the idea of being able to say this blessing when at an abortion clinic to bless the unborn babies about to be aborted as the mother's walk in the clinic. But it maded me think if it is possible to baptise a baby in the womb, say in a case where a mother has been told the fetus wouldn't survive to birth or be born alive and would never consider abortion and fears her baby won't survive to be baptised alive. I'm not sure what the answer is to that. It seems to make sense to me but I am not sure what the Church believes.

Here is the concluding rite for the blessing:

May almighty God, who has created new life, now bless the child in your womb. The Lord has brought you the joy of motherhood: May he bless you with a safe and healthy pregnancy. You thank the Lord today for the gift of your child: May he bring you and your child one day to share in the unending joys of heaven.

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