Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Venerable Alexander The Abbot Of Svir

Venerable Alexander The Abbot Of Svir


Saint Alexander of Svir was innate on July 15, 1448, on the feastday of the Prophet Amos, and was named for him in Christening. St Alexander was a flare of monasticism in the resonant forests of the Russian North, living in poverty, and he was approved the bizarre gifts of the Divine Creature.

His parents, Stephen and Vassa (Vasilisa) were peasants of the silent Pond Ladoga commune of Mandera silent Pond Ladoga, at the ridge of the Put up with Oyata, a stem of the Put up with Svira. They had sons and daughters who were previously seasoned and lived revealed from their parents. Stephen and Vassa acceptable to take out of the ordinary son. They prayed passionately and heard a tell from above: "Rejoice, good man and companion, you shall influence a son, in whose birth God will maintain subject matter to His House of worship."

Amos grew up to be a special child. He was always disciplined and pleasant, he shunned games, jokes and defile scold, he wore ruined clothes and so feeble himself with fasting, that it caused his mother eagerness. Upon coming of age, he gone met some Valaam monks who had come to the Oyata to discover rations, and for other monastery fixation.

By this time Valaam was previously accepted as a monastery of resonant fidelity and dense basic life. At the back discourse with the monks, the grassy man was detainee by their image of the skete life (with two or three monks together) and the solitary life of the hermit. Sophisticated that his parents had decided a marriage for him, the teen went anonymously to Valaam considering he was nineteen. In the gaze of a traveler, an angel of God appeared to him, inspection him the way to the coral reef.

Amos lived for seven verve at the monastery as a secondary, leading an priggish life. He moved out his days at work, and his nights in awareness and prayer. Sometimes he prayed in the forest bare-chested, all stippled by mosquitoes and gnats, to the start dub of the animals.

In the blind date 1474, Amos customary monastic tonsure with the name Alexander. At the back another verve, his parents at the end of the day studious from Karelians arriving in Mandera anywhere their son had gone. Moment the derive of their son, the parents very went to the monastery and were tonsured with the names Sergius and Barbara. At the back their death, St Alexander, with the blessing of the igumen of the monastery, arranged on a solitary coral reef, anywhere he built a itinerant in the gap of a mountain and continued his spiritual exploits.

The bigwig of his poverty share out far. Moreover in 1485 St Alexander left from Valaam and, upon a regulate from on top of, chose a place in the forest on the cash in of a elegant pond, which was afterwards named Divine. At home the vicar built himself a hut and dwelt in seclusion for seven verve, drinking by yourself what he gathered in the forest (Ensuing at this place, Divine Pond, 36 versts from the greatly city of Olonets and 6 versts from the Put up with Svira, St Alexander founded the monastery of the Life-Creating Trinity, and 130 sazhen (i.e. 910 feet) off from it, at Pond Roschina, he built himself a hut on the greatly site of the St Alexander of Svir monastery).

Trendy this time the saint proficient fiery sufferings from care for, rime, loatheness and demonic temptations. But the Peer of the realm unceasingly unceasing the spiritual and bodily deepness of the completely one. Afterward considering suffering with bad infirmities, he not by yourself was disqualified to get up from the flabbergast, but was disqualified to even ease his head. He simply lay dowry and sang Psalms. Moreover a lofty man appeared to him. Placing his hand on the sore smear, he completed the Milestone of the Annoyed flat the saint and healed him.

In 1493 when hunting for deer, the neighboring land-owner Andrew Zavalishin happened to come upon the saint's hut. Andrew make fun of to him of a light he had seen at this place, and he entreated the vicar to enlighten him about his life. From that limit Andrew started to envision St Alexander systematically, and ultimately by the use of the monk's road, he went to Valaam, anywhere he was tonsured with the name Adrian. Ensuing, he founded the Ondrusov monastery, and led a pure life (Pompous 26 and May 17).

Andrew Zavalishin was not fair to pillar frozen about the basic, in malice of the answer he had exact. News of the completely one began to share out widely, and monks started to gather voice him. At that moment, St Alexander withdrew from the brethren and built himself a local place 130 sazhen from the monastery. Here he encountered a group of temptations. The demons took on beastly shapes, they hissed in the vicinity snakes, advice him to leak. Even now, the saint's prayer baked and distinct the devils in the vicinity a excitable flicker.

In 1508, twenty-three verve as he came to this cut off smear, the Life-Creating Trinity appeared to St Alexander. One night he was praying in his hut. Hastily, an snappish light shone, and the vicar saw Three Men, robed in bright white garb, approaching him. Glowing with relaxing Glory, They shone in a rock-hard brightness pompous than the sun. All of Them thought a staff in His hand.

The vicar even out down in horror, and coming to his good sense, prostrated himself on the flabbergast. Loot him up by the hand, the Men said: "Store likelihood, blessed one, and disquiet not." The saint was ordinary to build a church and a monastery. He even out to his lick up, protesting his own disrepute, but the Peer of the realm raised him up and ordinary him to thorough the instructions. St Alexander asked in whose name the church requirement to be accurate. The Peer of the realm said: "Love, as you see Introduce somebody to an area discourse with you in Three Those, so very create the church in the Categorize of the Onset and the Son and the Divine Creature, the Trinity One-in-Essence. I die you directive and My directive I maintain you." And at once St Alexander beheld the Peer of the realm with out-stretched wings, separation as though losing the flabbergast, and He became indiscernible.

In the history of the Russian Successive House of worship this expression is unquestionable as characteristic. At the back this dig the vicar began to deliberate anywhere to build the church. Afterward, when praying to God, he heard a tell from on top of. Gazing up to the song, he saw an angel of God in mantiya and klobuk, such as St Pachomius (May 15) had seen.

The angel, standing in the air with outstretched wings and upraised hands, proclaimed: "One is Divine, One is the Peer of the realm Jesus Christ, to the Glory of God the Onset. Amen." Moreover he turned to St Alexander saying, "Progress on this smear the church in the Categorize of the Peer of the realm Who has appeared to you in Three Those, Onset and Son and Divine Creature, the In one piece Trinity." At the back making the Milestone of the Annoyed flat the place three time, the angel became indiscernible.

In that self-same blind date a pompous church of the Life-Creating Trinity was built (in 1526 a stone church was built here). And at the self-same time as the take in of the church, the brethren began to depress St Alexander to faith the priesthood. For a desire time he refused, afterward himself not fit for. Moreover the brethren began to need St Serapion, Archbishop of Novgorod (Go 16), to assure him to faith the volume. And so in that very blind date St Alexander journeyed to Novgorod and customary ordination from the holy archbishop. Straightforwardly afterwards, the brethren very asked the saint to be their igumen.

As igumen, the vicar became even aristocratic humble than back. His clothes were all in tatters, and he slept on the bemused flabbergast. He himself prepared food, kneaded fly in the face of and dry bread. One time dowry was not prosperity timber and the superintendent asked the igumen to send any quiet monks for timber. "I am quiet," imaginary the saint, and he began to ax timber. Novel time, he carried water.

Because all were numb, the saint was systematically conquered grinding wheat with hand-stones to make aristocratic bread. At night he completed the available of the cells, and if he heard proud conversations, he magnificently tapped on the entrance and left, but in the start he admonished the brother, respected a penance on him.

Towards the end of his life, St Alexander fixed to build a stone church of the Guardianship of the Record Divine Theotokos. One the end of the day, as on stage an Akathist to the Record Divine Theotokos, he arranged down to rest in the itinerant and instinctively imaginary to his cell-attendant Athanasius, "Schoolgirl, be granular and deduce, what at this hour we will take a wondrous and out of this world envision."

Moreover came a tell in the vicinity growl, "See the Peer of the realm and His Blood relation are coming." The vicar hastened to the first appearance to the itinerant, and a immense light illumined it, raging flat all the monastery brighter than the rays of the sun. The saint beheld the All-Pure Blood relation of God flat the establishment of the Guardianship church sitting at the site of the altar, in the vicinity an empress upon a throne. She thought the Offspring Christ in Her arms, and a group of angels stood back Her raging with incredible brightness.

He even out down, disqualified to influence the immense light. The Blood relation of God imaginary, "Set in motion, choose one of My Son and God. I take come here to envision you, My beneficial one, and to gaze upon the establishment of My church. I take completed ask for your disciples and monastery. From this time on dowry will be an abundance; not by yourself during your life, but very as your death. Everything your monastery requires will be approved in adequate. See and timer practically how spend time at monks are gathered at home your day-sack. You prerequisite guide them on the way of deliverance in the Categorize of the Divine Trinity."

The saint arose and saw a group of monks. Another time the Blood relation of God said: "My beneficial one, if someone carries even one brick for the take in of My church, in the Categorize of Jesus Christ, My Son and God, his proceeds will not recede." Moreover She became indiscernible.

Earlier his death the saint displayed wondrous modesty. He summoned the brethren and told them: "Band my illegal human being by the legs and drag it to a marshy plod and, as from one place to another it with skins, mission it in." The brethren answered: "No, Onset, it is not realistic to do this." Moreover the holy basic ordinary that his human being not be cold at the monastery, but in a place of being alone, the church of the Transfiguration of the Peer of the realm. St Alexander left to the relaxing Home on Pompous 30, 1533 at the age of 85.

St Alexander of Svir was puffed up by wondrous miracles during his life and upon his death. In 1545, his missionary and inheritor, Igumen Herodion, compiled his Vim. In 1547 the rigorous celebration of the saint began and a service was self-assured for him. On April 17,1641, during the renovation of the Transfiguration church, the incorrupt what's left of St Alexander of Svir were naked and his general House of worship celebration was notorious on two dates: the day of his repose, Pompous 30, and the day of hero worship (and the uncovering of his what's left), April 17.

St Alexander of Svir instructed and raised up a whole group of disciples, as the Blood relation of God had promised him. They are the Divine Monks: Ignatius of Ostrov, Leonid of Ostrov, Cornelius of Ostrov, Dionysius of Ostrov, Athanasius of Ostrov, Theodore of Ostrov, and Therapon of Ostrov.

In addition these saints, dowry are disciples and conversers with St Alexander of Svir, who take sole days of commemortation: St Athanasius of Syandem (January 18), St Gennadius of Vasheozersk (February 9), St Macarius of Orodezh (Pompous 9), St Adrian of Ondrosov (May 17), St Nicephorus of Vasheozersk (February 9), St Gennadius of Kostroma and Liubimograd (January 23).

All these saints (lock St Gennadius of Kostroma) are depicted on the Logo of the Monastic Fathers who shone forth in the land of Karelia (icon from the church at the Institution in Kuopio, Finland). The festal celebration of the Synaxis of the Saints who shone forth in Karelia is awful by the Finnish Successive House of worship on the Saturday reducing between October 31 and November 6.

The incorrupt what's left of the saint were unworldly from the Svir Monastery by the Bolsheviks on December 20, 1918 as another botched attempts to take away them. Here was an illustrious crusade to finish the what's left of the saints which continued from 1919 to 1922. Lots what's left of Russsian saints were stolen and subjected to "specialist prove" or displayed in antireligious museums. Precise were aptly defeated.

On tenterhooks to prove that the what's left were fakes, the Soviets conducted spend time at tests. Even now, the tests by yourself declared that the what's left were grim. Categorically, the holy what's left were sent to Petrograd's Navy Medical Academy. Here they remained for touch on eighty verve.

A jiffy uncovering of St Alexander's what's left took place in December 1997.

The what's left were found to be incorrupt, simply as they were considering they were confiscated. The saint's expression coordinated the annals in the records from 1641. Afterward it was lively that these were in fact the what's left of St Alexander, Metropolitan Vladimir of St Petersburg unconstrained them to be in a meeting to the church of St Sophia and her three daughters Expectation, Interpret, and Respect (September 17) for four months back their return to the Svir Monastery. As gallop respected St Alexander's what's left they noticed a fragrant myrrh unprofessional from them.

The holy what's left were in a meeting to the St Alexander of Svir Monastery in November 1998, and mysterious healings care for to rest place back them.


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