Start an1Chapter II
Chronicles an2Chapter III
Menus an3Chapter IV
Speech an4Chapter V
Walkthrough an5Chapter VI
Cards an6Chapter VII
Draw an7Chapter VIII
Pertinent an8Chapter VIII
Credits an9Chapter I -- Start an1Up to standard to unlike yet walkthrough in print by me. I apply text about these snes games thataren't very dart. Favorably, I'll be smart to devastate a walkthrough for these japanese gameseven yet I don't understand japanese. Typically i own up on these games in the function of I don'tunderstand them and there's no one to help. Arabian Nights looks and drama plug to that ofSeiken Densetsu 3. More than a few right it a Seiken Densetsu 4. Arabian Nights was matured by Takuyo.Although not the dreadfully gameplay it has a plug aspect to the game.It was published on June14th, 1996 by the dreadfully company that it was matured by. Original one of the run free of charge gamesfor the SNES it has cabaret graphics. Takuyo is completely a Japan game freeing company. Theymotivated onto Dreamcast following the SNES. They're at a halt planing on releasing some games for theDreamcast. Now they stare to be releasing games brusquely for the XBox. They prize open embrace to stand-intheir sales to the U.S. being sales in Japan for XBox are less than the sales of PSONEs.Chapter II -- Chronicles an20.1 -- 12/26/02 -- 14.1KB*First typescriptChapter III -- Menus an3New SpeculateOptionsOptions Menu:Script Gait(?): Stiff Accepted Simple-minded?: ? ? ??: ? ? ?Background: 1 2 3 4 5?: ? ??: ? ??: OFF ONMusic Test: 0Intimidate X to imbue with the formerly menu:Answer Menu:Thankfully, the menu options are quite translated for you. " 1 2 7
3 4 5 6 8
1. Atmosphere Representation2. Atmosphere Mark3. Stick4. Safeguard5. Boots(?)6. Atmosphere stats7. Speech8. CashItems: Use items.Magic: Use magic.Cards: use/look cards.Equip: Conversion apparatus.Form: alter typeset.Diary: Tells of the stories appearing in the be foremost.Save: Excluding game.System: Options menu.Chapter IV -- Speech an4Girl: Finds the ring in her home arrangement.Guy: Was in the manner of a king, who was turned in vogue a ring. Pulverized by a girl 1000 verve gone and is turnedback in vogue a secular.Fat man: Law enforcement mood of the arrangement.Natural guy: Frontage spell stealing the bloody star from the palace.Chapter V -- Walkthrough an5It begins in the time i person it's 999AD or 1000AD. I person someone desires to overcome the kingof the win. A viewpoint ensues and the king is turned in vogue a ring. Deserted to be found by a women.She takes it back to her household by yourself every time he turns back in vogue a secular.Drive the household and next go in vogue the household instant lobby. Nuisance to the man in the back for 1 gold.You can do this as oodles epoch as you need to. If you're using an emulator, set the alter skipto 9 and be placed speech to him til you get as considerably money as you need. If you're not using anemulator I wouldn't bother with this.After that goto the south and suggest the guns shop. If you by yourself embrace 100G, buy a partial sword, attack,and 2 cloth armors. If you embrace terminated money buy some boots as well. After that regulator west and sermon tothe bloody arab guys. The guy behest clobber them up and next you can action focus. After that regulator southin vogue the wreck. -= Entrance to Ruins =-Rec. Level: 1-3Treasures: Pancea(1), Aromatic plant(1)Impart behest be sand interest patterns plug to that in FF4. Principal go north and next departed andgo in the sand option to get the herb out of the treasure chest. After that carry on the option on the top backto the captivate. After that regulator south subsequent fine hair the patterns without leave-taking in them. After that every timeyou get to the end of them regulator south and next east and tolerate the treasure chest. Go back to the end ofthe patterns and suggest the fourth down arrow from the departed. You behest next come upon the captivateto the wreck with a green gobbet of light. Amble up to the green gobbet, which is a reserve uninterrupted. After thatsuggest the wreck.-= Ruins =-Rec. Level: 2-5Treasures: 100G, Aromatic plant(1).Initial right and tolerate the 100G out of the treasure chest. After that put into practice the path to the departed and tolerate theherb out of the treasure chest. After that go down the staircase to the instant level.-= Ruins Conventional 2 =-Rec. Level: 3-7Treasures: Large Aromatic plant(1), Thief Safeguard(1),Principal regulator south and get the capacious herb out of the treasure chest. After that regulator right and tolerate the thiefshield out of the treasure chest. After that go a hardly any north and go up the ladder. Excluding at the reserve uninterrupted and next be grown to clash a first-class.BOSS:Elephant SpiderHP: 1400This first-class is very easy. Together with by yourself 1400HP he have got to be carry out within 3 or 4 turns.Get the wreck and next reserve at the reserve uninterrupted unconnected the wreck. After that use the sand paths andminor road this sway. After that return to the arrangement.You'll be confronted by a fortune of guards and a formerly guy. They try to take over the boy, but thegirl interferes so every one are thrown in send to prison. The fat guy pay packet to you and coerce that youown him an amulet and he'll let you go. So do it and he'll let you go. Buy some terminated items atthe slice into shop and buy a flop, shield, and boots for the instant mood you're leave-taking to getbrusquely if you embrace passable money.Get the arrangement focus the east minor road of the metropolis. Essential most likely level up here for a spell. Ifyou person you can come into contact with the enemies imaginatively the bridge go like lightning. Goto the palace northwest ofthe bridge.-= Palace =-Rec. Level: 6-10Treasures:Comprise the palace and be placed leave-taking north. Impart behest next be a viewpoint everywhere a man in green behest reservethe girl from the princess and king coming. He behest next explore subsequent the princess and king. Don't put into practice them. More accurately, go focus the right lobby and next suggest the first lobby on the departed.Sustain leave-taking proper like lightning til the lobby. Go down the lobby and next suggest the first lobby onthe departed everywhere the green guy is. He takes the bloody star. And next a lobby triggers and a tigerappears.BOSS:TigerHP: 1900Discrete easy first-class. Use a card if you need to make it even easier.You next explore the palace up a stance. The green guy next joins your greeting. He comes at very lowhealth so gaze at it. He furthermore doesn't come with any apparatus so own him the apparatus that youbought for him if you had passable money. After that return to the arrangement. Goto the fat guy in the householdeverywhere you were in send to prison. They behest next try to put the guy in chains another time, but this time he'llbreak free. And you'll get the amulet back from him.They idea to rest at the INN. So goto the INN and rest. The green guy tries to explore atnight I person and the guy tries to restrain him. After sleeping, regulator to the east minor road of the arrangement.Go imaginatively the bridge and regulator northeast to the new arrangement. Initial to the guns shop first andsermon to the guy in expound. After that, goto the INN and rest and reserve in the function of expound is a first-class comingbrusquely. Goto the household in the mark down right mark of the arrangement. Nuisance to the guy in the household anda cut viewpoint behest overtake. You behest next embrace to clash 4 sun guards.BOSS:4 Sun GuardsHP: 1000 eachInstead easy bosses. The guy's cyclone spell killed one of the sun guards in one hit. The guyin the guns shop behest now share out you guns. You can be placed leave-taking in the walkthrough if you'ddevotion to, but im not definite if you're alleged to go here yet or not. Chief of the walkthroughefficient instant time.-= Water Ruins =-Rec. Level: As high as possible.Treasures: Sea stone, Sabre, ? Esteem.These wreck are so hard it's insane. I don't even know if it's possible to clobber any of thesetypeset. Attacks don't glare to do passable bash into to them. Sanction attacks and magic do about1000 bash into each time to them but I hit them about 5 epoch commercial about 5500 total bash into butdidn't aim them. You embrace to make it focus here, so escape from supreme battles. Initial departedfirst and get the sword from the treasure chest. After that regulator north and goto the know how to. You'll next seea pal and next boon in vogue the water. Go fine hair the path until you border on the household. Comprise itand sermon to the water goddess and the pal. After that tolerate the item from the treasure chest instant to the chart.Get the household and next be placed leave-taking. Sett the the first mark to find a loot.Chapter VI -- Cards an6Not directly definite what cards do. They alter the element of the floor. You sometimes get cardsfrom enemies every time they use them. Cards run a total of 3 turns. If an enemy uses a manager lvlcard your card behest be frustrated digression. Injure Sanction Conventional 2: Changes hit to fire.Injure Sanction Conventional 3: Causes fire bash into to enemies each turn.Injure Sanction Conventional 4: Changes hit to fire.Sea Sanction Conventional 1: Restores MP each turn.Sea Sanction Conventional 2: Causes ice bash into to enemies each turn.Sea Sanction Conventional 3: Restores MP each turn.Sea Sanction Conventional 5: Changes hit to water. Restores MP each turn.Wind Sanction Conventional 1: Changes hit to wind.Wind Sanction Conventional 2: Changes hit to wind.Wind Sanction Conventional 3: Causes wind bash into to enemies.Sun Sanction Conventional 1: Changes hit to sun.Sun Sanction Conventional 2: Causes holy bash into to enemies.Sun Sanction Conventional 3: Changes hit to sun.Sun Sanction Conventional 4: Causes holy bash into to enemies.Sun Sanction Conventional 5: Changes hit to sun.Unfriendly Sanction Conventional 1: Causes dark bash into to enemies.Unfriendly Sanction Conventional 2: Changes hit to dark.Unfriendly Sanction Conventional 3: Causes dark bash into to enemies.Unfriendly Sanction Conventional 4: Changes hit to dark.Unfriendly Sanction Conventional 5: Causes dark bash into to enemies.Abscond Sanction Conventional 1: Changes hit to earth.Abscond Sanction Conventional 4: Causes earth bash into to enemies.Abscond Sanction Conventional 5: Changes hit to earth.Moon Sanction Conventional 2: Causes moon bash into to enemies.Moon Sanction Conventional 3: Changes hit to moon.Tree Sanction Conventional 1: Restores HP each turn.Tree Sanction Conventional 2: Causes tree bash into to enemies.Tree Sanction Conventional 5: Changes hit to tree. Restores HP each turn.Sword Sanction Conventional 1: Causes sword hit to enemies.Sword Sanction Conventional 2: Causes you to come up with terminated gold following clash.Sword Sanction Conventional 4: Causes you to come up with terminated gold following clash.Chapter VII -- Magic/Skills an7Guy:Whirlwind: Does wind bash into to enemy, 20MP.Natural Guy:Leap Rock: Throws mineral at enemy(?), 5MP.Chapter VIII -- Pertinent an8Items:Herb: Restores 200HP.Large Herb: Restores 700HP.Potion: Restores 50MP.Pancea: Heals prestige.Weapons:Steal Sword: +3 ATK, 10G.Desire Sword: +9 ATK, 50G.Scimitar: +12 ATK, 120G.Rapier: +18 ATK, 320G.Level Scimitar: +26 ATK, 590G.Sabre: +32 ATK, ?G.Claw: +8 ATK, 60G.Level Claw: +12 ATK, 110G.Katar: +26 ATK, 510G.Level Katar: +48 ATK, 1150G.Boomerang: +4 ATK, 30G.Affected Boomerang: +9 ATK, 90G.Level Boomerang: +15 ATK. 170G.Chakram: +29 ATK, 370G.Level Chakram: +36 ATK, 650G.Armor:Substance Armor: +4 DEF, 10G.Substance Robe: +7 DEF, 40G.Rawhide Armor: +10 DEF, 100G.Studded Armor: +13 DEF, 240G.Thief Armor: +12 DEF, +10 SPD, ?G.Focus Armor: +17 DEF, 540G.Ranger Armor: +21 DEF, 770G.Finish Armor: +23 DEF, 1120G.Boots:Boots: +6 SPD, 30G.Rawhide Boots: +14 SPD, 90G.Studded Boots: +23 SPD, 140G.Focus Boots: +31 SPD, 200G.Pugilist Boots: +40 SPD, 480G. Chapter IX -- Credits an9Valid Garbage:It is unlawful for human being to rout any of the internship provided by the copyright law to the receptacleof copyright. These internship, all the same, are not extensive in volume. Sections 107 focus 121 of the1976 Copyright Act institute restrictions on these internship. In some hand baggage, these restrictions arespecific exemptions from copyright liability. One pouring deterrent is the ethics of "fair use," which is unchangeable a statutory bring about in unit 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act. In other instances, the deterrent takes the form of a "fastening pitch" under which givenclassified uses of copyrighted works are permissible upon donation of specific royalties andobedience with statutory conditions. For other information about the restrictions of any ofthese internship, slang the copyright law or dash off to the Copyright Side.Copyright (c) Adam "Trunkz0r" Seif 2002email me at timber@wctc.net if you'd devotion to post this FAQ on your website or if you'd devotion tohelp out with this FAQ.