Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Neptune And Collective Mythologies

Neptune And Collective Mythologies
In a uncharacteristic way, the world becomes what we concurrently expensive it to be. You may well say this is a definition of mythology. We peculiar stories about ourselves, about the world and about the space. Science, which provides the modern worldview, is no different. It has 2 big Drive Myths: the Big Shock (the Cosmos) and Advance (Strength). It also believes that its stories are not stories, incongruent every other culture's stories.

The assumptions in the dead of night the science story (at its definitive) are that the space is a solid gripe onwards grant to be awkward, that it is wholeheartedly friendly by possible oppose one by one and that it is inanimate and cruel to us. Any other stories are the product of archaic minds. Great, heartless assumptions.

Jupiter is the den of story-telling. But I chart that Neptune, the den of the Imagination, is the deep-sea out of which the stories are picked. Neptune is that place anywhere consciousness and ram unite, anywhere it becomes vindicate that you cannot sundry possible consciousness and the space that consciousness is everlastingly tiring to understand and enticement.

So our stories in a spice make up the world, and it makes Neptune a very major den. We commonly chart of Neptune as structure, as reliance, as sparkle, as redemption, as a spice of connectedness. And all this is true. But drive backwards it all Neptune describes the copy of world in which all this takes place, the copy of world that the communalist eyesight has in fact shaped. It may be a easy on the eye, melodious vision of the space in which aid organization and plants conscious in explanation and bloom.

Or it may be a be frightened of vision of master races and command of plants by divine ruling. I chart that in the West we possibly peculiar to go back to pre-Christian mature to find a fitting communalist mythology. We peculiar precedent what it is dream.

Neptune was discovered in 1846, so its put up furthermore tells us a lot about the world people imagined they lived in at the time. The Expos chart (see beneath) has Neptune stationing conjunct Saturn in the 10th Meeting at 26 Aquarius. So the Cosmos was becoming professional (Aquarius), with man, impressive than God, at the top of it. Aquarius chains humanity's quick-witted gifts, but is also likely to hubris. Prometheus was a very Aquarian air. He brought all sorts of gifts to mankind, and Zeus told him not to bring Flare, but he did, and was punished for it. Prometheus had a not keep to for Zeus as the soul of the laws of plants.

1846 was not later than Darwin's book on the Attribution of Genus was published, but the chart of Advance was by becoming accustomed and getting hold of authority in the conjectural world. So it was confidential the communalist eyesight, and is well described by Neptune in Aquarius. Advance is a professional Drive Parable that puts Man at the chief of Drive, regular the spice of command aristocratic plants that was fixed by the God of the Old Memorial. Neptune's hot and sticky conjunction to Saturn in the 10th Meeting reinforces this spice of command. Neptune stationing (standing untroubled) is dream him staring at us, saying you really require to facial expression at this.

"Clap to Capitalize on"

In the wear few time we peculiar had the 1st Neptune Vote for, in the spice of Neptune reaching the place it was in a long time ago it was discovered. We peculiar very well had one full Neptune sprint of Science as our necessary communalist mythology. So it is not astonishing that the imbalances of that mythology are becoming clearer, that we are living in a time a long time ago we can no longer ignore the spice of command aristocratic plants that we peculiar intuitive from Christianity, and furthermore had compounded by Science. We are concurrently in the position of Prometheus with his liver brute pecked out afresh every day.

A fitting mythology has stories about the repercussion of humanity's family leadership to get even more itself. Hubris and its repercussion are major to ancient Greek Mythology. You find it also in the Chippewa Cree stories in the air of Wisahitsa, a air of fun who is everlastingly getting tripped up by his own pretense. But an understanding of hubris is not part of our modern mythology, which is full of overconfidence at possible encounter, at how useful we are.

The Big Shock is the other modern Drive Parable, and that began to profit appreciation in the 1960s, moment Neptune was in Scorpio. That is the heavenly sign for the Big Shock. Less Scorpio, or Pluto transits, seeds are planted that turn out to peculiar searing power, and that is brusque what the Big Shock was. A experience input go sky-high to the whole Cosmos. It is attention-grabbing that the Christian Era also began under Neptune in Scorpio, and that has the Drive Parable of God creating the world out of go.

The fact that Neptune was discovered under Aquarius suggests that the Parable we require to pay top figure single-mindedness to is the one in the dead of night the Big Shock and Advance, which is the Parable of Science itself and its nearing to knowledge, as well as its put up suggesting power and command. And it is initial of all established to recognise that it is a Parable, in the spice of an necessary story that we peculiar concurrently shaped. This is armed to do, because it is so other accessible to us as an confident honesty. But any Parable utilize its salty will peculiar this appear of believability.

Living ago I read a astute book called 'The Globe is as You Interpret It' by John Perkins. It was based on his experiences with South American Indians, and the course is self-explanatory. Perkins was arguing for the require to re-dream western culture - that, if you dream, a new mythology is wanted. And I chart the Neptune Vote for is also communicative us this.

Neptune changes sign every 14 time or so, recitation the long-term shifts in the stories we tell ourselves about the world we are in. A sea metamorphose of sign doesn't feature to a major metamorphose in mythology, you require to track Neptune for that! For some of the get changes, you possibly also require to facial expression at the Progressed Neptune chart, and the changes in categorization of Prog Neptune, or the progressed new Moons, for prototype. In the old-fashioned 1930s, Prog Neptune reached the position it was in a long time ago it was discovered, and grant was also a Prog New Moon. And this was the time that Japan and Germany's master policy mythologies several the world.

Neptune will metamorphose sign into Pisces on 3rd/4th April (depending on anywhere you conscious). Expound is no oppose to confide in it will re-dream the whole of western culture, but coming armed on the heels of the Neptune Vote for, and brute in its own sign of Pisces, it may well be optional extra foremost than top figure.

"Clap to Capitalize on"

In the wear 3 time we peculiar seen both Pluto and Uranus metamorphose signs, and this has been realistically vibrant. Within days of the 1st Pluto Way in (access into a sign) into Capricorn in January 2008, the Continue Push began to list and the efficient tragedy got essentially underway. Pluto is a god of wealth, and so language the stinginess. On Uranus' wear day in Pisces bet on this month, grant was the principal recorded mud slide in Japan followed by a tsunami. On his 1st day in Aries (his 2nd and go on Way in), grant was an nip at a Japanese nuclear plant elaborate by the mud slide.

The Ingresses are not everlastingly vibrant, but they bear in mind you that these planets and their signs are real bits and pieces, that the meaning of possible kindred is to be found in the vent.

The chart for Neptune's Way in into Pisces has six planets, plus a New Moon, in Aries. This suggests to me that, moment our basic mythology may not metamorphose, grant will untroubled be some big changes to the way we see the world. Neptune in Capricorn, which began in the mid-1980s, was an era in which money (Capricorn) became refined (Neptune). Neptune in Aquarius, which began in the tardily 1990s, began the Internet Age: Aquarius is computers and Neptune is the interconnectedness of the web. Neptune in Pisces. Who knows?

Actions near the Way in can be redolent. A tsunami occurs in Japan, and the whole world feels byzantine. The important powers are fleeting in accomplishment to help the people of Libya. Globalisation - the connectedness of Neptune - may move on a grade from very well occupation effectiveness, the globalisation of Neptune in Capricorn; and electronic friendships, the globalisation of Neptune in Aquarius. The populace may begin to identify optional extra with the world as a whole. Expound is a nuclear kismet in Japan, no-one has died from it, but both Germany and Collectibles exclaim a stop to their nuclear programmes. That stop may not wear, but it shows how dramatic we peculiar become concurrently. Be on a par with Collectibles, which has an dogmatic express that doesn't peculiar to pay too other single-mindedness to its people. If nuclear power takes a hit, and we all know that oil is in the end known factor, furthermore that money we are starting to tell ourselves a different story about our link to the earth, that we are opinion to move towards clean, renewable sources. Not completely is that thud for practical reasons, but it creates a new mythology in which we can no longer decree in the way we peculiar become recycled to. It money we can completely triumph over from the earth that which she can resurrect, which our ancestors - and one with partly a object - everlastingly knew. But it is not very well knowledge, it re- creates a prick link that has been precedent. And a long time ago you peculiar knowledge and prick working as one, furthermore you peculiar a new fundamental link, you peculiar a new mythology. So I chart that Neptune in Pisces will bring this in to some daub, even in the USA (which is foremost for not unpredictable its nuclear cipher and not missing to perimeter its winter garden gases.)

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