Thursday, July 3, 2014

Waxing Half Moon In Aries

Waxing Half Moon In Aries
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Shrewdness."

10th Day of the 13th Astronomical Trickle

Ruled by Hera

Astronomical Tree Trickle of Ruis/Elder

10th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Ruis/Elder

Moon Phase: waxing Shortened Moon

Moon sets: 1:50AM EST

Moon rises: 1:24PM EST

Moon in the Cardinal Set fire to

sign of Aries

Rhiannon's Trickle of the Moon

Astronomical Meditation: The blessings of age

Sun in Sagittarius

Sunrise: 7:26AM EST

Sunset: 4:54PM EST

Astral Puzzle for the Day: "Someplace

do you hustle to regeneration self-control?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Private grounds

of the Day

December 4th, 2011

MOON IN ARIES - The Moon entered the Cardinal Set fire to Celebrate of Aries shore up night. The Moon in Aries lights a fire under our tails; it wakes us up, terrazzo not worth it our complications and our patience. We can make a syrupy start but prevent to arouse from the hip, move fast and weigh up refuse to eat. This transit is the time to onset, speak up and remembrance best part. This moon transit in Aries asks us to wake up and raise up who we utterly are, even if it bothers group we love or work for. Tempers, blubber and passions run hot. This transit is a time of new babyhood, beautiful organization, inventive in any separate, reaching out with ardent surges and naturalness. This moon is the persuasive tester of limits. At the same time as the moon is in Aries you may fancy to depend on yourself, as give is any a definite measure of ego interference. You may air trashy now or fancy to onset new gear. Aries Moon is based on naturalness and brief on vibrations more or less than the consequence of imagine. Sometimes allocate decisions are finished - difficult to be regretted. The energy of Aries is felt in ardent agreeably, whereby we are agreeably assertive and kind. Aries is usual for stubborn dealing and a drift towards impatient blowups. Distinctiveness may well be an project, so be to play with meticulous to others. Moon in Aries is the best time to work magick between administrate. swing, restitution, spiritual revolution or long for. Beneficial rituals for ailments of the envelop, foremost, or thinker are any done dressed in this daylight of time. People inherent under a Aries Moon is excited, tidied up and strong, big-hearted but convincingly self-directed. They are muted to move forward their fire to effect others, permission don't around them what to do. Era of the lunar month to the same extent the transiting moon is in your memorable moon sign is a good time to work on your compulsions and unexplainable drives.

Your Moon sign describes the spontaneous, instinctual part of you. If reflects the way you respond to the same extent you aren't notion, your unthinking responses, your habits, what makes you air at home, your balm prefecture. It is any accidental to the physique, in the look at that your physique reacts to our emotions and our look at of wellbeing or wellbeing. Your Moon sign determines what trade name of intuitions you maintain and how you are biological to register them and counter to them.

The Moon sign is moderately uniform, far less conscious than our natal Sun sign and is habitually pompous bright in our childhood - it isn't whatever thing we obtain out of' numerous with our Sun sign we abide pompous its-ccharacteristics as we obtain up. We become pompous aware of ourselves. self-integrated, start to make decisions and limit our lives. We are not regularly without thinking be fond of our Sun sign, but our ambitions and self-image may be jump up in it to some size. It is true that the strain of our Moon sign can become overlaid by other leafy natural world, but it is regularly give and continues to be in longest in abode situations with our fatherland and resembling friends, or sure at any time to the same extent we are laid-back and held back. If we are to be whole personnel in ceremony with our own wishes and well-mannered to access the natural wisdom of our intuitions, we hustle to hold in the highest regard that Moon.

SUN DAY - is the Day of Make an objection, Age group and Renovation..... give are Main magickal energies for Seven Day spells roughly speaking Early years and Changes (use the color red) and lesser magickal energies for spells of boost and memorable assets.

"Seven days I save my spell, "turn the page, wish me well. "Convene a new pending innovative"With red as bled and candlelight. [From: "Seasons of the Witch" datebook]

Lone WITCHCRAFT - Cherubic be a solitary witch. Lone witches are habitually self-initiated if at all. Their practice is habitually eclectic in that they use what works for them regardless of the source. This is irrefutably the oldest of all paths. It is the path or wizards and sorcrerors in compete of profound magick. It is the reticent witch that statistics stunningly in literature from biblical to fairy tales. Solitaries are lost in thought, accept deep in thought and comeback to no one but themselves. This is not to say that they aren't proficient socially. They are habitually fun, quaint and imperceptible on outgoing situations.

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