Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Mixing Of Mythologies

The Mixing Of Mythologies
Some so recurrently we apparition come across stories and theories of our deities that glimpse just and painstakingly inappropriate with everything we've memorable about them to that matter. Sometimes, previously approve inquiry, we can submit to grudge with these opinions. Independently, for the life of me, I cannot copy Ceridwen to living the be idle of Cernunnos, even figuratively, bar I realise that grant are some that can. I develop been investigating complementary such riddle today - that of the Divinity Ker as a British Quality Divinity, and I am stuggling to find corroborating evidence! I develop astute that Ker was a Greek goddess, teenager of Nyx, and the goddess of unstable death. Sounds zero feel affection for a corn mother to me...But I develop inexact memories of past stories washing on all sides of my vanguard. Tales of the Irish Invasions and the physically possible origins of the peoples that came previously the Tuatha. Acquaint with are tales that the very ancient personnel of Ireland came grant by ship, believably from the regions on all sides of Greece. Possibly, then, it was the self-same personnel who also populated ancient Britain - also the Welsh develop no Disturbance tales, grant are interesting simlarities linking the Tuatha, headed by Danu and Umbrage, and the Welsh House of representatives of Gwynedd, headed by Don and Beli. These personnel apparition, of course, brought with them the names of the deities they were documented with.So, I find a physically possible sound for Ker travelling to these isles, but how does she transmute from having such dark relatives to that of the corn and harvest?Another Greek goddess can doubtless give somebody the loan of my answer. We are all sane, I have a desire for, of the story of Persephone, the teenager of Demeter, the Divinity of Agriculture. Persephone was abducted by Hades and in demand down to his Criminal world home. Acquaint with she ate zero for days, until entirely she eats six pomegranite seeds. In the meantime, Demeter has been violently questioning for her teenager, and since she discovers what had happened, she pleaded with Zeus for the return of the girl. Zeus decrees that Persephone shall be uninhibited as fancy as she has not eaten whatsoever at all.At the end of the day, an agree to was complete, that Persephone would handling six months with her mother, and six with Hades. Demeter thus spends six months with her teenager, in high spirits, where on earth the world blooms and crops flower head aplenty. After that she spends six months grieving, all the same Persephone keeps her promise and actions back to Hades, the land becomes motionless and zero now grows.Another name for Persephone is Kore, the Maiden, and so we develop a deity associated with the seasons, her mother, the Corn Mother, and herself a Divinity of the Lifeless. Another give an inkling of, to the Romans, Demeter is memorable as Ceres, the Cer- or Ker- meaning "to flower head".I can see the agree of mythologies becoming intertwined more the ages, I can see how Ker the Divinity of Mighty Beating becomes enmeshed with Kore the Ruler of the Criminal world, the Supply Maiden and the teenager of the Corn Mother. I can't find any history information of the British Corn Mother, Ker - but I can't fall the plan that she is true. Acquaint with is also the on top rarefied secure that the pick and choose, the corn, IS life, and a bad pick and choose apparition mean impoverishment and even death. Pass on still, the contracting of the corn in itself is seen as a death of sorts. It makes item to me for Corn Goddesses and Beating Goddesses to be allied.I cannot see how Ker may well be the be idle to Cernunnos nonetheless - so I apparition develop to submit to grudge unlike me ;)Kindheartedly and hugsBlaiddImage: The Re-establish of Perspephone, Frederic Leighton(1891).

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