Saturday, July 5, 2014

Shakti And Shkta Arthur Avalon

Shakti And Shkta Arthur Avalon
SHAKTI AND SH^aKTA Essays and Addresses on the Sh^akta Tantrash^astra BY ARTHUR AVALON Arthur Avalon, the pseudonym of Sir John George Woodroffe (1865-1936), was a British Orientalist whose work helped to unleash in the West a deep and wide interest in Hindu philosophy and Yogic practices. Avalon studied Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy and was especially interested in, and practiced, Hindu Tantra. He translated some twenty original Sanskrit texts under his pseudonym "Arthur Avalon", and published and lectured prolifically on Indian philosophy and a wide range of Yoga and Tantra topics. All Avalon's works are of the highest order.CONTENTS Chapter One : Indian Religion As Bharata DharmaChapter Two Shakti: The World as PowerChapter Three : What Are the Tantras and Their Significance?Chapter Four : Tantra Shastra and VedaChapter Five : The Tantras and Religion of the ShaktasChapter Six : Shakti and ShaktaChapter Seven : Is Shakti Force?Chapter Eight : Cinacara (Vashishtha and Buddha)Chapter Nine : The Tantra Shastras in ChinaChapter Ten : A Tibetan TantraChapter Eleven : Shakti in TaoismChapter Twelve : Alleged Conflict of ShastrasChapter Thirteen: SarvanandanathaChapter Fourteen : Cit-Shakti (The Consciousness Aspect of the Universe)Chapter Fifteen: Maya-Shakti (The Psycho-Physical Aspect of the Universe)Chapter Sixteen : Matter and ConsciousnessChapter Seventeen : Shakti and MayaChapter Eighteen : Shakta AdvaitavadaChapter Nineteen : Creation as Explained in the Non-dualist TantrasChapter Twenty : The Indian Magna MaterIntroductoryI. The Divine MotherII. EvolutionIII. DissolutionChapter Twenty-one : Hindu RitualIIIIIIIVChapter Twenty-two : Vedanta and Tantra ShastraChapter Twenty-three : The Psychology of Hindu Religious RitualChapter Twenty-four : Shakti as Mantra (Mantramayi Shakti)Chapter Twenty-five : Varnamala (The Garland of Letters)Chapter Twenty-Six : Shakta Sadhana (The Ordinary Ritual)Chapter Twenty-Seven : The Pa~ncatattva (The Secret Ritual)Chapter Twenty-Eight : Matam Rutra (The Right and Wrong Interpretation)Chapter Twenty-nine : Kundalini Shakta (Yoga)Chapter Thirty : Conclusions Order Shakti and Sh^akta - Arthur AvalonEPUB FORMAT @ AU4.99KINDLE FORMAT @ AU4.99Qty:


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