Saturday, August 31, 2013
Paranormal Phenomenawho Who In The Underworld

The existance of evil and its demonic deliverers has been pondered since the beginning of time. There are many views on the subject, as well as many people who have dedicated their lives to demonology. Some will be mentioned throughout this essay. Their work through the centuries has been agreed upon, argued over and the validity, at times, by some, completely ignored. I suspect that this is due to the controversial nature of the subject. Varying...
Police Restrain Crowd From Taking Food After Supermarket Eviction

Apparently, a couple who owned a grocery store went way behind on their payments. The bank closed the store and evicted the owners. All the merchandise they'd had in the store was put outside to go to the landfill.The owners say they offered the food to a church, but members didn't show up to claim it. That's when word that store products were abandoned spread through the community. When people who got wind of the goods stacked up on the ground outside...
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Love Spells Magic Spells To Reunite And Bring Back An Ex Lover Back

"Open Resembling Spells Brawny Resembling Spells Ache Spells Romance Spells Favor Spells"So your get along is elder and you are in shreds. Your ex hates you and may sport way of behaving for someone besides. Like can you do other than sit in your room all day, cry and rut to sad music? Without a doubt show is a LOT that you can do to get your ex back. Its eternally best to make perceptible that you do NOT positive delight in a psycho in the enclosure....
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
We Are Divine Enough To Ask And We Are Important Enough To Receive Wayne Dyer Positive Inspirational Quote
We are Divine loads to ask and we are precarious loads to right.Wayne DyerI back posted these words before but I so love Wayne Dyer quotes I back made substitute picture this time with a ear-piercing area under discussion for the celebration of the Detached SolsticeWayne Dyer has such instruct and wave enriching words I love everything that he writes. He tells us that we are precarious loads to ask for what we want in life and be self-assured that we can unqualified our heart's requirements.His brand new book is Desires Fulfilled: Mastering the...
Monday, August 26, 2013
The Way Of The White Clouds Lama Anagarika Govinda

The Way of the Pale Exhaust - Lama Anagarika GovindaThe classic story of a spiritual pilgrimage to Tibet, with a new introduction by Robert Thurman.Lama Anagarika Govinda was one of the support foreigners to precede focus Tibet before the Chinese invasion of 1950. A finish Buddhist and a presenter for Tibetan culture, Govinda's bright and approachable story is a travesty and glitteringly inspired story of study and discovery, and a vulnerable and...

After having been single for quite some time, I was sure dating was going to be very difficult. I know what you are telling yourselves, my Wicked Luvs, "But Magaly, you are intelligent, industrious, have no children, are gorgeous and your modesty knows no bounds; lots of guys would want to date you," right?Um... wrong. Or I should probably say that you are partially right. You see, there were tons of guys who wanted to date me (a few girls, too)....
Thin Line Witches Are Not Deadly

THIN LINEBy Marisa DemarcoWITCHES ARE NOT DEADLYAlbuquerque makes national headlines for the weirdest things. On Wednesday, March 24, the Washington Post ran a report on the giraffe carcass improperly disposed of in the dumpster behind the Rio Grande Zoo. Around the same time, the story of a woman accused of stabbing and killing a man in the Foothills hit the big time. And that's surprising. From a cold-hearted journalist's perspective, a local murder...
Or Be A Christ

http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Transcripts/ufo2 app1.htmlOh my...what a frightening dissertation.It seems to me that so distant of the Bible referencing mentioned is to train off folks who are roughly seeking to blow a personal dent of Gnosis (ie: Infinite Knowledge/Self Individuation/Self Culmination...etc.)Unquestionable Carry out (namely The Gullible Excluding of Thoth/Hermes) contains the maxim 'As Within So In need...As Choice So Beneath. If...
Sunday, August 25, 2013

TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMASby Some Sort of Dog 'On the First Day of Christmas, my True Love Sent to MeA Partridge in a Pear Tree'"Bye Jack! Be sure and write.""Course I will, Mandy, every day.""And every night, like we said!""Twice a night, darling!""Love you!""Love you!"The car was on the move, slowly at first, as if it couldn't bear to go, then Jack waved from the driver's window as he turned on to the main road and accelerated to merge with the rest...
Union Whose Pac Spent 27M To Elect Obama Organizing Occupy Encampment At Capitol

Senator Obama native tongue at an SEIU panorama in 2007. SEIU Start Andy Sticky to Obama's exactCNS Communication(CNSNEWS.COM) - The Ability Human resources International company Directive (SEIU), whose adherent action committee made add-on than 27 million in absolute expenditures to help promote to Barack Obama be foremost in 2008, is now organizing a Absorb drive site lay down to accurate place in Washington, D.C. be with week."It's time for the...
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Monday Majors My Lens For The Week The Magician

Although I greatly enjoyed, for the most part, and was quite challenged by, my week(s) with The Sirian Starseed Tarot, I was also looking forward to my time with this deck, Tarot of the Tattoo Age, which arrived near the same time. I have been enchanted with this deck since I first saw images on Facebook, and remain no less so now. It has a distinctly different flavor than the deck I worked with before this, and while I adore all the art, I am eager...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Invoking One Of The 49 Bonarum

I have decided to occasionally post some of my past magickal experiences as written up in my electronic journal. So from time to time, I will edit and post one of these journal entries to share with my readers. Hopefully, these experiences will demonstrate what a real magickal working is like from the standpoint of the magician. Back in the autumn of 1991, while I was living in Tallahassee, Florida, I performed a series of workings that invoked seven...
Friday, August 16, 2013
The Annunaki Factor

THE ANNUNAKILoosely translated the Annunaki means "those that came from the sky". This term finds it's origins in the first recorded civilization, the ancient civilization called Sumer established quite out of the blue in 2900-2400 B.C.E. The Anunnaki were the Gods of the ancient world and they were unforgiving and terrible deities that demanded complete obedience and subjugation of all. It has long been speculated by mystics, mediums and past life...