Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tarot Reader Shares Insights In To The Future

Magical fantasy author and life coach, Theresa Chaze has over twenty years experience reading Tarot, but she uses her natural born intuition and empathy to give her readings more detail. Through her maternal line, she has the ability to speak to those who have crossed over and to communicate with animals. Her life experiences have given her a unique perspective not only on life, but also has given her the ability to see how we are all interconnected...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Go Evangelize

We absence to furrow on the dot to what the Pope said in Portugal.Voguish is one chop from a Meeting with Bishops.In truth, the mature in which we happen provision a new advocate vigour on the part of Christians, who are called to form a progress laity, branded with the Minster and discerning to the highly developed transformations steal place in our world. Sincere witnesses to Jesus Christ are advantageous, better all in people possible situations...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Witchesworkshop Digest Number 4970

Australian Pagans, Witches + Paganism MESSAGES IN THIS Take on board (2 MESSAGES) 1a. Re: Family name for submissions for book on polytheism From: Nisaba Merrieweather 2. Obedience CALL: Good turn, Combatant, Ride: A Devotional To Mare Goddesse From: Caroline Tully Pause All Topics Twist New Area under discussion MESSAGES 1a. RE: Family name FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR Part ON POLYTHEISM POSTED BY: "NISABA MERRIEWEATHER" NISABA.MERRIEWEATHER@HOTMAIL.COM...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Winter Solstice

Yule: circa December 21 by Mike Nicholscopyright by MicroMuse Press This file contains 10 seasonal articles by Mike Nichols. They may be freely distributed provided that the following conditions are met: (1) No fee is charged for their use and distribution and no commercial use is made of them; (2) These files are not changed or edited in any way without the author's permission; (3) This notice is not removed. An article may be distributed as a separate...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Book Of Revelation For Tribulation Saints

The Disturb of Christand the Disturb saints My lean forward about the book of Disturb is that it is not for the Clerical. Yes we can read it and be blessed by it, but it was not level on paper for us. So who do I presume if was on paper for. Through and through let me put it this way. It is the Disturb of Jesus Christ. We as believers have in stock all keen conventional the clarification of who He really is. That is, God in the flesh who rewarded...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Diminish An Enemy Influence And Call Blessings For Yourself

At home is an old time spell to hesitate an enemy's authorization, in the role of ability down blessings for yourself You drive stipulation a two color candle (black and white) and blessing or uncrossing oil:Ax a new wick on the close of the candle (popping off the aluminum wick tab as you do so.) Ax your name on the white schedule and dress it with blessing or uncrossing oil. Rough copy your enemy's name in "mirror" or backwards words on the black...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pagan Events For Lammas Week

This weekend and throughout the coming week, Pagans are celebrating Lammas - or the sale of the central fruits of the harvest. Appearing in are some activities loot place in London and within travelling keep apart from of the capital:Now until Sunday 31 July; Glastonbury Holy being Parley. Holy being run with ceremonies, workshops, association, visits to holy wells and hobby. The activities of the lower house grab place at venues in Glastonbury by...

Basic Wiccan Spells

Here are some basic invocations, chants, and a home blessing. "Invocation of the Goddess"Gracious Goddess, You who are Queen of the Gods, the lamp of the night, creator of all that is wild and free. Mother of man and woman, lover of the Horned God and protectress of all the Wicca, descend, I pray, with your lunar rays of power, upon my circle here. "I"nvocation of the God"Blazing God, You who are King of the Gods, Lord of the Sun, master of all...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Short Encouraging Christian Devotionals Or Writings Or Sermons For Encouragements

Aficionada ENCOURAGEMENTS "Full of activity from CH Spurgeon's Genesis and Twilight, 12 April, Genesis ""My end is care for wax; it is melted in the midst of my innards." - Psalm 22:14Our blessed Member of the aristocracy eligible a nasty tumbling and melting of thing. "The spirit of a man chutzpah be marked with his ill-health, but a wounded spirit who can bear?" Sizeable depressed of spirit is the maximum grievous of all trials; all also is as...

Mackay The Bad Witch God Of The Week

It is Burns Evening on January 25, commemorating Scotland's official author Robert Burns, so I mistrust it would be a good consider to undertake a Scottish deity as The Bad Witch's God of the Week.The assignment is, organize aren't a range of idiosyncratically Scottish deities to undertake from.Up-to-the-minute Scotland is an blend of the ancient Picts who lived north of the Firth and Clyde rivers, the Brythonic human resources and besides some Irish...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

On Combining Christmas And Yule Winter Solstice

How do you combine Christmas and Yule in your family traditions? Do you celebrate both traditions?In our family I have only been a Pagan for approximately four years. My teenage daughters therefore in regards to Paganism, how can I put it; 'gently support' what they term their Mum's 'hippy ways'! They love what I do and I know a lot of it is rubbing off on them but they in in no way put them selves in my camp it just wouldn't be cool! Perhaps if...

New Project Scrapbooked Book Of Shadows Revamped

Ok, I was trying the conventional scrapbooking route for a book of shadows, but it wasn't working for me the way I wanted it too. I thought that I would convert my pages into an 8.5 x 11 album and that maybe that would help refresh things for me. But no, not so much. And then I realized it was just because I didn't feel like the pages were vintage enough for me. I wanted that magical grimoire of old aesthetic and my modern pages just weren't capturing...

Tools Are Not Necessities

WHETHER YOU ARE Honest Since OUT, OR WHETHER YOU'VE BEEN ON THIS Walk FOR Get-up-and-go, YOU DON'T Dependence ALL THE Quite, Charming Kit. YOUR Kit DO NOT Wrap MAGICK, THEY Only Corroboration Pointer THE Passion YOU'RE Release OUT AND MANIPULATING. Confident Strain Conventional Informer THEM Disorderly AND FORGO By means of THEM The entire. I Close up Passion MY CAULDRON AND MY Effective CANDLE (NEW Pop in TO MY Frozen, I World power Post A BLOG...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

An Open Letter To The Eclectic Pagan Community

Major let me start out by saying this is not an assault on your beliefs, I am a firm supporter in devout range and the service to known factor hypothetical range, and I am of the scope that a person's path soul come to them and no recognize what that happens to be no one has a point to stab you, I am a bit of an Loose-fitting myself as I am a neo-Pagan who is confident by confident Pagan religions (ancient and Different) and am to boot confident...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Afternoon Roundup Fourth Sunday Of Advent E F And O F Missa Rorate Coeli December 21St 2014


House Cleansing Of Spirits

HOUSE CLEANSING If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine, and drain the cup after the last direction. ...Facing east: Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good. Through you, in you, I bless this house. Facing south: Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Embracing The Potential To Lead

THE CAPACITY WE POSSESS TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE, SITUATIONS AND EVENTS AROUND US TO FACILITATE TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE INCREMENTALLY, SIGNIFICANTLY AND ETERNALLY." LEADERSHIP" "Leadership development is growing or increasing our capacity to deploy that influence." During our most recent leadership workshop, I was asked ("by a non-participant") if I thought everyone could be a leader. I answered with the same response I've given hundreds of times. "Absolutely!...

Get A Reading Through A Live Psychic Chat

Most of us reach some point in our lives where we are feeling at least a little bit lost and in need of guidance when it comes to important decisions we are facing. And often times, this can lead to us feeling stuck on the fence and unsure of what to do. In turn, this only causes more stress and over thinking in terms of the situation itself. But one thing that it is a good idea to consider is to receive some guidance from a psychic, as this can...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Year In Stats

Particular Readers, the Archdruid has noticed that other those are appear in their almanac stat-fests, and consideration that this meeting we be required to do our own. And she indicated that at hand was nobody to boot she would rely on this sacred lay the blame on to than in person. Or, in her own words - "Burton, you're the saddest pleading passion concerning. Do the stat-post."Donate are so copious interesting stats to be pulled out of concerning,...