Saturday, November 19, 2011

Basic Wiccan Spells

Basic Wiccan Spells
Here are some basic invocations, chants, and a home blessing.

"Invocation of the Goddess"

Gracious Goddess, You who are Queen of the Gods, the lamp of the night, creator of all that is wild and free. Mother of man and woman, lover of the Horned God and protectress of all the Wicca, descend, I pray, with your lunar rays of power, upon my circle here.

"I"nvocation of the God"

Blazing God, You who are King of the Gods, Lord of the Sun, master of all that is wild and free. Father of man and woman, lover of the Moon Goddess and protector of all the Wicca, descend, I pray, with your solar rays of power, upon my circle here.

"Invocation of the Elements"

Air, Fire,Water, Earth, elements of astral birth, I call you now, attend to me! In this circle, rightly cast, safe from psychic curse or blast, I call you now, attend to me! From cane and desert sea and hill, by wand, sword, blade and pentacle, I call you now,attend to me! This is my will, so mote it be!

"New Moon Chant"

Waxing, waxing, growing, growing, Dianas power is flowing, flowing. Silver flowing, Dianas growing, Growing, showing love for me.

"Goddess Chant"

Luna, Luna, Luna Diana. Luna, Luna, Luna Diana. Bless me, bless me, bless me Diana. Luna, Luna, Luna Diana.

"Home Blessing"

(To begin, clear and release all excess energy. Light incense of purification Walk around your home doing and saying this.)

Touch the lintel and touch the wall,

Nothing but blessings here befall!

Bless the candle that stands by itself,

Bless the book on the mantle shelf,

Bless the pillow for the tired head,

Bless the hearth and the light shed.

Friends who tarry here, let them know

A three fold blessing before they go.

Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow

Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.

Friends who go from here, let them bear

The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.

Lintel and windows, sill and wall,

Nothing but good, this place befall.


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