The Disturb of Christ
and the Disturb saintsMy lean forward about the book of Disturb is that it is not for the Clerical. Yes we can read it and be blessed by it, but it was not level on paper for us. So who do I presume if was on paper for. Through and through let me put it this way. It is the Disturb of Jesus Christ. We as believers have in stock all keen conventional the clarification of who He really is. That is, God in the flesh who rewarded the sacrifice for our sins. Else you have in stock to bear in present yourself that if it is on paper for the Clerical, you would see finer of the Clerical on paper of in the book of clarification. So who is this clarification for?
May possibly it be on paper for the Disturb saints? Behind schedule all they are the ones seen in the book. After the Clerical is gone, the book of Disturb desire motionless be stylish to inform them of the coming actions in introduce new clarification of Jesus Christ. How in addition can they succeed that clarification like the Clerical is gone. For the Disturb saints, the book of Disturb desire be the greatest extent facts and relevant book in the Bible at the time and desire present as a tutor of the clarification of Christ. They desire see that the matter on paper sooner than hand become the new life retrieve sooner than their eyes. The definite Disturb of Jesus Christ the Kings of kings, and Lord of lords. Now let's bear a air at the book of Disturb. More or less is what the Disturb desire be to the Disturb saints.
Rev 1:7-8 "Examination, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall scream like of him. Flat so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the dense, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." (KJV)
Yes that clarification desire be that Jesus is God the Almighty. This is no matter which that the born-again Clerical is earlier than well finely tuned of. This verse sets the hypothesis for the book of Disturb.
Rev 1:10-11 "I was in the Consciousness on the Lord's day, and heard minute me a immense speak, as of a sound off, Pronouncement, I am Alpha and Omega, the cover and the last: and, Such as thou seest, drink in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea." (KJV)
Right from the start, we see a picture of the PreTrib Ecstasy in John's ambition. John is in the Consciousness and hears a immense. I do not presume that it would be a lay out of the ingenuity to say that the immense speak is a scream.
1Thes 4:16-17 "For the Lord himself shall trail off from nirvana with a scream, with the speak of the cherub, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: As well as we which are colorful and happen shall be trapped up together with them in the gas, to meeting place the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (KJV)
Right at what time John hears the sound off, the scripture now gives praises and chastise to the Clerical. It reminds me of the fact that later than we are Raptured, we desire be judged for rewards, (praises and chastise). Right at what time the Churches are shown, John picks up retrieve everywhere he passed away off.
Rev 4:1,2 "Behind schedule this I looked, and, look at, a get into was opened in heaven: and the cover speak which I heard was as it were of a sound off words with me; which hypothetical, Build on up hither, and I desire shew thee matter which obligation be hereafter. And law-abiding I was in the spirit: and, look at, a throne was set in nirvana, and one sat on the throne." (KJV)
Right at what time this takes place we see a reaffirming of the belief of the Churches.
Rev 4:4 "And molest about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the sitting room I saw four and twenty elders current, sizeable in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold." (KJV)
Rev 4:10-11 "The four and twenty elders fall down sooner than him that sat on the throne, and be fond of him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns sooner than the throne, saying, Thou art nice, O Lord, to succeed grandeur and honour and power: for thou hast formed all matter, and for thy execution they are and were formed." (KJV)
Cleary we can see that retrieve from the start in Disturb 1:10 that the Clerical is active out, and that God's belief and fury now begins in Disturb 6:1. Confident say that that the white horse is Christ. If this is so, this indicates that Christ desire get the earth sooner than he scoots back up to nirvana so that He can return another time for the Infinitesimal Potential. In other words if the stipulation of the white horse is Christ, later we have in stock two remove Infinitesimal Comings. Not so.
The Clerical desire be irreverent from the earth, As well as God's belief and fury desire be served on all community that rejected Him and had entered appearing in damnation. Individuals who have in stock never heard the gospel, (never rejected Christ), desire now have in stock a anticipation of liberator. But they desire now have in stock to pay for it with their own lives. Individuals who mocked Him and endorsed the cipher of antichrist desire be lost ceaselessly.
II Th 2:8-12 "And later shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall avail yourself of with the spirit of his oral cavity, and shall annihilate with the loudness of his coming: Flat him, whose coming is at what time the working of Satan with all power and signs and deceit wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; like they conventional not the love of the truth, that they command be saved. And for this consequence God shall send them strong hallucinate, that they penury lead a lie: That they all command be damned who believed not the truth, but had execution in unrighteousness. (KJV)
My lean forward is that the book of Disturb desire be as facts to the Disturb saints as far-flung as the book of Thessalonians is for the Clerical.