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Theresa Chaze, Reading tarot Cards, tarot spreads, Tarot readings, meaning of each tarot card, tarot, empath, interpreting tarot cards, meaning for tarot cards, psychic chat online, psychic, intuitive Reiki, intuitive insights, wicca, pagan, new age, know the future, Theresa Chaze, email tarot readings, Psychic Network, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Angels, Guides, Spirits, past lives, Energy reader, Reiki Master, Shambala Reiki
Add to: Technorati Digg del.icio.us Yahoo BlinkList Spurl reddit Furl Theresa Chaze has been described as the woman who plays with dragons, especially the dragons of the mind. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can live together in peace as long as we come from respect, not only for ourselves but those who follow different paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an adult version of Harry Potter mixed in.