Donate are so copious interesting stats to be pulled out of concerning, Particular Readers. Such as the fact that Canadians treatment three mature better on the site per recurrent than the British. I touch they are a pain to work out what it's all about. Dispel at the same time as I pointed out a few of these facts to Eileen, she hit me with a brush and told me to get a life.
And so, Particular Readers, concerning they are. Mined from the coal-face of Google Analytics, and sorted by my own thoughtless hands, the 2011 Beaker blog stats.
Able Citizens WHO SENT THE Upper limit Interchange (EITHER In the company of Associates OR SIDE-BARS):
1. Valle Adurni
2. House of worship Mouse (retd)
3. Defender CiF Idea
4. Dialect Curate (promoted to the Dialect Nun)
5. Revd Lesley (retd)
6. Echurch blog
7. Phil Ritchie
8. Clayboy (transferred)
9. Chairman Notice
10. The Hermeneutic of Continuity
1. Richard Dawkins refuses to object the Immovable of God
2. De-frag your government
3. New Unwinese Bible
4. Riding the bow-wave of the Move
5. Regulations of combat for tenderness time
6. Rapid pagan Solstice harass
7. Darwin was - more-or-less - test
8. KJV - the "Gove" beginning
9. Liturgy of Voiles and Tea Lights
10. If men ran the church
Upper limit Widespread Go through Condition (But Obvious VARIATIONS ON "Beaker FOLK", "HUSBORNE CRAWLEY", "EILEEN" ETC)
1. mug folk gnomes
2. Fr Egbert Twinkinson
3. summer solstice
4. unwinese
5. mug doily thrust
6. gibbon moon
7. ordinariate
8. bishop of london's rustic letter
9. stations of the in a huff
10. thomas craggy band generator
ODDEST / Upper limit Uncooperative Go through Condition
1. guinea pig cake
2. too little garden charms
3. bertie bassett
4. tortoise pie
5. one of these is a selling mechanism
6. justify him not, devil
7. the legal ascendancy shows its impotence brim
8. at the same time as is gafcon leave-taking to start listening?
9. a suddenly history of jamaica's folk music
10. abba nativity plunk
Holidaymaker BROWSERS
1. Firefox (25%)
2. IE (24%)
3. Chrome (23%)
4. Safari (19%)
5. Mozilla Of one mind (5%) [whatever that means]
Holidaymaker LOCATIONS
1. UK (30,200)
2. US (5,200)
3. Australia (1,100
4. Canada (760)
5. Ireland (310)