Sunday, August 15, 2010

Review The Book Of Lucifer

Review The Book Of Lucifer
I before I finish fixed to search the Periodical of Lucifer.The underlying deal out of Livri Luciferi is a 'translated' reproduction by a person named "Sollog Immanuel Adonai Adonai [PDF]" who runs a forethought website', and he has openly gotten a long way consequence for releasing this book on the internet. Purportedly this document was created by a Jewish man named Ben Shakur, and translated taking part in the Vulgate reproduction, which is going on for in English. The Livri Luciferi [or Livri Luciferius, The Periodical of Lucifer] is an internet document that was "originally in print on the parchment of worldly fleece in worldly blood" and inferior yet, according to the author's danger signal acquaint with is a blaspheme of Lucifer' in the book. I researched the name "Ben Shakur" It is not a Jewish name, it is Arabian. the exchange form is Shakir and translated it means "Positive, or Pleased". I violently mistrust the claims of the poet at that dot.The poet claims that the oldest reproduction of this book is from the 4th century, a summary created by Pope Sylvester. In comparisons of the verses in this document, I was formidable to find that the Latin journalism of the Livri Luciferi matches, word for word, the Stuttgart deal out of the Biblia Sacra Vulgata [the Latin repellent deal out], initial embossed in 1969. At this dot I was clear-cut that this document was created in modern period, by a infrequent poet. If this had been a true 4th century deal out of the Vulgate acquaint with would bring been a substantial adjust in the summary. The Stuttgart Rendering of the Bible would bring been a average, and very modern source of Latin verses for Sollog Adonai to use, to size the verses of the Livri Luciferi.So I don't virtually about this book, and the poet uses it for a selling-point, is that it is based on furtiveness and a created history. This created history is immovable by the trained of for all leaders, and civilization claim it is true, regardless of the actual start. In this ancient history that the poet created, the imposing civilization who had their hands on this book were the Templars, and The Priory of Embed, Copernicus, Galileo, Nostradamus, and even Isaac Newton. To me, this suppose that this book was handed down to all of these civilization is honestly insulting. To familiar the furtiveness the poet writes that this is the book of the upper limit secret societies in the world. It ended me wonder if it was that special and that ancient why it was going on for on the internet for free.I do not see in your mind's eye that this document is underlying, nor is it measure to satanists. the Livri Luciferi is a book created from bible verses transposed with the name of Lucifer. Unless you bring a elaborate to use it for irreverence or reading bible verses with the name of Satan or Lucifer in them, it is not a long way use for a satanic grimorie. So do you see in your mind's eye about the book of Lucifer? Is it a hoax?Vista the underlying document here: The Periodical of Lucifer

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