On the way up we are planning on visiting the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. We will get there in time for the 2 PM Mass, Lord willing! Thanks to Mass times.org we know where to find a Mass everyday on our itinerary. Just one of the many advantages to being Catholic!
When we return, I leave the next day for Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. The purpose will be to "scout out" a new area for a medical mission. We will be staying with a priest we met through the Twinning Program of the Americas. It is a Catholic organization that seeks to "twin" parishes in the US with impoverished parishes in the third world. St. Simon and Jude is the name of this new parish and Father Andrew Labatorio is the pastor. We hope to find out what the most pressing needs are and what we can do to meet them. I know one of the needs is money for a for a new church building as well as health care for his parishioners. I would covet your prayers over the next 10 days particularly from 8/19-8/21 while we are in Haiti. God bless.