Sunday, August 29, 2010

Minor Schools Akademia Czarodziejstwa

Minor Schools Akademia Czarodziejstwa
"AKADEMIA CZARODZIEJSTWA Downright NAME:Akademia Czarodziejstwa w Krakowie (established as AC for minus)MOTTO:"Father ratio quam vis" (Dialogue mode above than power)FOUNDING:Akademia Czarodziejstwa w Krakowie was founded in 1399 fashionable Poland's golden age.LOCATION: Located in the under levels of "COLLEGIUM MAIUS" of the Jagiellonian Academy in Krakow, Akademia Czarodziejstwa was coeducational for example its beginning. To a great extent of the school lies underside the capital of Krak'ow. Due to it's founders helpful flair to the Sovereign of Poland and the Dignity Prince of Lithuania (ADVANCE LITHUANIAN COMPANY) offer is an wood causeway leading from the school to the dragon's den at Wawel Expansion (UNDERNEATHE THE DIGNITY SANCTUARY).Film OF AKADEMIA CZARODZIEJSTWA:Jagiellonian Academy was founded in 1364 by Sovereign Casimir the Very great (KAZIMIERZ WIELKI), making it Eastern Europe's luxury theoretical. In 1399, as soon as Sovereign Jadwiga donated her jewels to increase in intensity the Academy, Pawel Wlodkowic confident the nun of the theoretical to add on a magical unit to the school. Similar to the rector's meeting, Akademia Czarodziejstwa was further to amount an rebellious to Durmstrang and to further the working out of wizards, notoriously dwell in not of pureblood origin.Conscription was elfin until the 1800s.Every the students and aptitude participated in the Kosciuszko Riot of 1794. It's enter in the Kosciuszko Riot was to become the beginning of trend as AC became established for uprising during Poland's unstable history, straight earning the control "SEMINARY OF REBELS" and the Eastern European wizarding community.Akademia Czarodziejstwa was lawfully bunged from 1939-1945 due to the war with Grindelwald and the Nazi profession of Poland, its vice-rector and certified aptitude were murdered by Grindelwald. Despite this, the existing professors continued enlightening children in the under levels of the pubs of Krakow, highest of which were associated by secret passageways and provision at all aid it can to the protection.In pristine living, the Conference of AC has begun to mind the utility of moving AC to a above permament smidgen small from the Academy in Krakow.HOUSES:Houses are splintered up by sexual category. * Boys are housed in "DOM KAZIMIERZA" * Girls are housed in "DOM JADWIGI" * Academy AC students in "DOM PIAST'OW" (gendered floors)ALUMNI:Obvious Alumni: Nicholas Copernicus, Pawel Wlodkowic (promoter for muggleborn nationality in the 1400s)

"Gratitude to JAGIENKA for fleshing out AC and provision me with loads information that I was mighty to act match I knew above about Advance history than I really did."


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