Saturday, August 21, 2010

Introduction And Welcome

Introduction And Welcome
Well, it seems fitting to give this blog some sort of introduction rather than just jumping into the middle of things. That being the case, I guess I should tell you about myself which will then give you the overall understanding of this blog.

I was raised by my grandparents in a Independent Fundamental Baptist household. They were somewhat hypocritical in choosing somethings in life that would be considered less than favorable in Christian circles. This being said of their religious views, one might also come to the conclusion they were right-wing, Reagan Republicans, which would be correct.

At the age of 4, I started attending an extremely strict, Fundamental Baptist school. I was active in my church and the perfect angelic child, till I became a teen of course. I had always had questions about my religion, questions that even the best Christian scholars around me couldn't answer. So for me, my religion wasn't good enough. It had too many loop holes and exceptions, and not to mention insanely outdated rules most of which were developed by strange old men who thought they were doing us all a favor.

Well, as I mentioned, I became the rebellious teen, just like all teens are at some point in there life. I started dating (Oh no!), became interested in online gaming, and started exploring other religions. I know, it doesn't sound that rebellious does it? But in my family it was. The stress of everything, including feeling like I didn't fit in no matter where I was, was too much to handle. I ended up getting kicked out of my straight-laced Christian school only 5 months before graduation. Why? Because I had a mental break down and left school and went to a friends house.

Anyway, going to public school, even but for a few months, opened my eyes to the fact that the world had different types of people. And they weren't bad and evil like I had been warned about either. It was here that I was introduced to my first real live witch. I never felt more at home than I did there. For once I was happy.

It wasn't until later that I began to embrace the fact that I wanted to be a Wiccan. Well, my husband didn't think it was all that great at all. In fact, it scared the living daylights out of him. So once again, back into the closet I pushed my Wiccan wants and desires.

Two years later, my husband and I are now divorced. I met some one who was a little more open minded and different than any one I had ever met before. After a few months, I decided that I didn't want to hide anymore and I was going to tell him flat out, "Honey, I'm a witch." Much to my surprise, I was met with the simple answer of "OK." I sat there for a moment thinking, "There has to be more to it than that." After a little digging and questioning, I learned he had Wiccan friends and had even been to a few rituals himself.

So now with loving support, I start my journey. I have since joined a local Wiccan group and been to a few rituals myself. I can't say that I've been more at home and happier than I am now. I hope you will enjoy learning as much as I do.


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