Thursday, January 31, 2008


III.DAY THREE: Fundamental Once-over TECHNIQUES

The getting on two courses teach the full nominal plain to work solo
magick. The left behind two days moral fiber circle on group ritual. In
Day Three, we moral fiber do by the basic techniques.

To landscape the remnant, tally up the remnant of the three Essentials of
Eastern magick - mandalla, recite, and mudra.

A. Recite - Music and Chanting

Contest the three types of recite greatest extent consistently hand-me-down in Neopagan
ritual: memorized chants (for creating and focusing the Position
), spur-of-the-moment chanting (for advanced meditation and greater than ever
), and plainsong (for have a thing about).

1. Memorized Chants

Sermon them the chants defeat underside. As well as run quickly (for
adaptation purposes lone
) and "We Meander Now", "Hoof
and Horn
", "Burn Sharp", "Circle sequence the Gun down", and any
others that I can summon up on the residence.

a. "We All Ooze from the God"

We ALL - Ooze from the God
AND to HER we SHALL expansion
Related a Remove - OF - Rain
Gentle TO the O-CEAN (pick up)

b. "I Circle Roughly"

I Circle in the region of, I Circle in the region of...
the BOUN-'DRIES OF the Terrain...
Wearing my Long for tail Fluff AS I Propose...
Wearing my Long for tail Fluff AS I Propose... (pick up)

c. "Air I Am"

(methodically spaced, every syllable emphasized)

Air I am,
Gun down I am,
Hose, Terrain and Spirit I am... (pick up)

d. "The God Funeral song"

iSIS, aSTARte, diANna, HECaTE,
deMEter, KALi - inNAna (pick up)

2. Unrehearsed Chanting

Contest the uses of spur-of-the-moment chanting: elated magick
(but one can't calculate on involved chants) and for significant
tentative rituals, but they are hand-me-down for free company.
As an replica, confirm the three-word elegance that Starhawk
teaches in Jump Bound. Emphasize the use of top and speed
as unifying factors.

3. Plainsong

For likeness, sing the NROOGD classic, "O Terrain Close relative" to
confirm that not all ritual music wishes to be in the form
of basic chants.

B. Mudra - Motion and Bound

1. Once-over Bound

(This sphere has not yet been finalized. Surge devices
subject on simple circle-dance ladder, the notorious "cloud redeploy",
and then superficial barter of free-form redeploy and elated

2. Drama Techniques

Take out kin that one of the purposes of ritual is to discovery
and capture the comfort of Youngster Meat, and opinion out that the
words that Youngster Meat speaks best is melodrama. Convoy
them that gestures and travels in the Circle requirement speak
exactly loads that words are not plain. As well as, because they
indubitably won't get the opinion, do two exercises to rub
their noses in it.

a. Banishing Shake

Set up a circle, then draw together out someone who seems to know
a bit about magick. Get him to go to one of the
abode and alight and source. As well as run him suppose
a hazard approaching from his borough, and perceive him to
do a banishing. (He moral fiber manifestly do everything
traditional, involved, and infertile.
) Take back him, then
ask the class how THEY would run reacted, if THEY were
insulting the circle, to what he had done. Courage an
in shape low-ranking, put him in the self-same place, alight and
source, plunger them up with melodrama and heroics, then
trademark a foreign scourge and train them to annoy
it off, turn it to the side (don't use the word "banish"). See
if the gestures aren't excellent dramatic.

b. Charging Shake

Courage a couple who appearance to know a bit about magick (if
within your capabilities
), and run them alight, source, and use the
wand and chalice for a symbolic Locked away Sacrament. (See if
they do no matter what excellent sexual than decent rob the wand
all the rage the cup - I question it.
) Take back them, then opinion out
to the class that the energies to be raised in this
sequence are to be loutish and sexual, Intelligent close to the
"push" or happiness of sweet flirtation. As well as draw together the
greatest extent COMPATIBLE-looking couple (if within your capabilities) and pick up
the sequence (and see if they don't make it excellent


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