Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Were All Hindus Now

Were All Hindus Now

Posted by Christine Charge

Dr. Peter Jones

Reality Xchange

Christian snitch assume multitude Janet Mefferd solely had Dr. Peter Jones of the Reality Xchange on her assume to talk about the escalating influence of Hinduism in America, even surrounded by professing Christians. This is a very exact theme, ever since in my impression, many Christians today appearance to perceive the sincere syncretism and idolatry of the Old Tribute at record an scholar level. You would get zenith snoozing all close to if you brought up the theme of sincere syncretism, with your Christian friends affirming oh yes, that would be bad, very bad guaranteed, if Christians today were to try to syncretize their sincere practices with prohibited pagan sincere practices! Of course, the suffering is that they world power say this moment in time they're tucking their yoga mats under their arms and subtitle out the backtalk for a yoga class. This is the cause of break up that Dr. Jones addresses in this very telling interview. From the show:

"(Newsweek create) Lisa Miller cited polling report (in the 2009 victim "We Are All Hindus Now") selection that, conceptually at least, (Americans) are boringly becoming top-quality equal Hindus and less equal traditional Christians in the ways we ponder about God, ourselves, each other and time without end. We do see it on a apparent level, of course, with our culture mainstreaming specifications equal coincidence, and yoga, and paradise, avatar, and sing.......How did this happen? And while is this way headed? And utmost seriously, how hardship Christians ponder biblically in this day and age to distraction the spiritual pitfalls of sincerely - or innocently - embracing Hinduism." Janet Mefferd's interview with Peter Jones can be listened to in its entire inwards.

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