Friday, January 11, 2008

St Callistus The Patriarch Of Constantinople

St Callistus The Patriarch Of Constantinople


Saint Callistus I, Patriarch of Constantinople, at excel struggled on Athos under the spiritual education of St Gregory of Sinai (Elegant 8), whose Spark he wrote. In 1350, he was unrestricted as Patriarch of Constantinople, selection in that way of behaving inside the house of the emperors John Kantakuzenos (1341-1355) and John Paleologos (1341-1376).

In 1354, he withdrew to gatehouse in stillness at the monastery he had built in goodness of St Mamas at Tenedos. Cutting edge, he was soprano to the Patriarchal throne like anew (1355-1363). The holy Patriarch Callistus reposed in the time 1363 in Serbia, but he had travelled with an deputation of Royal leader John Paleologos. St Callistus is as well stated as a spiritual writer, and his teaching works tower in the PHILOKALIA with the writings of his meticulous friend Ignatius of Xanthopoulos.


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