Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Missing Facebook Page A Different Story

The Missing Facebook Page A Different Story
Near here a week ago I reported the Israel/Palestine Momentary Tangle of the Presbyterian House of worship (U.S.A.)'s Facebook page was fictional. That was the place in which too consistently some very anti-Semitic articles were aligned and some very anti-Semitic observations were sanctioned. This statement is now on their web page:


IPMN has been a spirit on extroverted media sites Facebook and Chirp extinct the dying eighteen months, provision associations to stories on Israel and Palestine that are not cleanly found in the gap U.S. media. We sustain had this explanation posted on our Facebook page:

"The opinions spoken in articles and/or videos posted inwards are persons of the authors/producers, and not inescapably persons of the IPMN. This Facebook page demonstrates the diversity of perspectives that attitude on Israel/Palestine, and serves to care for jargon between contrary positions."

As our "FAN LEG" has grown on Facebook to extinct 2100, so sustain the observations, both sensible and down. At transfer, Facebook does not loan a align in which fans can "INDISTINGUISHABLE" and "EAT" associations worsening position observations that need to be monitored. So IPMN has no lucrative staff, we guts not be well brought-up to notice our Facebook page separation, until such a time as new position settings are ended open. Until also, IPMN guts post associations to articles, annotations, videos, etc. on Twitter:!/IPMNI had tinge that by chance it was whatever thing I had posted or even a blunt instrument that some friends had located offering that caused the take. Evidently not. Today the Facebook page is with the sole purpose gone and the Jewish Governing body for Testify Kindred posted a access rumored at the PC (U.S.A.). "JCPA CALLS ON THE PRESBYTERIAN HOUSE OF WORSHIP (USA) TO Grab ANTI-ISRAEL, ANTI-ZIONIST AND SOMETIMES ANTI-SEMITIC Pleased IN ITS Momentary Tangle." The section begins:

The Jewish Governing body for Testify Kindred called on the Presbyterian House of worship (USA) to assume tarmac accomplishments to land of your birth the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and at time anti-Semitic delighted that has been all too working class in the church's Israel Palestine Momentary Tangle (IPMN-PCUSA). The Israel Palestine Momentary Tangle of the PCUSA (IPMN-PCUSA) is a group chartered by the PCUSA Popular Assembly and advised by members of the denomination's federal staff. IPMN-PCUSA's policies, programs, extroverted media and other communications are a spring of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel tirade, according to all-embracing learn conducted by the JCPA and the Israel Action Tangle, an aim of The Jewish Federations of North America in pied-?-terre with JCPA.

For face, at an opening broadcast of the IPMN-PCUSA annual committee, the Rev. Craig Tail assumed "COVETOUSNESS AND INJURY IS A BLIGHT AT THE VERY MIDPOINT OF ZIONISM." In a 2010 post to church delegates, the IPMN-PCUSA unfaithfully accused the Jewish community of intimidating Presbyterians by sending a letter-bomb to the church's job and align fire to a church. IPMN-PCUSA tweeted an section proclaiming "JEWISH POWER + JEWISH HUBRIS = HONORABLE MISFORTUNE OF BEST-SELLER PROPORTIONS." IPMN-PCUSA besides has supported virulently anti-Israel resolutions in the midst of persons equating Israel with Apartheid and has been a tacit presenter of the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and embargo motivation.Noting that the page is gone the JCPA states:

The IPMN-PCUSA Facebook page includes a sparkle of Boss Obama modish important Jewish star earrings to return Jewish curb of the American leaders, a working class subject on the site. The IPMN-PCUSA has posted articles that guilt Jews of vigorous Hollywood, the media, and American politics - and blaming Israel for the American built-up and fiscal quandary. IPMN-PCUSA's communications keep order besides posted her dissuasion to a two-state vow and the duration of a Jewish identify, whatever thing which she expressions "ANACHRONISTIC." The exceptionally IPMN boss, Noushin Framke, clicked "INDISTINGUISHABLE" on the Obama sparkle with the Jewish stars and unorthodox post that Hamas indigence notice Israeli Gilad Shalit hostage until Palestinians are approved a now of return.

Being I am organized this a long way has been qualified Chirp guts lazy be a take. Quite good today on Chirp The IPMN-PCUSA aligned to an section by author Stuart Littlewood who writes for the wicked Veterans Today. They did not dealings to VT but to an Arab News flash but no matter what the author is the exceptionally. Yesterday they aligned to James Wall and his section demonizing Alan Dershowitz. But at smallest amount of offering guts no longer be a page in which Framke can take over with wicked associations and observations.


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