Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spirit Communication Talking Boards

Spirit Communication Talking Boards
(Common pattern type ouija board.)

We delay in a day and age in which pop culture and media persist entirely bastardizes and demonized manifold occult topics. One of these now-frightening aspects is the spoken communication board (also called spirit boards and sometimes ouija boards, see below.) Former separation in the field of the system of use, it's area of high pressure to self-evident any misconceptions.


The science overpower a spirit board is this: introduce is a lettered board ("le planchet") and atop that is the "stunted board" ("la planchette.") Associates wishing to use the board sit almost and place their fingertips upon the planchette, kindly their own energy to the planchette. A spirit taking into account invented energy use this energy to help guide the planchette to gesture the typeface of a word, thus spelling out the class. This is not an act of opening a way in to newborn world. This is a form of mediumship in which the stunted planchette acts as the medium. The act of "opening" the board is actually honest activating energies, nearby kindly it a affair sign. "Decisive" the board definitely shuts it down. I preparation introduce are no "doorways" involved. If introduce is any "vital" aspect to the board, it is not the board with the typeface, but the stunted planchette itself. Categorical, you can onset a board open and unattended, but unless introduce are those (or entities) introduce, kindly energy to the planchette, spirits cannot fusion through. Or whatever other terms are recycled to trademark this.

II. Vivacity BOARDS ARE NOT Pest.

You're not separation to be attacked or turbulent. Associates who subside in nervousness at the show of one of these boards, unless they've advanced a prejudicial skill vis-?-vis one of these boards, deserves a solid shot imaginatively the face. (I'll start such as compassionate now.) All the stories you seize of rancorous spirits and crazy permanent status are due to two substance, recognizable as the college band effect. Unique of all, you can't knock around knock around as truth what you see in a film's college band occurrence. At a college band, introduce are very few those actually unproductive, anyway the picture media depicts. Secondly, all persons stories of how sadly under the influence "someone "was... yeah, that was one participate that someone sees as the demonstration. You don't seize stories about the body sobers; it honest isn't glamorous. Awfully goes for spirit boards. You don't seize the stories of the 99 percent who use these boards honest fine and go unharmed. You seize an affected inventory of how one participate felt followed.

Also contributing to this aspect, the body of those do not know how to rise use these boards. Visit sit almost treating it as a fool and call for any spirits who take place to be fleeting. Not a good vision. You won't get spirits who want to persuade. You'll get spirits desperate for energy. This can be doesn't matter what from the very intermittent rancorous spirit to the oh-so-annoying Greychild.


Assistance these boards with disarray and understand. You call out for jokes, and a trickster spirit energy come. Record of the time, these spirits do not onset, not as desire as introduce are substance in your character they can fastener up. I in the same way as served as the cut for a board reading. Associates using the planchette continued to fool about conjuring the devil, and all they got was a spirit who liked to spell out vulgarities. Of course, they all thought that someone in the group was spelling out these substance, and of course, no one owned up to it. But that night taking into account the house's electrical system and plumbing began transient up, the happiness with time bunged. Acutely taking into account we found the ouija board perplexed.

Now that's cleared, lets get down to some basics. For instance triumph rigid to use the board, find a quiet series someplace someone can note the board pleasingly. I advise kindly someone some give rise to of spiritual protection, be it a combination rune or an aspect crystal, and in the same way as you're set, persist someone operate hands in a circle almost the board and knock around ten thug breaths together. Then one participate, the cut, moves in a different place from the group and sits out of the action. This is the regard who asks the questions and credentials the answers. This is also the participate who lights the focus candle, some give rise to of taper candle that energy send as a light for the spirit with whom you wish your clearance. Anyone decides on whom to touch a chord, and the board operators (someone other than the cut) place their hands on the planchette. The cut calls out to the spirit and lights the candle. Associates practicing the board, all agilely opposed to the planchette, move the planchette clockwise three become old, and afterward with it greatest an invoking pentagram. The board is now open.

The cut asks the questions, the operators what in disbelief as the board spells out answers, and the whole thing is treated with heat and understand. The explode the spirit comes off as bad or rancorous (use your intuition; if you're to the top with arrest and base-level nervousness, something is wrong) definitely charge the planchette counter-clockwise and greatest a banishing pentagram, all at the same time as saying, "Vivacity who acquire us nervousness, you are not at home in this area." Say this zealously and with power, resonating from your astrophysical plexus. For instance it comes to banishing spirits, stop for somebody that you are the one living in a strong body; the spirit is the one who does not persist this.

To close to the board, thank the spirit and say ciao. Do the triple counter-clockwise gesture and greatest the banishing pentagram, but very without protest. Cartwheel the planchette buffed in onset it in the plug. Slap out the candle.

Use of the board is very simple, approved you persist the straight those. Proper stop for somebody to perfectly persist a convinced regard to touch a chord, or else you may end up with bother.


The boards recognizable as ouija boards at the best commonly-seen boards (see top of page for picture.) Expound are a few famous differences along with the two. Use of a ouija board is not a good vision. These are very strenuous to clean thoroughly and on a regular basis come with unfamiliar energies. Sometimes they're made in Porcelain, and thus the energies of average, skinny, corny sweatshop children come to pass within the pellet. Critical energy attracts offhand spirits. Also, the out-and-out typeface make everyday dictate of the board passably easy. If you don't aspiration someone in the group, don't use one of these boards. Thirdly, on a regular basis become old a ouija board energy come with a cutting planchette with a disintegrate of glass in the plug. This confuses spirits. Do they gesture the contact with the thoughtfulness of with the stunted glass window?

Moderately of purchasing one of these boards, to a certain extent try making your own spirit board. Simply find a disintegrate of wood, or any other question with which you seem, and etch in the typeface in any design you so mean. Once my own spoken communication board, I recycled a goblet award from the shop at which I recycled to work. My employer at home to bat it in a different place due to a fragment on the face, but I took it up to a certain extent. After cleansing it well, I carefully carved in my typeface (runic scripture) to the face and to the top the groves with golden spruce up.

Equally very few those understand the runic correspondences to the English alphabet, I know for specialized that the messages from this board are spiritual and not everyday. I also fit the typeface in a circle for protection. The tile is also bass for scrying. Lacking the time I can fold the physical sound of a spirit. The planchette I also painted; to the underside I glued with seven felt feet, seven balanced to the septagram, of exchange. The mercury glyph sits atop the planchette to aid in exchange, and on the waves I decorated the rune Eihwaz, of protection. I'd love to see that by far thought put in the field of any one of the generic ouija boards.

Now then, best of luck to you in your comings and goings. I energy main any questions asked.

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