Sunday, March 8, 2009

Special Announcement Ive Been Chosen To Blog At A Women Of Faith Conference

Special Announcement Ive Been Chosen To Blog At A Women Of Faith Conference
I can't imagine! I'm shocked that I've been chosen as one of the bloggers to blog at a "WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE" EVENT. Stilled and honored, I am, by such an amazing opportunity. To share with you my most favorite people amazing stories of ordinary women with extraordinary, electrifying life stories.

To see God's work touch... touch lives through the Internet, through blogging, through Social Media is all pure joy. Joy mixed with lots of anticipation.

It will be the purest of delights for me to see all of us grow and be touched in this new and unique way that God is using to bring His people together.

Thank you kindly friends. Thank you for all your support your continued encouragement and prayers. Thank you for caring enough to read the words that I tap out here daily. May God truly bless you.

"WOMEN OF FAITH "is a faith-based women"'s "organization that encourages women of all ages and stages in their life to grow in spiritual maturity and faith through relationships with Jesus Christ and an understanding of God's love and grace.

"THEIR MESSAGE" is my message. It's God's message to not just Christians, but to mankind... that message is simple: "REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU ARE IN LIFE, GOD LOVES YOU AND GOD WANTS TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU."

THEIR APPROACH to getting women to see and believe their message is to allow real women... women like you and me to share our stories. Stories of how God deals with real life issues in our lives. Those stories are sometimes told through humor, but they are always told with sincerity and honesty of heart.

"Their objective "is to see women "set free" to a lifestyle of God's grace by offering events, books, resources, and publications. ~ taken from the Women of Faith website, with a few of my own emphasis"(c) 2011 Angela Ambroise, all rights reserved."

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