Air - Earth - Fire - Water
Friday, May 24, 2013 - We are surrounded by the four classical elements (air, earth, fire, and water) within our environment. They are represented by the wind in our skies, terra firma, warmth from sun rays, and a wide variety of watery resources (seas, rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds).
There are many healing traditions and religions which incorporate the elements in their practices. The four suits in the Tarot represent the four elements. The medicine wheel is an example of Native Americans recognizing the four elements. Wiccans honor the classical elements along with a fifth added in that represents the spirit, or the self.
I tend to be drawn to watery resources whenever I feel a need to be re-energized. Taking pampering soaks in the tub, walking in the rain, and skinny dipping in the ocean are personal favorite indulgences. Water is a spiritual connection for me and I thought this was true for everyone until when, surprisingly to me, a feng shui consultant I met told me that she personally found being near water to be draining. She explained how wood feels to be more supportive of her spiritual being and physical nourishment.
Feng shui has a five element system: "Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water".
Take My Quiz: What Element or Elements are You Most Aligned With?
* Do You Have All Five Elements?
* Greek Elemental Symbols
* Four Elements in Astrology
* How to Use the Feng Shui Elements
"FOCUS FRIDAY - This post is part of a once-weekly blog feature focusing on a singular healing topic. If you would like to get notifications delivered to your inbox each Friday alerting you to the Focus Friday topic please subscribe to my newsletter. In addition to the Friday delivery subscribers also receive my standard newsletter sent on Tuesday mornings. The Tuesday edition highlights new articles, newest blog posts, and includes links to a variety of healing topics. "
"photo credit: adapted image (c) Jupiterimages"
~ Healing Lesson of the Day ~
~ Affirmation of the Day ~
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