Saturday, February 2, 2008

More For Wade Long And Welcome Back Sean The Sorcerer

More For Wade Long And Welcome Back Sean The Sorcerer
Most primitive, I'd flight of the imagination to cocktail party back an old fan, Sith Lady Sean the Sorcerer, who came to the aid of Wade Aspiration in a new grounds that has arisen on an already post.

Sean has in addition to his repertoire while our footing fighting. Not in a minute is he a Sith Lady, a sorcerer whose understanding "is a arduous nightclub to which very population few can filch stretched freshening," and a Ninja qualified by Bruce Lee and methodical watchings of "Kung Fu", he's also a psychic vampire.

In his words:

"It seems that my voracious understanding, hub so powerful yet so weak spot in encourage, is actually rapacious my unit of energy and bringing me to the side of death. In this tired qualification, my immune plan is feeble and I am bemused to any send out of maladies which natural tablets is at a loss to work out. The witch consequently fixed some powerful supplements and herbs which are ostensible to outstandingly happen my energy level and thereby force out anything demons may declare me. I am relatively evasive about this manner at the same time as, because moment in time it would undoubtedly be help to understand my energy level to whatever thing haughty than one gap leader dead, I sorrow that in sham so I may lose my stock to the eldritch realms and demonic entities which so encouragement me. "

In the connection of avoiding stretched freshening to Sean's understanding (such as it is), I shall withhold from commenting on his intellect. Natives who are avid may hold out the already post, anywhere a perfectly grounds has commenced. In the function of meaning considerations are hub given due survey contemporary, I'm leaving to meeting place impart on some practical issues I see with Wade's statements.

"contemporary are various white Pagans who upmarket to practice spooky, novel magic from African diaspora, Hispanic and neighboring cultures but who gleam an live sensitivity to actually appointment meeting of associates cultures. "

Fully... but once again, why is fleece color the determining aspect for whether or not they can do it? Why do they Influence to hail associates meeting in order to make the magic work right? As well, contemporary are white population in the Congo, untutored and bred, who would also be calculated "meeting of associates cultures" for all practical purposes. Not to allude to the Christians and Muslims living contemporary who, even at the same time as their fleece color may perhaps big game the Paleros and Brujas you allude to, would sick be veteran as teachers based in a minute on their fleece color.The pierce impart isn't fleece color, it's culture. You don't accept to be Haitian to practice Haitian Vodou Despite the fact that contemporary are houses which inner self in a minute host "natif natal "Haitians and spirits which inner self in a minute work with associates who accept a known descent, it is certainly feasible for a non-Haitian to act the lwa august in the asson procession with or not good enough an initiation. But unless you know whatever thing about Haitian culture and Haitian history, you're leaving to miss a lot of the nuances of their service. You're leaving to learn threads by attending a fet thrown by and for Haitians which you probably inner self not see at a fet thrown by and for a group of Wiccans who upmarket to handle the lwa in their own trend, based on what they've read in a few books and literary from reasonable websites.

That's not to say that associates Wiccans can't engage in a favorably admiring and submissive service which pleases the spirits and which accomplishes the goals they set out to perform. But it inner self be whatever thing very wide-ranging than the fet you see in a transplant in Port-au-Prince or in a subterranean vault in Brooklyn. And I premeditated it is worthwhile, on every occasion learning about a culture's traditions, to go to meeting of that culture if feasible. This offers a deeper and trimming sale introduction to the spirits, the theology and the magic than one can get from groundwork using see or tertiary sources. I would premeditated this obvious, but noticeably Wade disagrees with me.

As far as the Congo goes, a Portuguese party living in Angola who had been initiated within explicit mysteries and attended services in handle of associates mysteries may perhaps well know trimming about working with associates spirits than a black Angolan Muslim who looked upon associates ceremonies with revolt and horror. But once again this speaks to culture relatively than race or ethnicity. And while I've never claimed that fleece color was in effect so good as culture, I'm not instinctive what restricted that serves in this deliberate.

Reverse to Victorian and period magical scholars, I don't guide that you can juice magic down to some cash bad-mannered denominator and use not the same props to store the in and open area it to your own requirements. I'm a Tricky Polytheist: I guide that the Gods and spirits are not in a minute real but are scrupulous entities that each must be approached and august in his/her/its own label. And while I also guide that cultures are the reflections of their Gods relatively than the other way about, I premeditated one of the best ways of friendly a known God is to learn as much as feasible about the gang He or She stimulated and the taste He or She helped to yield.

"Yeah, and how about all associates harebrained pagans who believe work in the Feri Wisdom, but accept no connection in leaving to Ireland and appointment real life Rapid Chase out in the mounds? I really really would flight of the imagination to know *why* the practice of a known magic-using tradition must be based on a person's fleece color at all. Why do they *have* to hail associates people?"Feri traces its ancestry not to Ireland but to the experience of Winner and Cora Anderson and Gwydion Pendderwen. Which brings us to new-found question: procession. Additional American Neopaganism tends to downplay the prominence of initiation and procession, but the pierce of "from whence did you manage your experience and initiation, and from whence did they manage theirs?" has been calculated simple in traditions as uneven as Hinduism, Ifa and Apostolic Christianity.

This gets back to the pierce of culture once again. Wade is (or was) a high tentacle of an initiatory order, the Summit of Set. Offer are explicit certification (the "Tablets of Set") which are in a minute given to associates members who accept attained the right glassy. PDF copies of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th glassy Tablets (at smallest) are reasonable to any person with an Internet stock. Might everybody download associates medicine, study them diligently, and get the especially sensation that they would by combination the Summit of Set and interacting with official members? Or would they miss out on subtleties which a superior tentacle can gleam them? Would they remain to run within screen alleys that they can forget if they had the right supervision. Would they reinvent wheels that had earlier than been formed and were hub exchanged through surprise channels - or not intention associates wheels at all?From the Kenaz Filan Blog

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