Thursday, January 1, 2015

Once Upon A Time Far Far Away In Farmington Hills Michigan Prologue

Once Upon A Time Far Far Away In Farmington Hills Michigan Prologue
ART TITLE: ART TITLE : L(ive)A(ction)R(ole)P(laying)G(ame)

or The Fights For The Throne



FIC TITLE: FIC TITLE : Once upon a time, far, far away in Farmington Hills Michigan



PAIRING(S): :Sam/Dean


WORD COUNT: 15000-20000

WARNINGS: m/m, f/f, incest, bottom!dean,dragon!sam,top!sam,

SUMMARY: : Sam and Dean were tired; tired of fighting a monsters and each other. They had been fighting for so long that Sam was not sure what they were fighting about when a case set in the middle of a LARP might make them forget more than that. Sam and Dean are the property of Kripke and company, I'm borrowing their faces because they're so beautiful.

A/N : Thanks to the mods at SPN REVERSEBANG for running this again and doing such a wonderful job. This year I was lucky enough to work with the wonderful EVIAN FORK, and I hope that I did his art justice. I want to give a million thanks to the ever lovely and always fast MASJA 17 for her(always) speedy beta work. Any mistakes found are my own. I want to note that I realize that the words chanted for the spell is in Spanish not Latin, but I could not find a Latin translation so I embellished.

Art Link(s):Art

Art Link(s):Fic

Maria Jimenez stared out the window of her corner office. The view was breathtaking to everyone who entered but her. As she worked her way to the top to earn this office at the accounting firm of Freedman, Thompson and Howe, (and now Jimenez) she thought that this was what she wanted, but now that she had it, she felt empty.

She wanted the things that her mother had told her modern day women didn't want or need; a large house filled with a family including a prince charming to take care of them all.

Often when she was alone in this office, she pretended that this was a castle that overlooked her kingdom as her prince charming was out slaying dragons. If not that, then at least a wicked stepmother that she and some woodland animals had to outwit to make life better for her kingdom.

These were leftover dreams from her childhood; dreams that revolved around being a princess. Her Nona would read her fairytales and much to her mother's dismay, she never outgrew the childish dreams, and they were just placed on a backburner.

To please her mother, Maria got a stellar education, the first in her family to go beyond a GED or trade school. As much as she enjoyed her life, Maria couldn't help but wish that it had happened to another family member leaving her to search for her handsome prince.

She's not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way, Maria gave into her mother's demands, and got the education, the dream job and the ulcers to go along with it. That was until she went on a blind date with her mother's best friend's son, Arturo.

An accountant just like her, their mothers thought that they were perfect for one another. He took her to a renaissance fair and she fell in love, with the fair, not Arturo.

Since that date she has participated in several fairs and reenactments and now participated in Live Action Role Playing.

She loved the feeling that role playing gave her. There were feminists groups who would burn her at the stake, but she considered herself old fashioned. She wanted to be a mother and a wife, to be taken care of and LARPing gave her that, but now she wanted more.

As she became more involved in groups around the country, Maria wanted the total experience. She wanted to scrub the floors, and cook fresh killed game over an open flame. She wanted to smell the stench of unwashed bodies.

Moving away from the window Maria walked back to her desk and the items she had just placed there. On the left side of her desk was the invitation to the Annual LARPing experience that was as close to the real thing she could find, and on the other side of her desk was one of her Nona's books.

These were the books that Nona would never let her touch because she said that they were not books for little Ni~na's. In the books were spells of every kind, it seemed that Nona was keeping a secret and trusted Maria with it. A week after she died, a creepy old lady arrived at her condo and left her them as per her Nona's instruction.

She was going to brush them off as a foolish old wives tales. The books were old, and she'd planned to have them appraised until she'd saw THE spell. The one that could make your fondest wish come true. At first she'd laughed at herself over the fact that she'd even entertained the idea that a spell could be cast, that was until she tried a small one.

At least she thought it was small until she cast a good luck spell and her mother won a small fortune in the lottery.

The average person would tell her that that was her mother's good fortune, that she had played enough that the odds finally fell in her favor, but Maria knew differently. When she touched the page in Nona's book, the page felt different, alive.

The texture was not the dry parchment of the other pages, but it was soft and supple, and it molded to her touch like a caress as though it was guiding her, telling her to try another spell and she did.

When she came across THE spell Maria felt that when she touched the parchment there was something akin to a heartbeat beating in tune to hers.

Aside from the good luck spell Maria used on her mother and several other family members, she had tried several smaller spells. There were men who were now walking around more muscular and taller with bigger dicks and women who with larger breasts, flat stomachs and small waistlines and a couple of her high school mates that well...

Those were just the warm ups for what she really wanted, tonight she was going to meet Nona's friend, the one who actually explained the book to her and the one that gathered all of the special ingredients needed to cast this particular spell and live her dream.

With that goal in mind, Maria rushed through her last appointment and made her way across town. She's not sure what she expected but the bright lights of suburbia weren't it.

The white wooden house was old, built around the late twentieth century, it stood in the middle of a very large lot and had a maple tree lined drive. If the house disappointed her, when Sarah Payne opened the door dressed in mom jeans and what used to be a white t-shirt that declared her the world's best mom.

"You must be Maria," she greeted in a very melodic voice. "I'm Clarice, follow me please."

Until she mentioned her name, Maria had begun to think that she was at the wrong place. It wasn't until they walked past the Bratz dolls in pink doll houses and a couple of ninja turtles to enter into a small room in the back of the house, that she realized that this was the correct place.

Predictably, the walls were painted black and were empty except for a harmless looking oak sideboard and a small round table adorned with a black table cloth. Sitting in the middle of the table was the ingredients needed for the spell. As she got closer to the table, Maria saw the ingredients and cringed a little.

She had known what they were, and some of them were internal organs-human internal organs, but somehow she thought that the woman, Clarice, would use a substitute. In her mind, Maria thought that Clarice would use a substitute. It would be similar to when a recipe called for chicken, but the turkey was on sale.

That wasn't the case here. That was a human heart sitting in the middle of the other ominous looking parts. To keep her sanity Maria decided to think of them as ingredients purchased from the local grocery store instead of having been harvested from... wherever.

As she studied the ingredients, she looked up at the benign looking woman that her Nona called friend and wondered if she was safe. After all, this woman in a perfectly normal suburban neighborhood had somehow procured human body parts and brought them into her home while her kids played down the hall.

Clarice must have sensed Maria's worry because she reached out and took her hand, "You were Myra's pride and joy, I would never let any harm come to the person she treasured the most."

Maria let herself be comforted slightly by Clarice's words. She told herself that it was because she believed the other woman, but it was mainly because she wanted to be transported back to the medieval times and this was her only hope.

"Sit," Clarice instructed. And as Maria obeyed she asked, "Do you have the book?"

"Yes," Maria answered while reaching into her oversized purse for the large leather covered tome. It was large and heavy and Maria was pretty sure this was not what Louis Vuitton had in mind when he designed the expensive bag.

Clarice reverently turned each page looking for THE spell, and when she passed the spell for luck she stole a quick look at Maria. She didn't say anything but the sly little grin told Maria that she knew Maria had used it.

Finally, Clarice stopped on the page she had been looking for and stood up and made her way to the side board. Maria watched as the older woman carefully chopped and sliced human organs in the same manner in which she would make Sunday dinner.

For a second when Clarice pulled out the electric burner and placed what appeared to be a small cauldron on it and began to fill it up with a dark red liquid that looked a lot like blood.

"How long does this take?" Maria asked in a trembling voice as the older woman placed the last item in the pot.

"It doesn't take long," Clarice answered, "normally it takes a long time for the organs to cook long enough for them to be blended into a drink, but your grandmother hated cooking so she added what is essentially a speed cooking element to the spell."

"D-drink?" Maria stuttered as she was torn between being horrified at the thought of drinking that concoction and laughing at the family joke that they had the only Nona that would rather eat at taco Bell than cook.

"Yes, dear drink," Clarice reiterated. "If you want magic this powerful then you have to sacrifice that sophisticated palate to get what you want. Besides if you do get what you want, should this is be the worst thing you put in your mouth, then consider yourself lucky."

Maria considered backing out, but she had come this far, she might as well see it through. When Clarice sat the vile mixture in front of her thirty minutes later, she picked it up with the intention of drinking it down as fast as humanly possible.

"Just a minute," Clarice stopped her by placing her fine boned hand on Maria's wrist. "In order to get your wish you must drink all except one swallow, voice your desire aloud as I recite the spell, then drink the last drop."

Thankful for the reprieve, Maria sat back as Clarice began to chant words of Latin, before drinking as much as she could of the foul smelling liquid in three swallows.

"Now share your wish."

Clearing her throat, Maria began, "It's simple, and I want to live in medieval times that include magical creatures. I want dragons, faeries, unicorns, witches (she threw that in for Clarice) and most importantly a handsome prince."

Looking towards Clarice she saw encouragement on the woman's face so she continued. "I want a prince from the group at Moondoor." She responded mentioning her Ren Fair reenactment group, but when her thoughts wandered to her friend Gerry (Boltar the magnificent as he called himself), she amended that. "I want him to be tall, broad and good. He must be family oriented and willing to fight for good even though he knows what evil is out there. When he loves he loves passionately and even though he is good he can ride in on a black steed and no one questions him."

Picking up the glass, Maria drank the last of the potion and turned towards a smiling Clarice.

"Good, good," she enthused. "When you see the prince charming of your choice, touch him and chant el pasado puede convertirse en el presente, your wish will begin. If you can concoct this world without any 21st century items by the end of 72 hours then it will be yours forever; however if just one item shows before then, you will have to start anew."

Maria smiled as she drank the last of the concoction and planned for the past to become her future.

Day 1

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